The University College Cork (UCC) seeks a provider for a university-wide "Culture Evolution" project. The provider will run focus groups and interviews, perform data analysis, conduct cultural empowerment workshops, provide ongoing consultancy, and develop a multi-year action plan. Additionally, the provider will measure cultural progress, support key stakeholders, and provide …
RFT for the provision of Services to Revise the Transport Climate Change Adaptation Plan RFT for the provision of Services to Revise the Transport Climate Change Adaptation Plan
The JA PreventNCD project seeks to enhance public health outcomes by leveraging health taxes as a policy tool. This tender document invites proposals from research groups with expertise in health economics, fiscal policies, policy innovation and evaluation to conduct comprehensive research on health taxation within the European Union (EU) and …
The Villum Foundation is calling for proposals to evaluate the impact of projects supporting Roma inclusion in Central Europe, predominately Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia. These projects granted by the Villum Foundation aim to improve the social and economic situation of marginalised Roma communities, with a particular focus on …
L’objet du marché est la prestation de services relatifs à la réalisation d’une étude sur la perception du tourisme par les habitants/résidents secondaires wallons. Description des services à exécuter : choix méthodologiques, création du questionnaire, administration de l’enquête, traitements statistiques, synthèse des résultats et recommandations. L’objet du marché est la …
L’objet du marché est la prestation de services relatif à la réalisation d’enquêtes de terrain afin de collecter des données destinées à renforcer des indicateurs statistiques Description des services à exécuter : choix méthodologiques, création du questionnaire, administration de l’enquête, traitements statistiques, synthèse des résultats et recommandations. L’objet du marché …
The JA PreventNCD project seeks to enhance public health outcomes by leveraging health taxes as a policy tool. This tender document invites proposals from research groups with expertise in health economics, fiscal policies, policy innovation and evaluation to conduct comprehensive research on health taxation within the European Union (EU) and …
The JA PreventNCD project seeks to enhance public health outcomes by leveraging health taxes as a policy tool. This tender document invites proposals from research groups with expertise in health economics, fiscal policies, policy innovation and evaluation to conduct comprehensive research on health taxation within the European Union (EU) and …
This call for tenders aims to support activities to strengthen the capacities of the European Member States in the implementation of the Regulation on standards for quality and safety of substances of human origin intended for human application (Regulation (EU) 2024/1938). This support will come in multiple forms including tailored …
Op basis van deze Raamovereenkomst kan de Gemeente aan Contractant Nadere Opdrachten verstrekken met betrekking tot het uitvoeren, analyseren en rapporteren van Medewerkersonderzoeken binnen de gemeente Amsterdam. Het gaat om 1) een tweejaarlijks centraal Medewerkerswaarderingsonderzoek, 2) themagerichte onderzoeken (gemiddeld één keer per jaar) en 3) doelgroepen onderzoeken (gemiddeld 20 keer …