The Contract involves the redesign/further development of an existing IT system not created for operational use, into a system that can and will be used operationally by the Netherlands Ministry of Defence. The system, called CyNOpS; Cyber Node Operations System, is a system capable of receiving and transmitting a broad …
The client will, on behalf of University Hospital Nord-Norge HF, enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of consultancy services within the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and commercialisation. The client will, on behalf of University Hospital Nord-Norge HF, enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of consultancy services …
The objective of the monitoring programme is • Monitor the condition and changes of the condition for automatically listed cultural monuments. The programme shall provide an overview by registering and describing the condition and changes of condition for automatically listed archaeological cultural monuments of selected archaeological cultural monuments in ten …
De dienstverlening binnen deze opdracht houdt het volgende in: Advisering en het uitvoeren van vervoerskundige onderzoeken met betrekking tot de OV-sector in Zuidoost Brabant. De maximale waarde van deze raamovereenkomst is € 1.000.000,-. Advisering en het uitvoeren van vervoerskundige onderzoeken met betrekking tot de OV-sector in Zuidoost Brabant.
Réalisation de requêtes dans le système national des données de santé (SNDS) dans le cadre de projets d'études et le transfert de compétences associées au profit du Centre d Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique des Armées (CESPA) Réalisation de requêtes dans le système national des données de santé (SNDS) dans …
The survey aims to gain insights into the functioning of the EU vehicle repair and maintenance services, including the spare parts distribution market, as well as the role of vehicle data and the uptake of connected vehicles in the repair market outlook. The survey will provide evidence and information relevant …
Predmet je Vrednotenje uspešnosti izvajanja ONPP Zasavje in ONPP SAŠA. Podrobnejša specifikacija naročila je razvidna iz razpisne dokumentacije in tehničnih specifikacij. Predmet je Vrednotenje uspešnosti izvajanja ONPP Zasavje in ONPP SAŠA. Podrobnejša specifikacija javnega naročila je navedena v razpisni dokumentaciji in tehničnih specifikacijah.
Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Umsetzung der Zielvorgabe des Beschlusses des Bayerischen Landtags im Zuge des Volksbegehrens "Rettet die Bienen" zur Halbierung des Einsatzes chemisch-synthetischer Pflanzenschutzmittel (csPSM) bis 2028. Ein Nebenziel ist die Vorbereitung auf die anstehenden Vorgaben zur Reduzierung des Pflanzenschutzmittel-Einsatzes durch die Novellierung der Verordnung des Europäischen …
The overarching aim of the tender is to contribute to increasing sustainable production of algae, ensuring safe consumption and boosting innovative use of algae and algae-based products in Europe. 1) Maintaining, and further developing the existing European Algae Stakeholders platform (EU4ALGAE) as the information and networking hub and one-stop-shop for …
The HR Excellence in Research process is a structured and monitored auditing mechanism centred on a continuous assessment in three-year cycles for recognising with the “HR Excellence in Research Award” the institutions that make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, …