Framework Contract For The Printing And Delivery Of Brochures To The Malta Tourism Authority Framework Contract For The Printing And Delivery Of Brochures To The Malta Tourism Authority Framework Contract For The Printing And Delivery Of Brochures To The Malta Tourism Authority
tryckt material så som informationsbroschyrer, kataloger, visitkort, bokproduktioner och kuvert, inklusive repro och efterbehandling. Även beachflaggor och roll-ups Tryckt material så som informationsbroschyrer, kataloger, visitkort, bokproduktioner och kuvert, inklusive repro och efterbehandling. Även beachflaggor och roll-ups. Tryckt material så som informationsbroschyrer, kataloger, visitkort, bokproduktioner och kuvert, inklusive repro och efterbehandling. …
University of Galway, establishing a concession contract, are seeking responses from suitably qualified organisations to operate and manage their University Bookshop located on it’s main campus. All requirements are contained within the tender documents. As the subject matter of this competition is defined as a Title III service within the …
SPD1/2024/062 - Framework Contract for Books in English for Primary Years 2 and 4 for the National Literacy Agency SPD1/2024/062 - Framework Contract for Books in English for Primary Years 2 and 4 for the National Literacy Agency
The subject of this tender is for the printing and delivery of Brochures for the Malta Tourism Authority, on an “as and when required basis” as may be requested by the Contracting Authority, as follows: Lot 1 – Printing of Main Malta Brochure (A4 size); Lot 2 – Printing of …
Rijn IJssel wenst een betrouwbare samenwerking aan te gaan met een dienstverlener die minimaal de volgende zaken kan leveren: 1. Schoolboeken 2. Algemene boeken 3. Grijze boeken 4. Buitenlandse boeken De volgende onderdelen vallen niet binnen de scope: • Boeken besteld en gefinancierd door leerlingen zelf. • Docentenexemplaren en inkijkexemplaren …
Obiectul contractului îl reprezintă conectarea la circuite de comunicații in conformitate cu prevederile caietului de sarcini. Numar zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor/candidaturilor: 18 Data de raspuns la toate solicitarile de clarificari: a 11-a zi, anterior datei limita de depunere …
L’objectif général (impact) à la réalisation duquel cette action participe est améliorer la visibilité et la perception positive de l’action de l'UE en tant que partenaire clé et sensibiliser la population tchadienne au rôle de l'UE et à sa contribution au développement du Tchad, ainsi qu’aux valeurs de l’UE. Les …
Achiziţia materialelor didactice pentru sălile de clasă/salile de grupă din unitățile de învățământ în cauză va contribui la îndeplinirea unuia dintre obiectivele specifice din cadrul proiectului respectiv asigurarea dotărilor necesare pentru îndeplinirea standardelor de calitate în sălile de clasă/grupă, cabinete şi în laboratoarele/atelierele şcolare, inclusiv dotările şi echipamente educaţionale specializate …
The contracting authority intends to enter into a contract for printed teaching aids for VG1, VG2 and VG3, under the procurement of printed teaching aids in any additional subjects, in the vidaregåande skulane in Vestland county. Tenderers shall offer a broad assortment of teaching aids within all disciplines and must …