Your search for Reagents for electrophoresis
Number of alerts found: 17

Reagentų ir pagalbinių priemonių laboratorinių tyrimų atlikimui užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą

CPO LT vykdo Pirkimą, kurio tikslas – pirkimo sutarčių, kurių dalykas nustatytas šiuose pirkimo dokumentuose, tarp Lietuvos Respublikoje registruotų perkančiųjų organizacijų ar perkančiųjų subjektų ir tiekėjų sudarymas sukurtos DPS pagrindu. CPO LT vykdo Pirkimą, kurio tikslas – pirkimo sutarčių, kurių dalykas nustatytas šiuose pirkimo dokumentuose, tarp Lietuvos Respublikoje registruotų perkančiųjų …

CPV: 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents, 33696400 Isotopic reagents, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents
Place of execution:
Reagentų ir pagalbinių priemonių laboratorinių tyrimų atlikimui užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą
Awarding body:
Viešoji įstaiga CPO LT
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:53 a.m.
Laboratorinių reagentų pirkimas

Laboratoriniai reagentai Laboratoriniai reagentai

CPV: 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents, 33696400 Isotopic reagents, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33696800 X-ray contrast media
Place of execution:
Laboratorinių reagentų pirkimas
Awarding body:
Viešoji įstaiga CPO LT
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 3:49 a.m.


CPV: 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis
Dec. 30, 2024, 6 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 1:13 a.m.
Acord cadru furnizare reactivi chimici și pentru electroforeză, de laborator

Obiectul contractului îl reprezintă furnizarea de reactivi chimici si pentru electroforeză utilizați drept reactivi de laborator cu aplicații în analize prin tehnici imunologice și cromatografie de gaze și de lichide, din import, utilizate în activitatea de analiză doping, pentru determinarea substanțelor ce se regăsesc în Lista Interzisă și Lista substanțeleor …

CPV: 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696300 Chemical reagents, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents
Dec. 20, 2024, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Acord cadru furnizare reactivi chimici și pentru electroforeză, de laborator
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 4:05 a.m.
HSE 24656 DPS Tender for FITR Microscope System

The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …

CPV: 33114000 Spectroscopy devices, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33950000 Clinical forensics equipment and supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33124100 Diagnostic devices, 38311210 Calibration weights, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38510000 Microscopes, 38950000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 38951000 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 33124110 Diagnostic systems, 45331231 Installation work of refrigeration equipment, 50433000 Calibration services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85200000 Veterinary services, 33124131 Reagent strips, 33152000 Incubators, 33694000 Diagnostic agents, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents
Place of execution:
HSE 24656 DPS Tender for FITR Microscope System
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 3:53 a.m.
HSE 24152 DPS Tender for Dissolution Apparatus

The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …

CPV: 33114000 Spectroscopy devices, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33950000 Clinical forensics equipment and supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33124100 Diagnostic devices, 38311210 Calibration weights, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38510000 Microscopes, 38950000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 38951000 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 33124110 Diagnostic systems, 45331231 Installation work of refrigeration equipment, 50433000 Calibration services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85200000 Veterinary services, 33124131 Reagent strips, 33152000 Incubators, 33694000 Diagnostic agents, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents
Place of execution:
HSE 24152 DPS Tender for Dissolution Apparatus
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 3:52 a.m.
Ηλεκτρονικός ανοικτός διαγωνισμός σε ευρώ για την προμήθεια αντιδραστηρίων γενετικής, CPV33696600-1, για δύο (2) έτη.

Αντιδραστήρια γενετικής. Προμήθεια αντιδραστηρίων γενετικής.

CPV: 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis
Place of execution:
Ηλεκτρονικός ανοικτός διαγωνισμός σε ευρώ για την προμήθεια αντιδραστηρίων γενετικής, CPV33696600-1, για δύο (2) έτη.
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 2:50 a.m.
HSE 23911 DPS Tender for Immunofluorescence Slides and Associated Consumables and Equipment

The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …

CPV: 33114000 Spectroscopy devices, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33950000 Clinical forensics equipment and supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33124100 Diagnostic devices, 38311210 Calibration weights, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38510000 Microscopes, 38950000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 38951000 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 33124110 Diagnostic systems, 45331231 Installation work of refrigeration equipment, 50433000 Calibration services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85200000 Veterinary services, 33124131 Reagent strips, 33152000 Incubators, 33694000 Diagnostic agents, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents
Place of execution:
HSE 23911 DPS Tender for Immunofluorescence Slides and Associated Consumables and Equipment
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 1:54 a.m.
HSE 25158 DPS Tender for a High Volume Tissue Processor

The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …

CPV: 33114000 Spectroscopy devices, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33950000 Clinical forensics equipment and supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33124100 Diagnostic devices, 38311210 Calibration weights, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38510000 Microscopes, 38950000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 38951000 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 33124110 Diagnostic systems, 45331231 Installation work of refrigeration equipment, 50433000 Calibration services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85200000 Veterinary services, 33124131 Reagent strips, 33152000 Incubators, 33694000 Diagnostic agents, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents
Place of execution:
HSE 25158 DPS Tender for a High Volume Tissue Processor
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 1:28 a.m.
HSE 22916 - DPS Tender Competition for Biochemistry Analysers and Automation System for Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown

The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender Competition will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding this …

CPV: 33114000 Spectroscopy devices, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33696600 Reagents for electrophoresis, 33696700 Urological reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33950000 Clinical forensics equipment and supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33124100 Diagnostic devices, 38311210 Calibration weights, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38510000 Microscopes, 38950000 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 38951000 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 33124110 Diagnostic systems, 45331231 Installation work of refrigeration equipment, 50433000 Calibration services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85200000 Veterinary services, 33124131 Reagent strips, 33152000 Incubators, 33694000 Diagnostic agents, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33696100 Blood-grouping reagents, 33696200 Blood-testing reagents, 33696300 Chemical reagents
Place of execution:
HSE 22916 - DPS Tender Competition for Biochemistry Analysers and Automation System for Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 1:21 a.m.