Your search for Photographic and ancillary services
Number of alerts found: 18

Kajaanin kaupungin mainostoimisto- ja viestintäpalvelut DPS

Hankintailmoituksella perustetaan dynaaminen hankintajärjestelmä. Dynaamiseen hankintajärjestelmään hyväksytään kaikki soveltuvuusvaatimukset täyttävät ehdokkaat. Järjestelmään ilmoittautuminen ei sido ehdokasta. Ehdokas voi valita, mihin järjestelmän sisällä järjestettäviin kilpailutuksiin osallistuu. Ehdokkaiden hyväksymisen dynaamiseen hankintajärjestelmään tekee Kajaanin kaupungin hankintapalvelut. Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmä (DPS) kohteena ovat Kajaanin kaupungin tarvitsemat mainostoimisto- ja viestintäpalvelut. Dynaaminen hankintajärjestelmä on jaettu kolmeen osaan. …

CPV: 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92111000 Motion picture and video production services, 79341000 Advertising services, 92111200 Advertising, propaganda and information film and video-tape production
Place of execution:
Kajaanin kaupungin mainostoimisto- ja viestintäpalvelut DPS
Awarding body:
Kajaanin kaupunki
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 9:53 a.m.
556/2023/ME/ Rendezvényszervezési feladatok

Ajánlatkérő a jelen eljárást az alábbiakban megjelölt keretmegállapodás alapján folytatta le a közbeszerzésekről szóló 2015. évi CXLIII. törvény 105. § (1) bekezdés c) pont szerint. A keretmegállapodás tárgya: „Keretmegállapodás rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok ellátására a Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal jogállásáról és a kormányzati kommunikációs beszerzésekről szóló 162/2020. (IV. 30.) Korm. rendelet 2. …

CPV: 79950000 Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45340000 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work, 45451000 Decoration work, 51000000 Installation services (except software), 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 55300000 Restaurant and food-serving services, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79710000 Security services, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92000000 Recreational, cultural and sporting services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92200000 Radio and television services, 92300000 Entertainment services, 92312000 Artistic services, 92331100 Fair services, 92340000 Dance and performance entertainment services, 92360000 Pyrotechnic services, 92370000 Sound technician, 92620000 Sport-related services, 92621000 Sports-event promotion services, 92622000 Sports-event organisation services
Place of execution:
556/2023/ME/ Rendezvényszervezési feladatok
Awarding body:
Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 8:26 a.m.
Servicio de Apoyo Técnico en la Organización de Eventos en los que participa Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A., S.M.E., M.P.

Conforme indicaciones PCAP Conforme indicaciones PCAP

CPV: 79952000 Event services, 32320000 Television and audio-visual equipment, 32321200 Audio-visual equipment, 32321300 Audio-visual materials, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 79530000 Translation services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services
Dec. 9, 2024, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Servicio de Apoyo Técnico en la Organización de Eventos en los que participa Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A., S.M.E., M.P.
Awarding body:
Consejero Delegado de Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España S.A., S.M.E. y M.P.
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 8:40 a.m.
643/2024/NRÜ/Sakkolimpia rendezvényszervezés

A közbeszerzés tárgya: „A 2024. évi Sakkolimpia megrendezéséhez kapcsolódó rendezvényszervezési feladatok ellátása a Nemzeti Rendezvényszervező Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt. részére – IV. ütem” A közbeszerzés mennyisége: A műszaki leírásban részletesen meghatározott rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok, valamint kiegészítő szolgáltatások ellátása legfeljebb nettó 1.879.242.969,- Ft + Áfa, azaz nettó egymilliárd-nyolcszázhetvenkilencmilliókettőszáznegyvenkettőezer-kilencszázhatvankilenc forint + általános forgalmi …

CPV: 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45340000 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work, 45451000 Decoration work, 51000000 Installation services (except software), 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 55300000 Restaurant and food-serving services, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79710000 Security services, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92000000 Recreational, cultural and sporting services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92200000 Radio and television services, 92300000 Entertainment services, 92312000 Artistic services, 92340000 Dance and performance entertainment services, 92360000 Pyrotechnic services, 92370000 Sound technician, 92620000 Sport-related services, 92621000 Sports-event promotion services, 92622000 Sports-event organisation services
Place of execution:
643/2024/NRÜ/Sakkolimpia rendezvényszervezés
Awarding body:
Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 12:16 p.m.
Servicio de apoyo a la gestión técnica de eventos de promoción, apoyo para acciones de comunicación y suministro de materiales y herramientas de comunicación para ENISA.

