Your search for Research services
Number of alerts found: 78


As a research and development service, the contract is excluded from the scope of public procurement law (cf. § 116(1)(2) GWB). The technology supported by this effort is Express, a minimal and flexible web application framework for Node.js that encompasses nearly 70 libraries across three GitHub organizations (ExpressJS, PillarJS, JSHTTP). …

CPV: 73110000 Research services, 73300000 Design and execution of research and development
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:32 a.m.
Abschluss eines Kooperationsvertrags betreffend den „Health System Watch“ und die wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung von für die Sozialversicherung relevanten Themen

Es soll ein Kooperationsvertrags betreffend die Erstellung des „Health System Watch“ und die wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung von für die Sozialversicherung relevanten Themen abgeschlossen werden. Es soll ein Kooperationsvertrags betreffend die Erstellung des „Health System Watch“ und die wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung von für die Sozialversicherung relevanten Themen abgeschlossen werden.

CPV: 73110000 Research services
Place of execution:
Abschluss eines Kooperationsvertrags betreffend den „Health System Watch“ und die wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung von für die Sozialversicherung relevanten Themen
Awarding body:
Dachverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherung
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:17 a.m.
Wykonanie badania ewaluacyjnego pn. „Ewaluacja bieżąca kryteriów i systemu wyboru projektów FEŁ2027”

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest przeprowadzenie badania ewaluacyjnego pn.: „Ewaluacja bieżąca kryteriów i systemu wyboru projektów FEŁ2027” określonego w Szczegółowym opisie przedmiotu zamówienia (dalej: SOPZ) oraz w ofercie Wykonawcy, w tym sporządzenie raportu metodologicznego i raportu końcowego z wykonanego badania. Przedmiot zamówienia został opisany w Szczegółowym Opisie Przedmiotu Zamówienia (zwanym dalej „SOPZ”), …

CPV: 73110000 Research services
Dec. 10, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Wykonanie badania ewaluacyjnego pn. „Ewaluacja bieżąca kryteriów i systemu wyboru projektów FEŁ2027”
Awarding body:
Województwo Łódzkie
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:37 a.m.

As a research and development service, the contract is excluded from the scope of public procurement law (cf. § 116(1)(2) GWB). OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a global collaborative project to collect all kinds of map data and distribute it as open data freely usable by everybody. The OpenStreetMap project is at …

CPV: 73110000 Research services, 73300000 Design and execution of research and development
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 5:07 a.m.
Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar bibliotēku sagatavošanu

Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar bibliotēku sagatavošanu Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar bibliotēku sagatavošanu Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar bibliotēku sagatavošanu Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar …

CPV: 73110000 Research services
Place of execution:
Nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanas (NGS) ārpakalpojumi: gatavo bibliotēku sekvencēšana un sekvencēšana ar bibliotēku sagatavošanu
Awarding body:
Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:40 a.m.
ESPON-Interreg Transnational Programmes: needs and opportunities for the future cooperation (TNCOOP)

The aim of this ERP is to deliver evidence-based analyses that will contribute to the discussion on the strategic objectives and priorities of transnational cooperation in the post-2027 period. The results of these analyses will serve as a common knowledge base for programme authorities to complement their own territorial analyses …

CPV: 73110000 Research services, 79311400 Economic research services, 79315000 Social research services
Jan. 23, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
ESPON-Interreg Transnational Programmes: needs and opportunities for the future cooperation (TNCOOP)
Awarding body:
ESPON EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation)
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:19 a.m.
Development of different forms of association in working life.

The Ministry of Labour and Inclusion announces an R&D assignment for the Development of different forms of association in working life. This is a new multi-year research contract for the period 2024-2028 in order to map, analyse and find effects of different types of connection forms in working life. The …

CPV: 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 73110000 Research services, 73200000 Research and development consultancy services, 73210000 Research consultancy services
Place of execution:
Development of different forms of association in working life.
Awarding body:
Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 2:24 a.m.
Qualification - evaluation of the Learning Environment Project

The learning environment project was established in 2013 and is an offer for nurseries, schools and municipalities who want to work with safe and good nursery and school environments and who want direct support and guidance. The learning environment project has been adjusted several times since its inception and is …

CPV: 73200000 Research and development consultancy services, 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 73110000 Research services, 73210000 Research consultancy services, 73300000 Design and execution of research and development, 79419000 Evaluation consultancy services
Place of execution:
Qualification - evaluation of the Learning Environment Project
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 2:21 a.m.
MR gépidő beszerzése a PTE részére RRF forrásból

MR gépbérleti és kiértékelési szolgáltatás biztosítása a közbeszerzési dokumentumokban részletezetteknek megfelelően az RRF-2.3.1-21-21-2022-000011 azonosító számú Transzlációs Idegtudományi Nemzeti Laboratórium keretében 2 ajánlati részben. Keretösszeg: nettó 86.544.167 Ft (1. ajánlati rész: nettó 79.473.000 Ft, 2. ajánlati rész: nettó 7.071.167 Ft), melynek 80%-ára Ajánlatkérő lehívási kötelezettséget vállal. MR szolgáltatások ellátása (3T térerejű …

CPV: 50750000 Lift-maintenance services, 73110000 Research services
Place of execution:
MR gépidő beszerzése a PTE részére RRF forrásból
Awarding body:
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:59 a.m.

The Copernicus program, managed by the European Union in collaboration with ESA, represents the most ambitious Earth observation program to date. It is designed to provide a comprehensive system for monitoring our planet, supporting environmental management, enhancing public safety, and mitigating the effects of climate change. At the heart of …

CPV: 73110000 Research services
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
European Space Agency
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 5:50 a.m.