Your search for Parts of other vehicles
Number of alerts found: 8

Сервизно обслужване на леки и лекотоварни автомобили Рено и Дачия

Сервизно обслужване на леки и лекотоварни автомобили Рено и Дачия. На Изпълнителя не са гарантирани количества и продължителност на дейностите и това следва да бъде взето под внимание при попълването на Ценовите таблици. Възложителят ще поръчва доставки и услуги, предмет на договора, съгласно текущите необходимости от тях. Сервизно обслужване на …

CPV: 34100000 Motor vehicles, 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles
Dec. 19, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Сервизно обслужване на леки и лекотоварни автомобили Рено и Дачия
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 20, 2024, 12:58 a.m.
Fourniture de pièces détachées toutes marques, génériques, accessoires, consommables et produits d'entretien pour véhicules et ateliers

La fourniture et la livraison de pièces mécaniques, électriques courantes, de produits pour l'entretien véhicules toutes marques ainsi que les consommables pour balayeuses Fourniture de produits de peinture pour carrosserie de véhicules toutes marques Fourniture de pièces mécaniques, électriques courantes et produits pour entretien véhicules toutes marques Fourniture de produits …

CPV: 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 44810000 Paints, 24960000 Various chemical products, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles
Dec. 16, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Fourniture de pièces détachées toutes marques, génériques, accessoires, consommables et produits d'entretien pour véhicules et ateliers
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 19, 2024, 4:25 a.m.

Fahrzeugeinrichtung Innenausbau der Ladeflächen von zwei Mercedes Sprinter Kastenwagen mit Bodenplatte, Schrankwand, diversen Zurrschienen am Boden, Trennwand und Dach sowie weiteren Ausstattungsgegenständen. Der Innenausbau erfolgt in einer vom Auftraggeber bereitgestellten Halle am Standort Zittau. Des Weiteren ist die Lieferung von Lagerregalen u. a. zur Aufbewahrung von Euroboxen Leistungsbestandteil.

CPV: 34224200 Parts of other vehicles
Dec. 13, 2024, 1 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 7:08 a.m.
CFT 3721 – SPFA for Supply of Motor Vehicle Parts to South Dublin County Council

South Dublin County Council (Mechanical Section) has a road-going fleet of approximately 270 vehicles (3.5-7.5T pickups, 10-26T tipper trucks, 18-32T Jetvac trucks, car vans, large panel vans, light duty commercial type vans, jeeps, 4WD utility vehicles etc. The majority of the service and maintenance conducted on the fleet is carried …

CPV: 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 34312100 Fan belts, 34312200 Spark plugs, 34312300 Vehicle radiators, 34312400 Pistons, 34312500 Gaskets, 34312600 Rubber conveyor belts, 34312700 Rubber transmission belts, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34321100 Axles, 34321200 Gearboxes, 34224000 Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles, 34322000 Brakes and brake parts, 34322100 Brake equipment, 34322200 Disc brakes, 34322300 Brake linings, 34322400 Brake pads, 34322500 Brake shoes, 34324000 Wheels, parts and accessories, 34324100 Wheel-balancing equipment, 34325000 Silencers and exhaust pipes, 34325100 Silencers, 34224100 Parts of trailers and semi-trailers, 34325200 Exhaust pipes, 34326100 Clutches and associated parts, 34326200 Vehicle jacks, 34327000 Steering wheels, columns and boxes, 34327100 Steering wheels, 34328200 Vehicle conversion kits, 34328300 Seat belts, 34330000 Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles, 34310000 Engines and engine parts, 34311000 Engines, 34311100 Internal-combustion engines for motor vehicles and motorcycles, 34311110 Spark-ignition engines, 34311120 Compression-ignition engines, 34312000 Engine parts
Dec. 9, 2024, 4 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
CFT 3721 – SPFA for Supply of Motor Vehicle Parts to South Dublin County Council
Awarding body:
South Dublin County Council
Award number:
Nov. 9, 2024, 9:33 a.m.

Obiectul prezentului acord-cadru constă în achiziția și contractarea ”Serviciului de asigurare a funcționalității sistemului de bike-sharing” și cuprinde următoarele activități: Nr. crt. Activități incluse I. RELOCARE STAȚII EXISTENTE II. SERVICII DE OPERARE SISTEM III. RELOCAREA BICICLETELOR, PENTRU ASIGURAREA FUNCȚIONĂRII OPTIME A SISTEMULUI IV. OPERAŢIUNI DE MENŢINERE-ÎNTREŢINERE A BICICLETELOR ȘI STAȚIILOR …

CPV: 79512000 Call centre, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles, 50100000 Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 11:57 a.m.
SPD8/2024/054 - Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of Various Vehicle Consumables For Wasteserv Stores

Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of Various Vehicle Consumables For Wasteserv Stores Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of Various Vehicle Consumables For Wasteserv Stores Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of Various Vehicle Consumables For Wasteserv Stores Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of …

CPV: 34330000 Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 34144000 Special-purpose motor vehicles, 34114110 Rescue vehicles, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34913000 Miscellaneous spare parts, 34900000 Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts
Place of execution:
SPD8/2024/054 - Framework Contract For The Supply And Delivery Of Various Vehicle Consumables For Wasteserv Stores
Awarding body:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Award number:
SPD8/2024/054 - Lot 1
Oct. 30, 2024, 4:12 a.m.
Fourniture de pièces détachées et prestations associées pour le parc automobile de CapAtlantique La Baule-Guérande Agglo et des communes de La Baule-Escoublac et Guérande - Groupement de commandes

L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par l'émission de bons de commande. Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée. Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires lubrifiants (Huiles et graisses) pneumatiques et prestations associées Poids Lourds pneumatiques Véhicules Légers brosseries pour les balayeuses de voirie pièces détachées pour véhicules légers et utilitaires …

CPV: 34330000 Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars, 09211000 Lubricating oils and lubricating agents, 50116500 Tyre repair services, including fitting and balancing, 34351100 Tyres for motor cars, 34224200 Parts of other vehicles, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines
Place of execution:
Fourniture de pièces détachées et prestations associées pour le parc automobile de CapAtlantique La Baule-Guérande Agglo et des communes de La Baule-Escoublac et Guérande - Groupement de commandes
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 24, 2024, 5:57 a.m.
Fourniture et livraison de pièces détachées d'origine pour tracteur agricole.

Fourniture et livraison de pièces détachées d'origine pour tracteur agricole. Fourniture et livraison de pièces détachées d'origine pour tracteur agricole. MARQUE : RENAULT AGRICOLE Fourniture de pièces détachées d'origine tracteur agricole MARQUE REFORM Fourniture et livraison de pièces détachées d'origine pour tracteur agricole. Fourniture de pièces détachées d'origine tracteur agricole …

CPV: 34224200 Parts of other vehicles
Place of execution:
Fourniture et livraison de pièces détachées d'origine pour tracteur agricole.
Awarding body:
Département de l'Aude
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2024, 5:54 a.m.