Your search for Purification plant equipment
Number of alerts found: 8

Modernizacja, rozbudowa i przebudowa oczyszczalni ścieków we Wrześni - Etap II

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie robót przygotowawczych, budowlanych, montażowych oraz innych niezbędnych czynności prowadzących do zrealizowania inwestycji pn.: „Modernizacja, rozbudowa i przebudowa oczyszczalni ścieków we Wrześni - Etap II” zgodnie z opracowaną dokumentacją projektową. Rozbudowa i modernizacja oczyszczalni związana jest ze zmianą wielkości aglomeracji, z której dopływają ścieki surowe do przedmiotowej …

CPV: 45252100 Sewage-treatment plant construction work, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 45000000 Construction work, 45252127 Wastewater treatment plant construction work
Jan. 10, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Modernizacja, rozbudowa i przebudowa oczyszczalni ścieków we Wrześni - Etap II
Awarding body:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o. o.
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 5:18 a.m.
U-Bahnstation Leipziger Straße Brandschutz - 8 Lose

Beschreibung der Gesamtbaumaßnahme In der bestehenden U-Bahnstation Leipziger Straße in Frankfurt am Main, Stadtteil Bockenheim, wird eine brandschutztechnische Sanierung der gesamten Station durch die Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main mbH (nachstehend „VGF“ genannt) durchgeführt. Die brandschutztechnischen und baulichen Maßnahmen finden in den folgenden Ebenen der Station statt: A-Ebene – oberirdisch, Erschließung …

CPV: 45343000 Fire-prevention installation works, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45262670 Metalworking, 45311200 Electrical fitting work, 45312100 Fire-alarm system installation work, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45343100 Fireproofing work, 90740000 Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 90910000 Cleaning services
Jan. 3, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
U-Bahnstation Leipziger Straße Brandschutz - 8 Lose
Awarding body:
Stadtwerke Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main mbH (VGF)
Award number:
VGF-EU 222/24
Dec. 3, 2024, 3:47 a.m.
"Dostawa instalacji do podciśnieniowego odgazowania osadu czynnego dla oczyszczalni ścieków w Dzierżoniowie"

KRÓTKI OPIS: Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa oraz montaż i uruchomienie instalacji do podciśnieniowego odgazowania osadu czynnego dla oczyszczalni ścieków w Dzierżoniowie. Zadanie obejmuje opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej wielobranżowej (projekty budowlane, w tym także projekty techniczne i projekty wykonawcze), wraz z opracowaniem map do celów projektowych i pozyskaniem niezbędnych warunków podłączenia mediów …

CPV: 42912350 Filtration plant equipment, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 45232421 Sewage treatment works, 45252100 Sewage-treatment plant construction work, 71320000 Engineering design services
Jan. 8, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
"Dostawa instalacji do podciśnieniowego odgazowania osadu czynnego dla oczyszczalni ścieków w Dzierżoniowie"
Awarding body:
Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o.
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 3:23 a.m.
Razvlaževanje grabelj in ogrevanje

Predmet javnega naročila je razvlaževanje objekta grabelj na Centralni čistilni napravi Kranj in ogrevanje servisnega objekta ter objekta Centralne čistilne naprave Kranj. Javno naročilo za sklop 1 izvaja naročnik Komunala Kranj, javno podjetje, d.o.o. v lastnem imenu in na račun Mestne občine Kranj. Kot navedeno v razpisni dokumentaciji. Za sklop …

CPV: 45252100 Sewage-treatment plant construction work, 45213251 Industrial units construction work, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 45351000 Mechanical engineering installation works
Place of execution:
Razvlaževanje grabelj in ogrevanje
Awarding body:
Komunala Kranj, javno podjetje, d.o.o.
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 4:55 a.m.
Bekendtgørelse om indgået kontrakt - Køge Afløb A/S

Køge Afløb A/S ("KLAR") står foran en udbygning af renseanlægget i Køge, idet renseanlægget efter en ombygning skal kunne håndtere fjernelse af mikroforurening ("Projektet"). KLAR har indgivet en MUDP-ansøgning, som er baseret på en forudsætning om, at dele af Projektet realiseres i samarbejdet med et konsortium bestående af SUEZ Water …

CPV: 90481000 Operation of a sewage plant, 31712116 Microprocessors, 38810000 Industrial process control equipment, 42996000 Machinery for the treatment of sewage, 45252200 Purification plant equipment
Place of execution:
Bekendtgørelse om indgået kontrakt - Køge Afløb A/S
Awarding body:
Køge Afløb A/S
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 2:27 a.m.
Pyrolyseanlæg ved Nakskov Rens

