Your search for Repair and maintenance of plant
Number of alerts found: 54

Gara a procedura negoziata, interamente gestita con sistemi telematici, per l’affidamento delle attività di gestione integrata dei fabbricati industriali e impianti tecnologici di Trenitalia.

Gara a procedura negoziata, interamente gestita con sistemi telematici, per l’affidamento delle attività di gestione integrata dei fabbricati industriali e impianti tecnologici di Trenitalia. La gara è suddivisa nei seguenti lotti: Lotto 1: Gara a procedura negoziata, interamente gestita con sistemi telematici, per l’affidamento delle attività di gestione integrata dei …

CPV: 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant
Place of execution:
Gara a procedura negoziata, interamente gestita con sistemi telematici, per l’affidamento delle attività di gestione integrata dei fabbricati industriali e impianti tecnologici di Trenitalia.
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 1:21 a.m.
Maintenance préventive et curative des installations techniques de chauffage, ventilation, extraction, climatisation, plomberie du site d'Orléans

Maintenance préventive et curative des installations techniques de chauffage, ventilation, extraction, climatisation, plomberie du site d'Orléans Maintenance préventive et curative des installations techniques de chauffage, ventilation, extraction, climatisation, plomberie du site d'Orléans

CPV: 50700000 Repair and maintenance services of building installations, 45232141 Heating works, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 50712000 Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
Dec. 19, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Maintenance préventive et curative des installations techniques de chauffage, ventilation, extraction, climatisation, plomberie du site d'Orléans
Awarding body:
Bureau de Recherche en Géologie Minière (BRGM)
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 1:43 a.m.
RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3).

RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3). Grass mowers and related machinery Tractor, Flails and related machinery Waste Management & Transport Trucks/ Vehicles Excavators and other related machinery …

CPV: 34114000 Specialist vehicles, 16700000 Tractors, 34138000 Road tractor units, 34140000 Heavy-duty motor vehicles, 42415200 Works trucks, 42415210 Works trucks fitted with handling equipment, 34144900 Electric vehicles, 42413500 Vehicle hoists, 42414000 Cranes, mobile lifting frames and works trucks fitted with a crane, 43250000 Front-end shovel loaders, 43251000 Front-end shovel loaders with backhoe, 16310000 Mowers, 43252000 Front-end shovel loaders without backhoe, 43260000 Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, and mining machinery, 43261000 Mechanical shovels, 43261100 Mechanical shovel loaders, 34921100 Road sweepers, 34223300 Trailers, 34223310 General-purpose trailers, 34136000 Vans, 34136100 Light vans, 34136200 Panel vans, 16311000 Lawnmowers, 34100000 Motor vehicles, 16311100 Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 50111000 Fleet management, repair and maintenance services, 50111100 Vehicle-fleet management services, 43200000 Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts, 43262000 Excavating machinery, 43262100 Mechanical excavators
Place of execution:
RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3).
Awarding body:
South Dublin County Council
Award number:
RFT 3228
Nov. 19, 2024, 5:04 a.m.
DCC - Expression of Interest for DCC Commercial HVAC maintenance and energy upgrades

Dublin City Council Commercial Mechanical section manages approximately 140 buildings ranging from new sites to protected buildings. DCC is establishing Multiparty Framework Agreements for a range of reactive, planned maintenance and upgrade works across its commercial and communal buildings located citywide. The services are divided into several lots, each focusing …

CPV: 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 45259300 Heating-plant repair and maintenance work, 50720000 Repair and maintenance services of central heating, 45315000 Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment, 45331210 Ventilation installation work, 45331200 Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 71315410 Inspection of ventilation system
Jan. 18, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
DCC - Expression of Interest for DCC Commercial HVAC maintenance and energy upgrades
Awarding body:
Dublin City Council
Award number:
Nov. 19, 2024, 4:44 a.m.

