The present call for tenders aims to ensure contractual support to the implementation of the priorities for the next four (4) years. The capability development areas to be covered are: - Current Naval Surface Systems, including upgrades of both weapon and support systems; - Next Generation Naval Surface Combat Systems; …
The proposed framework contracts (FWCs) under various CapTech lots aims to advance military technology across multiple areas: digital transformations for EU Member States (MS) Forces (LOT 1); using intelligent computing for military (Space weather and) meteorological forecasting (LOT 2); mapping of innovative electronics components providers for defence (LOT 3); supporting …
Il s'agit d'un marché à tranches ayant pour objet la levée de risques des munitions CPLT OE 81 F3 et CPLT OX 81 F3, équipées de la fusée DM111S et fourniture de sous-ensembles. Il se compose d'une tranche ferme ayant pour objet une étude de levée de risque des munitions …
We would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) to connect research resources from the industry to this national development programme. Better Mega Projects' ambition is to lead the way in modernising the construction industry and to develop the industry in close cooperation with the participants in the industry …