Your search for Parcel delivery services
Number of alerts found: 13

Proc. 47/UMC/2024 - Aquisição de Serviços de Receção e Expedição de Malas Diplomáticas (2025-2029)

Proc. 47/UMC/2024 - Aquisição de Serviços de Receção e Expedição de Malas Diplomáticas (2025-2029) Aquisição de serviços de receção e expedição de malas diplomáticas para todos os postos diplomáticos portugueses com exceção de Havana, Teerão e Moscovo Aquisição de serviços de receção e expedição de malas diplomáticas para todos os …

CPV: 64121200 Parcel delivery services
Dec. 6, 2024, 4:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Proc. 47/UMC/2024 - Aquisição de Serviços de Receção e Expedição de Malas Diplomáticas (2025-2029)
Awarding body:
Secretaria-Geral do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros
Award number:
Sept. 26, 2024, 5:51 a.m.
Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento

Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de equipo médico y de precisión Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de equipo médico y de precisión Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de aparatos médicos y quirúrgicos Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de aparatos médicos …

CPV: 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 50400000 Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment, 50420000 Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment, 50421000 Repair and maintenance services of medical equipment, 50421200 Repair and maintenance services of X-ray equipment, 50730000 Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups, 60160000 Mail transport by road, 64121200 Parcel delivery services, 64200000 Telecommunications services, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72222300 Information technology services, 72500000 Computer-related services, 79800000 Printing and related services, 79995100 Archiving services, 85110000 Hospital and related services, 85142300 Hygiene services, 90520000 Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services, 90911200 Building-cleaning services, 90920000 Facility related sanitation services, 92512000 Archive services, 98310000 Washing and dry-cleaning services, 98312000 Textile-cleaning services
Place of execution:
Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento
Awarding body:
Servicio Murciano de Salud
Award number:
Jan. 24, 2024, midnight
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Courier Services Contracts Greater than €25,000 (excl. Vat) to the Public Sector

The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Candidates”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: The provision of Courier Services on the Island of Ireland and International Courier …

CPV: 64120000 Courier services, 64121000 Multi-modal courier services, 64121200 Parcel delivery services
Aug. 9, 2026, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Courier Services Contracts Greater than €25,000 (excl. Vat) to the Public Sector
Awarding body:
The Office of Government Procurement
Award number:
PROJ000005359 - TTT040F
July 14, 2023, midnight