Lolland Spildevand A/S (herefter "Bygherre") ønsker at etablere et pyrolyseanlæg på Nakskov Renseanlæg (RA), som skal behandle spildevandsslam fra Bygherres seks renseanlæg, Nakskov RA, Hunseby RA, Rødbyhavn RA, Søllested RA, Dannemare RA og Horslunde RA (herefter "Projektet"). Projektet omfatter en slamafvander til afvanding af spildevandsslammet fra Nakskov RA, samt en …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45252000 Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 45252210 Water purification plant construction work, 45300000 Building installation work, 45317000 Other electrical installation work, 45350000 Mechanical installations
Place of execution:
Pyrolyseanlæg ved Nakskov Rens
Awarding body:
Lolland Spildevand A/S
Award number:
Nov. 6, 2024, 7:43 a.m.

Die Abgasreinigung (AGR) der Linie WSO2 wird erneuert. Als Gegenstand dieser Ausschreibung soll der AN alle notwendigen Lieferungen und Leistungen dafür erbringen. Die AGR wird größ-tenteils in einem neuen Gebäude errichtet. Der Gebäude-Stahlbau ist Teil dieser Ausschreibung. Folgende Anlagenbereiche sind Teil der Abgasreinigung: - Elektrofilter - Sprühtrockner - Reaktionsstrecke - …

CPV: 45252300 Refuse-incineration plant construction work, 45252200 Purification plant equipment
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Vergabestelle Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 1:17 p.m.
Sistema di qualificazione Acquedotto Pugliese SpA - Servizi

Sistema di qualificazione di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.a.

CPV: 98341120 Portering services, 45252200 Purification plant equipment, 45500000 Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator, 50100000 Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment, 50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment, 50112300 Car-washing and similar services, 50117000 Vehicle conversion and reconditioning services, 50300000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, 50410000 Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus, 50411000 Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus, 50413200 Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment, 50510000 Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers, 50530000 Repair and maintenance services of machinery, 50531000 Repair and maintenance services for non-electrical machinery, 50532000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment, 50532200 Repair and maintenance services of transformers, 50610000 Repair and maintenance services of security equipment, 50712000 Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations, 51112200 Installation services of electricity control equipment, 51410000 Installation services of medical equipment, 51542000 Installation services of food-, beverage- and tobacco-processing machinery, 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 60000000 Transport services (excl. Waste transport), 60170000 Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver, 60180000 Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver, 63000000 Supporting and auxiliary transport services; travel agencies services, 63122000 Warehousing services, 64110000 Postal services, 64112000 Postal services related to letters, 64210000 Telephone and data transmission services, 65100000 Water distribution and related services, 65500000 Meter reading service, 66510000 Insurance services, 66519600 Actuarial services, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71300000 Engineering services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71323100 Electrical power systems design services, 71323200 Plant engineering design services, 71351000 Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services, 71351810 Topographical services, 71351914 Archaeological services, 71354300 Cadastral surveying services, 71620000 Analysis services, 71630000 Technical inspection and testing services, 71631430 Leak-testing services, 71632200 Non-destructive testing services, 71700000 Monitoring and control services, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 76600000 Pipeline-inspection services, 77120000 Composting services, 77310000 Planting and maintenance services of green areas, 79132000 Certification services, 79200000 Accounting, auditing and fiscal services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79417000 Safety consultancy services, 79530000 Translation services, 79820000 Services related to printing, 79620000 Supply services of personnel including temporary staff, 79630000 Personnel services except placement and supply services, 79632000 Personnel-training services, 79700000 Investigation and security services, 79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services, 79940000 Collection agency services, 79952000 Event services, 79995100 Archiving services, 85140000 Miscellaneous health services, 85141000 Services provided by medical personnel, 90470000 Sewer cleaning services, 90480000 Sewerage management services, 90491000 Sewer survey services, 90510000 Refuse disposal and treatment, 90520000 Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services, 90523300 Mine sweeping services, 90711100 Risk or hazard assessment other than for construction, 90730000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation, 90900000 Cleaning and sanitation services, 98310000 Washing and dry-cleaning services
Place of execution:
Sistema di qualificazione Acquedotto Pugliese SpA - Servizi
Awarding body:
Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
Award number:
Dec. 16, 2022, midnight