Your search for Passenger cars
Number of alerts found: 282

Openbare Europese Aanbestedingsprocedure Wagenpark Lease voor Omgevingsdienst Groningen

Opdrachtgever wenst een Raamovereenkomst aan te gaan met één Contractant voor het leasen van haar wagenpark op basis van full operational lease. Zie offerteaanvraag Wagenpark Lease Zie offerteaanvraag

CPV: 50111000 Fleet management, repair and maintenance services, 34115000 Other passenger cars, 34144700 Utility vehicles, 34144900 Electric vehicles, 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Openbare Europese Aanbestedingsprocedure Wagenpark Lease voor Omgevingsdienst Groningen
Awarding body:
Omgevingsdienst Groningen
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:39 a.m.
BSN Purchase of 2 passenger cars with 4x4 and minimum. 400 km WLTP

Oslo municipality c/o the Søndre Nordstrand district, hereafter called the contracting authority, invites all qualified tenderers in the dynamic procurement scheme for the procurement of light vehicles to submit a tender for 2 passenger cars with 4x4 and min. 400 km WLTP range. See the attached documents for further information. …

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars, 34113000 4-wheel-drive vehicles
Place of execution:
BSN Purchase of 2 passenger cars with 4x4 and minimum. 400 km WLTP
Awarding body:
Oslo kommune v/Bydel Søndre Nordstrand
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:39 a.m.
Dostawa samochodów osobowych

Przedmiot zamówienia został podzielony na dwie części: część I: Dostawa 3 szt. samochodów osobowych z segmentu C; część II: Dostawa 1 szt. samochodu osobowego z segmentu minibus Dostawa 3 szt. samochodów osobowych z segmentu C Dostawa 1 szt. samochodu osobowego z segmentu minibus

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Dostawa samochodów osobowych
Awarding body:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:25 a.m.
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740

Gara a procedura aperta ai sensi dell’art. 59, comma 4 lett. a) del D. Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i. per l’affidamento di un Accordo Quadro avente ad oggetto la fornitura in acquisto di veicoli e dei servizi connessi ed opzionali per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, divisa in 10 lotti 1200 unità

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740
Awarding body:
Award number:
ID 2740
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:23 a.m.
FR-23-02 Leasing of vehicles

Frøya municipality intends to enter into a framework agreement for leasing suitable vehicles for the municipalities ́ daily operations, including the home service and technical operations. The vehicles shall be environmentally friendly, cost efficient, reliable, have high security and modern built-in security systems. The vehicle fleet included in this …

CPV: 34100000 Motor vehicles, 66114000 Financial leasing services, 50111000 Fleet management, repair and maintenance services, 34111000 Estate and saloon cars, 34113000 4-wheel-drive vehicles, 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
FR-23-02 Leasing of vehicles
Awarding body:
Frøya kommune
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:16 a.m.
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740

Gara a procedura aperta ai sensi dell’art. 59, comma 4 lett. a) del D. Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i. per l’affidamento di un Accordo Quadro avente ad oggetto la fornitura in acquisto di veicoli e dei servizi connessi ed opzionali per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, divisa in 10 lotti 1800 unità

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740
Awarding body:
Award number:
ID 2740
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:14 a.m.
Dostawa pojazdów osobowych typu SUV w policyjnej wersji nieoznakowanej

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest zakup pojazdów typu SUV (zgodnie z definicją Instytutu Badań Rynku Motoryzacyjnego SAMAR) kategorii M1 o nadwoziu zamkniętym z dachem o konstrukcji oraz poszyciu wykonanym z metalu. Dostarczone pojazdy muszą być fabrycznie nowe. Rok produkcji 2024. W ramach zamówienia podstawowego Zamawiający zakupi 8 pojazdów, ponadto w ramach prawa …

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Dostawa pojazdów osobowych typu SUV w policyjnej wersji nieoznakowanej
Awarding body:
Komenda Wojewódzka Policji w Opolu
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:06 a.m.
Pořízení automobilů na operativní leasing pro Moravskoslezskou Technologickou Akademii, z.s.

Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky je pořízení vozidel formou operativního leasingu na dobu 34 měsíců s možností následného odkupu, a to pro tři (3) totožná osobní sedmimístná až osmimístná vozidla kategorie M1. Typ pohonu plug-in hybrid nebo BEV. Je na uvážení účastníka ZŘ, jaký tip pohonu nabídne. Součásti plnění budou rovněž …

CPV: 66114000 Financial leasing services, 34110000 Passenger cars, 34100000 Motor vehicles, 34115200 Motor vehicles for the transport of fewer than 10 persons, 34144900 Electric vehicles, 34115000 Other passenger cars, 50100000 Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
Place of execution:
Pořízení automobilů na operativní leasing pro Moravskoslezskou Technologickou Akademii, z.s.
Awarding body:
Moravskoslezská Technologická Akademie, z.s.
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4 a.m.
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740

Gara a procedura aperta ai sensi dell’art. 59, comma 4 lett. a) del D. Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i. per l’affidamento di un Accordo Quadro avente ad oggetto la fornitura in acquisto di veicoli e dei servizi connessi ed opzionali per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, divisa in 10 lotti 1200 unità

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Place of execution:
Accordo Quadro Veicoli, edizione 3 ID 2740
Awarding body:
Award number:
ID 2740
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:38 a.m.
Kauffahrzeuge für Hessen Forst

Lieferung von Kauffahrzeugen für Hessen Forst Lieferung von 24 SUV mit Fenstern, Allradantrieb, 5 Türen wie Dacia Duster, VW Tiguan oder gleichwertiger Art Bei Bedarf kann die Leistung mittels einer Rahmenvertragsposition um 10 weitere Fahrzeuge erweitert werden. Spätestens bis 30.09 2025 wird dem Auftragnehmer bekannt gegeben, ob von der Rahmenvereinbarungsmenge …

CPV: 34110000 Passenger cars
Jan. 28, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Kauffahrzeuge für Hessen Forst
Awarding body:
Land Hessen, vertreten durch das Hessische Competence Center -Zentrale Beschaffung-
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:09 a.m.