Your search for Odoriferous preparations and waxes
Number of alerts found: 6

Bahnspezifische Reinigungsmittel

Mit dieser Ausschreibung wird eine Lieferantin gesucht, welche den Bedarf der Bahnspezifischen Reinigungsmittel, insbesondere Reinigungsmittel für Schienenfahrzeuge innen und aussen, der BLS AG abdecken kann. Cet appel d’offres vise à trouver un fournisseur capable de couvrir les besoins de BLS SA en produits de nettoyage spécifiques aux chemins de fer, …

CPV: 39800000 Cleaning and polishing products, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39820000 Organic surface-active agents, 39830000 Cleaning products
Place of execution:
Bahnspezifische Reinigungsmittel
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 28, 2025, 4:05 a.m.

Acord-cadru pentru furnizare produse de ingrijire personala si produse de curatenie. Autoritatea contractanta, va raspunde clar si complet la toate solicitarile de clarificari precum si la toate solicitarile de informatii suplimentare necesare pentru intocmirea ofertelor. Raspunsul autoritatii contractante, va fi transmis cu cel putin - 11 zile - inainte de …

CPV: 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 33700000 Personal care products, 33710000 Perfumes, toiletries and condoms, 33720000 Razors and manicure or pedicure sets, 33751000 Disposable nappies, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39830000 Cleaning products
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Mehedinti
Award number:
Jan. 11, 2025, 3:27 a.m.
Dodávky náhradních dílů pro provádění oprav autobusů a trolejbusů MHD

Zavedení dynamického nákupního systému, který není rozdělen na kategorie. Předmětem veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS budou dodávky standardních náhradních dílů pro autobusy a trolejbusy, jak je v podrobnostech uvedeno níže. Cílem zadavatele je disponovat okruhem dodavatelů, kteří budou schopni v reakci na jeho aktuální potřeby plnit předmět dílčích veřejných zakázek, …

