Your search for Repair of information technology software
Number of alerts found: 7

Verlängerung von Bestandslizenzen, 4555815

Nutzungsverlängerung von Siteminder Bestandslizenzen für weitere 36 Monate Nutzungsverlängerung von Siteminder Bestandslizenzen für weitere 36 Monate

CPV: 72268000 Software supply services, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services
Place of execution:
Verlängerung von Bestandslizenzen, 4555815
Awarding body:
Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH
Award number:
Nov. 19, 2024, 3:48 a.m.
CFT for the Provision of a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a Service for the Central Statistics Office

CFT for the Provision of a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a Service for the Central Statistics Office CFT for the Provision of a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a Service for the Central Statistics Office

CPV: 72250000 System and support services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 72262000 Software development services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72264000 Software reproduction services, 72265000 Software configuration services, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72268000 Software supply services, 72510000 Computer-related management services, 72251000 Disaster recovery services, 72590000 Computer-related professional services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services, 72700000 Computer network services, 72591000 Development of service level agreements, 72800000 Computer audit and testing services, 72900000 Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72252000 Computer archiving services, 72253000 Helpdesk and support services, 72253100 Helpdesk services, 72253200 Systems support services, 72254000 Software testing, 72254100 Systems testing services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72261000 Software support services
Place of execution:
CFT for the Provision of a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a Service for the Central Statistics Office
Awarding body:
Central Statistics Office
Award number:
Nov. 16, 2024, 9:23 a.m.
TR2484-Total Rewards Statement Solution

The Contracting Entity intends to procure a single party contract for the provision of a Cloud-based (and hosted) SaaS Total Rewards Statement Solution including implementation, licensing, support, and maintenance. ESB now require an enduring solution which is scalable and has the automated capability to refresh data as reward and benefits …

CPV: 72261000 Software support services, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72268000 Software supply services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72310000 Data-processing services, 72312100 Data preparation services, 72313000 Data capture services, 72314000 Data collection and collation services, 72316000 Data analysis services, 72210000 Programming services of packaged software products, 72330000 Content or data standardization and classification services, 48920000 Office automation software package, 48921000 Automation system, 48991000 Spreadsheet software package, 48990000 Spreadsheets and enhancement software package, 72262000 Software development services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72264000 Software reproduction services, 72265000 Software configuration services
Dec. 11, 2024, 5 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
TR2484-Total Rewards Statement Solution
Awarding body:
Electricity Supply Board ( ESB )
Award number:
Nov. 6, 2024, 5:17 a.m.
SPFW for The Provision of Support, Maintenance, Development and Enhancements Services for Oracle EBS, to include a period of discovery and handover with DCC’s current support partner, Fujitsu

Dublin City Council seeks to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of Support and Professional Services for Oracle eBusiness Suite. The framework period will be for 6 years. The initial contract will initially be for 2 years with the possibility of extending it by a further 6 …

CPV: 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72246000 Systems consultancy services, 72250000 System and support services, 72261000 Software support services, 72262000 Software development services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267200 Repair of information technology software
Dec. 11, 2024, 5 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
SPFW for The Provision of Support, Maintenance, Development and Enhancements Services for Oracle EBS, to include a period of discovery and handover with DCC’s current support partner, Fujitsu
Awarding body:
Dublin City Council
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 1:54 a.m.
Landkreis Göttingen - Wartungs- und Supportverlängerung VMware vSphere Foundation (VVF) für 3 Jahre

Wartungs- und Supportverlängerung VMware vSphere Foundation (VVF) für 3 Jahre Leistungszeitraum 01.03.2025 - 29.02.2028 Anzahl Lizenzen: 1024

CPV: 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72268000 Software supply services
Dec. 9, 2024, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Landkreis Göttingen - Wartungs- und Supportverlängerung VMware vSphere Foundation (VVF) für 3 Jahre
Awarding body:
Landkreis Göttingen
Award number:
Oct. 30, 2024, 4:55 a.m.
Verlängerung von Bestandslizenzen, 4555749

Nutzungsverlängerung von Automic Automation Bestandslizenzen für weitere 36 Monate Nutzungsverlängerung von Automic Automation Bestandslizenzen für weitere 36 Monate

CPV: 72268000 Software supply services, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services
Place of execution:
Verlängerung von Bestandslizenzen, 4555749
Awarding body:
Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH
Award number:
Oct. 29, 2024, 6:03 a.m.
(24181) 708 Projekt Web Auftritt

Mit dem Projekt «Web Auftritt» wird die Webseite des BLW modernisiert und auf den neuen Standarddienst des Bundes (CMS) migriert. Der Relaunch der bestehenden BLW-Webseite befindet sich in Umsetzung mit geplantem Go-Live Ende 2024. Nach dem Go-Live der Inhalte auf der BLW-Webseite sollen auch die beiden Webseiten …

CPV: 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72267200 Repair of information technology software, 72310000 Data-processing services, 72413000 World wide web (www) site design services
Dec. 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
(24181) 708 Projekt Web Auftritt
Awarding body:
Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik BBL
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2024, 6:11 a.m.