MARCHE D'ENTRETIEN COURANT POUR LE PATRIMOINE D'ESSONNE HABITAT Marché d'entretien courant Marché d'entretien courant Marché d'entretien courant

CPV: 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant
Dec. 13, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 16, 2024, 10 a.m.
Drift och Underhåll Högakustenbron och Sundsvallsbron år 2025-2030 (HK-SSB DoU 2025-2030)

Drift och underhålls kontrakt för Höga Kusten bron och Sundsvalls bron Avser: åren 2025-2030 Grund avtalstid: 2 år, med options möjligheter 2+2 år Utförande entreprenad: ABT06 Drift och underhålls kontrakt för Höga Kusten bron och Sundsvalls bron Avser: åren 2025-2030 Grund avtalstid: 2 år, med options möjligheter 2+2 år Utförande …

CPV: 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 45221000 Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways, 45221100 Construction work for bridges, 50230000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment
Place of execution:
Drift och Underhåll Högakustenbron och Sundsvallsbron år 2025-2030 (HK-SSB DoU 2025-2030)
Awarding body:
Trafikverket Myndighet
Award number:
Nov. 16, 2024, 9:51 a.m.
Maintenance des équipements de traitements d'eau pour le GHT Lorraine Nord

Maintenance des équipements de traitements d'eau pour le GHT Lorraine Nord Lot unique dont les lieux d'exécution sont précisés à l'article 2 du Cahier des clauses techniques particulières

CPV: 50324200 Preventive maintenance services, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 39137000 Water softeners
Dec. 19, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Maintenance des équipements de traitements d'eau pour le GHT Lorraine Nord
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 8:27 a.m.
BLB NRW Z/NL Münster/Technisches Gebäudemanagement TGM 100-23-00432/ Los 1: Fördertechnik, hier: Regionallos 1.1

Technisches Gebäudemanagement (TGM), BLB NRW, Niederlassung Münster. Das TGM der NL Münster ist insgesamt in 11 Fachlose aufgeteilt. Die Fachlose sind ggf. in weitere Lose unterteilt. Für das hier ausgeschriebene Regionallos 1.1(Fördertechnik, Bereich: COE ST BOR) sind, Wartung, Inspektion, Prüfung, Beseitigung von Not- und Störfällen sowie Instandsetzungen durchzuführen. Die Ausführungsorte …

CPV: 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 42416000 Lifts, skip hoists, hoists, escalators and moving walkways, 42416100 Lifts, 42416120 Goods lifts, 42416130 Mechanical lifts, 42416400 Escalators, 42417000 Elevators and conveyors, 42417200 Conveyors, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 50700000 Repair and maintenance services of building installations, 50750000 Lift-maintenance services
Place of execution:
BLB NRW Z/NL Münster/Technisches Gebäudemanagement TGM 100-23-00432/ Los 1: Fördertechnik, hier: Regionallos 1.1
Awarding body:
Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW Zentrale
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 7:30 a.m.
Preventief en correctief onderhoud W-installaties Heemskerk

Het planmatig uitvoeren van preventief en correctief onderhoud voor de W-installaties gemeentehuis en gemeentewerf in de gemeente Heemskerk. Zie voor aard en omvang etc. het gepubliceerde bestek. Het planmatig uitvoeren van preventief en correctief onderhoud W-installaties, aanwezig in het gemeentehuis en op de gemeentewerf. Zie bestek en aanbestedingleidraad

CPV: 50710000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant
Jan. 9, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Preventief en correctief onderhoud W-installaties Heemskerk
Awarding body:
Gemeente Heemskerk
Award number:
HK 202409 PRJ-2400240
Nov. 14, 2024, 7 a.m.
Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de las centrales hidroeléctricas de la Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla 2024-2026 (VARIOS).

Las necesidades que se pretenden cubrir consisten en el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de las instalaciones de generación del tipo hidroeléctrico, cuya producción es destinada al consumo de estaciones de impulsión y bombeo de la MCT. Las necesidades que se pretenden cubrir consisten en el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de …

CPV: 50532000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 50532300 Repair and maintenance services of generators
Place of execution:
Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de las centrales hidroeléctricas de la Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla 2024-2026 (VARIOS).
Awarding body:
Comité Ejecutivo de la Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:43 a.m.