CPV: 03142400 Waxes, 03420000 Gums, 14820000 Glass, 16800000 Parts of agricultural and forestry machinery, 19510000 Rubber products, 19511000 Rubber inner tubes, treads and flaps, 32342000 Loudspeakers, 24951200 Additives for oils, 30123100 Ticket-validation machines, 39225600 Candles, 30199410 Self-adhesive paper, 30211500 Central processing unit (CPU) or processors, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 31130000 Alternators, 31162000 Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 31211200 Fuse boxes, 31211300 Fuses, 31214190 Limit switches, 31220000 Electrical circuit components, 31221000 Electrical relays, 31221200 General purpose relays, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31224200 Coaxial connectors, 31224400 Connection cables, 31224800 Cable joining kits, 31343000 Insulated cable joints, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31431000 Lead-acid accumulators, 31511000 Sealed-beam lamp units, 31512000 Tungsten halogen filament lamps, 31518600 Searchlights, 31519100 Incandescent lamps, 31523200 Permanent message signs, 31610000 Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles, 31630000 Magnets, 31612200 Starter motors, 31612300 Electrical signalling equipment for engines, 31612310 Blinkers, 31642000 Electronic detection apparatus, 31650000 Insulating fittings, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 31681000 Electrical accessories, 31710000 Electronic equipment, 31711110 Transceivers, 31711140 Electrodes, 31712300 Printed circuits, 31731100 Modules, 32552100 Telephone sets, 34121100 Public-service buses, 34210000 Vehicle bodies, 34211100 Bus bodies, 34220000 Trailers, semi-trailers and mobile containers, 34322000 Brakes and brake parts, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 34310000 Engines and engine parts, 34311000 Engines, 34312000 Engine parts, 34312200 Spark plugs, 34312500 Gaskets, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34328200 Vehicle conversion kits, 34328300 Seat belts, 34330000 Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars, 34350000 Tyres for heavy/light-duty vehicles, 34370000 Seats for motor vehicles, 34390000 Tractor accessories, 34622300 Trolleybuses, 34913300 Fenders, 34913500 Vehicle locks, 34928430 Beacons, 34928110 Road barriers, 34928460 Road cones, 34992200 Road signs, 35100000 Emergency and security equipment, 35113300 Safety installations, 35121800 Convex security mirrors, 35125300 Security cameras, 37453300 Discus, 38420000 Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases, 38423100 Pressure gauges, 38543000 Gas-detection equipment, 38622000 Mirrors, 39114000 Parts of seats, 39299200 Safety glass, 39299300 Glass mirrors, 39522100 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, 39541100 Twine, cordage and rope, 39714100 Ventilators, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39813000 Scouring pastes and powders, 42113150 Lubricating oil systems, 42113320 Gas-injection module, 42121100 Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, 42121400 Hydraulic power motors, 42122130 Water pumps, 42123000 Compressors, 42123500 Turbo-compressors, 42124000 Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors, 42131000 Taps, cocks and valves, 42131130 Temperature regulators, 42131140 Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves, 42131290 Diaphragm valves, 42140000 Gears, gearing and driving elements, 42141100 Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts, 42141110 Transmission shafts, 42141400 Flywheels and pulleys, 42141800 Universal joints, 42142000 Parts of gearing and driving elements, 42142100 Parts of gearing elements, 42411000 Pulley tackle and hoists, 42419000 Parts of lifting and handling equipment, 42419200 Parts of works trucks, 42512300 HVAC packages, 42513200 Refrigerating equipment, 42514300 Filtering apparatus, 42514320 Gas filters, 42900000 Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery, 42913000 Oil, petrol and air-intake filters, 42913300 Oil filters, 42913400 Petrol filters, 42913500 Air-intake filters, 42967000 Controller unit, 43313100 Snowploughs, 43600000 Parts of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction, 44111520 Thermal insulating material, 44112100 Shelters, 44112120 Profile sections, 44115310 Roller-type shutters, 44142000 Frames, 44160000 Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items, 44163000 Pipes and fittings, 44163240 Pipe joints, 44174000 Foil, 44221000 Windows, doors and related items, 44221100 Windows, 44221200 Doors, 44318000 Conductors, 44321000 Cable, 44333000 Wire, 44431000 Cover plates, 44442000 Roller bearings, 44512500 Spanners, 44512940 Tool kits, 44521100 Locks, 44523300 Fittings, 44530000 Fasteners, 44531000 Threaded fasteners, 44532000 Non-threaded fasteners, 44540000 Chain, 44550000 Springs, 44610000 Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels, 44611100 Air cylinders, 44618300 Corks, stoppers, tops for containers and lids, 44830000 Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents, 44831300 Putty, 45350000 Mechanical installations, 48810000 Information systems, 50100000 Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment, 50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment, 50112000 Repair and maintenance services of cars, 50112200 Car maintenance services, 50113000 Repair and maintenance services of buses
Place of execution:
Dodávky náhradních dílů pro provádění oprav autobusů a trolejbusů MHD
Awarding body:
Dopravní podnik Ostrava a.s.
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 9:59 p.m.
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží 2024-2031

Předmětem plnění veřejných zakázek zadávaných v rámci obou kategorií DNS (viz níže) jsou dodávky čistících a dezinfekčních přípravků, úklidových prostředků a hygienického papírového zboží. Předmět, technické podmínky, hodnotící kritéria, požadavky na ekologicky šetrná řešení z hlediska použitých materiálů či složek přípravků, termín, místo plnění, obchodní a platební podmínky konkrétních veřejných …

CPV: 24311500 Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals, 24452000 Insecticides, 24455000 Disinfectants, 30237250 Computer cleaning accessories, 33770000 Paper sanitary, 33711900 Soap, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 33761000 Toilet paper, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 33771000 Sanitary paper products, 39137000 Water softeners, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39224100 Brooms, 39224200 Brushes, 39224210 Painters' brushes, 39224300 Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning, 39224310 Toilet brushes, 39224320 Sponges, 39224330 Buckets, 39224340 Bins, 39224350 Dustpans, 39514200 Tea towels, 39525600 Dishcloths, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 39812100 Floor polishes, 39812300 Polishing waxes, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 39813000 Scouring pastes and powders, 39831400 Screen cleaners, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831000 Washing preparations, 39831210 Dishwasher detergents, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 39832100 Dishwashing powder, 39833000 Anti-dust products
Place of execution:
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží 2024-2031
Awarding body:
CEJIZA, s.r.o.
Award number:
May 22, 2024, 6:52 p.m.