El objeto al que se refiere la presente licitación es la contratación del servicio de apoyo a la gestión técnica de los eventos de promoción de ENISA, un servicio de apoyo para las acciones de comunicación de la compañía, realización un video corporativo y fotografías de empleados y empleadas de …

CPV: 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79933000 Design support services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 79961000 Photographic services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92110000 Motion picture and video tape production and related services
Dec. 16, 2024, 8 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Servicio de apoyo a la gestión técnica de eventos de promoción, apoyo para acciones de comunicación y suministro de materiales y herramientas de comunicación para ENISA.
Awarding body:
Consejo de Administración de Empresa Nacional de Innovación S.M.E., S.A. (ENISA)
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 3:23 a.m.
421/2023/GYSEV/Komplex kommunikáció

Ajánlatkérő a jelen eljárást az alábbiakban megjelölt keretmegállapodás alapján folytatta le a közbeszerzésekről szóló 2015. évi CXLIII. törvény 105. § (1) bekezdés c) pont szerint. A keretmegállapodás tárgya: „Keretmegállapodás kommunikációs feladatok ellátására a Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal jogállásáról és a kormányzati kommunikációs beszerzésekről szóló 162/2020. (IV. 30.) Korm. rendelet 2. § …

CPV: 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79342200 Promotional services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92200000 Radio and television services
Place of execution:
421/2023/GYSEV/Komplex kommunikáció
Awarding body:
Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal
Award number:
Oct. 31, 2024, 6:36 a.m.
Dynamisch Aankoop Systeem (DAS) van het CBR voor de afdeling communicatie

Dit is een dynamische aankoopsysteem voor de afdeling communicatie van het CBR, inzake 11 categorieën diensten

CPV: 48500000 Communication and multimedia software package, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79411100 Business development consultancy services, 22314000 Designs, 79342311 Customer satisfaction survey, 92312211 Writing agency services, 79310000 Market research services, 79952100 Cultural event organisation services, 79411000 General management consultancy services, 79419000 Evaluation consultancy services, 72225000 System quality assurance assessment and review services, 79413000 Marketing management consultancy services, 79952000 Event services, 92312210 Services provided by authors, 79311000 Survey services, 79950000 Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services, 92312000 Artistic services, 72212480 Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services, 72212481 Sales or marketing software development services, 92310000 Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services, 30111000 Word processors, 79720000 Investigation services, 79410000 Business and management consultancy services, 72223000 Information technology requirements review services, 79500000 Office-support services, 79933000 Design support services, 79330000 Statistical services, 79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services, 79552000 Word-processing services, 79312000 Market-testing services, 79342000 Marketing services, 79341100 Advertising consultancy services, 79956000 Fair and exhibition organisation services, 79342100 Direct marketing services, 72212510 Communication software development services, 79313000 Performance review services, 79341000 Advertising services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79342310 Customer survey services, 79951000 Seminar organisation services, 79415200 Design consultancy services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 73220000 Development consultancy services, 79630000 Personnel services except placement and supply services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 79314000 Feasibility study, 48510000 Communication software package, 48481000 Sales or marketing software package, 64000000 Postal and telecommunications services, 79990000 Miscellaneous business-related services, 73210000 Research consultancy services, 79530000 Translation services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 48315000 Desktop-publishing software package, 79315000 Social research services, 48511000 Desktop communications software package, 79820000 Services related to printing, 79414000 Human resources management consultancy services, 73200000 Research and development consultancy services, 30110000 Word-processing machines, 79341200 Advertising management services, 72413000 World wide web (www) site design services, 72227000 Software integration consultancy services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 79550000 Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services, 75130000 Supporting services for the government, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79341400 Advertising campaign services, 79953000 Festival organisation services, 79600000 Recruitment services, 72212500 Communication and multimedia software development services
June 25, 2027, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dynamisch Aankoop Systeem (DAS) van het CBR voor de afdeling communicatie
Awarding body:
Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
Award number:
Sept. 29, 2023, midnight
Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Fotografie

Gegenstand des Prüfsystems bildet die Auswahl von Unternehmen für die in der Anlage A „Beschreibung der Gegenstände des Prüfsystems nach Auftragstypen“ beschriebenen Leistungen

CPV: 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 79961000 Photographic services, 79961100 Advertising photography services, 79961200 Aerial photography services, 79961300 Specialised photography services, 79961310 Downhole photography services, 79961350 Studio photography services, 79963000 Photograph restoration, copying and retouching services
Place of execution:
Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Fotografie
Awarding body:
ÖBB-Holding mit allen verbundenen Unternehmen
Award number:
April 4, 2023, midnight