Procedura finalizzata alla stipula di un Accordo Quadro con un unico operatore economico, della durata di quattro anni, per l’affidamento delle forniture di pitture navali omologate a specifica tecnica di omologazione (STO) di NAVARM per le esigenze delle Unità della M.M. Fornitura di Pitture Navali omologate a specifica: STO 677S …
Haram municipality would like, via this procurement, to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of building materials and fastening material. Haram municipality would like, via this procurement, to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of building materials and fastening material.
Предметът на поръчката е: „Доставка на строителни материали за нуждите на ТУ-София и изнесените звена”. Доставяните материали трябва да бъдат: нови и неупотребявани, да бъдат произведени от качествени материали, осигуряващи нормална и безпроблемна експлоатация. Предметът на поръчката е: „Доставка на строителни материали за нуждите на ТУ-София и изнесените звена”. Доставяните …
Tämä on ennakkotietoilmoitus suunnitellusta kilpailutuksesta, joka koskee rakennusmaalien hankintaa. Tämän ilmoituksen tarkoitus on hankintalain (1397/2016) 57 §:n 2 momentin mukainen määräaikojen lyhentäminen; ilmoitus on pelkkä ennakkotieto tulevasta kilpailutuksesta ja mahdollisista markkinavuoropuheluista kevään 2025 aikana. Tällä ilmoituksella ei pyydetä osallistumishakemuksia tai tarjouksia. Ilmoituksella esitetyt tiedot ovat alustavia ja saattavat muuttua kilpailutuksen …
The subject of this tender is the establishment of a framework contract for the Supply and Delivery of Various Tools and Eco-Friendly Painting Equipment on an ‘as and when required basis’ as may be requested by the Contracting Authority. The subject of this tender is the establishment of a framework …
Verf en verfmaterialen worden door bewoners en het COA-personeel op Locaties gebruikt om dagelijkse onderhoudswerkzaamheden uit te voeren. Locaties hebben verschillende soorten verf en verfmaterialen in gebruik. Deze verf en verfmaterialen dienen op afroep en naar behoefte te worden geleverd om vervolgens door het COA en of haar bewoners zelf …
provided in tender documentation provided in tender documentation provided in tender documentation provided in tender documentation provided in tender documentation
Se hace necesaria la tramitación de la presente contratación para garantizar el suministro de los materiales adecuados y necesarios para la realización de los trabajos de conservación y mantenimiento previstos por las Juntas Municipales de distrito del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Málaga Suministro de material de Pintura Suministro de material de …
Haram municipality would like, via this procurement, to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of building materials and fastening material. Haram municipality would like, via this procurement, to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of building materials and fastening material.
The contracting authority has entered into a framework agreement for the purchase of paint, paint products, wallpaper and floor coverings. A comprehensive description of the delivery is in the annexes to the tender documentation. The contracting authority has entered into a framework agreement for the purchase of paint, paint products, …