Ejendomsstyrelsen ønsker at etablere et dynamisk indkøbssystem vedrørende indkøb indenfor etablissementsdrift samt kantine- og rengøringsområdet. Baggrunden for at etablere Det dynamiske indkøbssystem er, at Ejendomsstyrelsen løbende har behov for at indkøbe diverse varer og tjenesteydelser indenfor etablissementsdrift samt kantine- og rengøringsområdet, som ikke allerede er aftaledækket, herunder af statslige forpligtende …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 39310000 Catering equipment, 39314000 Industrial kitchen equipment, 39510000 Textile household articles, 39711000 Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs, 39800000 Cleaning and polishing products, 42900000 Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery, 42930000 Centrifuges, calendering or vending machines, 42942000 Ovens and accessories, 42995000 Miscellaneous cleaning machines, 42999000 Non-domestic vacuum cleaners and floor polishers, 45400000 Building completion work, 50530000 Repair and maintenance services of machinery, 50700000 Repair and maintenance services of building installations, 50880000 Repair and maintenance services of hotel and restaurant equipment, 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 55511000 Canteen and other restricted-clientele cafeteria services, 77310000 Planting and maintenance services of green areas, 79630000 Personnel services except placement and supply services, 90500000 Refuse and waste related services, 90600000 Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services, 90911000 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services, 90911200 Building-cleaning services, 98340000 Accommodation and office services, 55500000 Canteen and catering services, 55510000 Canteen services, 55520000 Catering services, 42970000 Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping, 42995100 Tunnel washer, 42999100 Non-domestic vacuum cleaners, 42999200 Non-domestic floor polishers, 42999300 Parts of non-domestic vacuum cleaners, 42999400 Parts of non-domestic floor polishers, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 90900000 Cleaning and sanitation services, 90911300 Window-cleaning services, 39711300 Electrothermic appliances, 42933000 Vending machines, 42933300 Automatic goods-vending machines, 50883000 Repair and maintenance services of catering equipment, 15900000 Beverages, tobacco and related products, 15981000 Mineral water, 15982000 Soft drinks, 39514000 Toilet and kitchen linen, 39514500 Face cloths, 39525100 Dusters, 39525600 Dishcloths, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 39820000 Organic surface-active agents, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831000 Washing preparations, 39831200 Detergents, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 42993200 Dosing plant, 39525000 Miscellaneous manufactured textile articles, 55512000 Canteen management services, 55900000 Retail trade services, 98342000 Work environment services, 39300000 Miscellaneous equipment, 50882000 Repair and maintenance services of restaurant equipment, 77300000 Horticultural services, 90620000 Snow-clearing services, 98341100 Accommodation management services
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse
Award number:
Dec. 22, 2023, 10:03 a.m.
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží pro potřeby Národního divadla 2019 - 2023

Cílem tohoto zadávacího řízení je zavedení DNS na dobu 48 měsíců. Zadavatel předpokládá zadávání veřejných zakázek v DNS v předem neurčených nepravidelných intervalech odvislých zejména od provozních potřeb zadavatele. Rovněž objemy jednotlivých veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS zadavatel předpokládá od jednotek až po desítky jednotek v konkrétní veřejné zakázce. Podrobně …

CPV: 15911100 Spirits, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 18141000 Work gloves, 18443340 Caps, 18937100 Goods-packing bags, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 24311470 Hydrogen chloride, 24311500 Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals, 24452000 Insecticides, 24455000 Disinfectants, 30237250 Computer cleaning accessories, 33700000 Personal care products, 33710000 Perfumes, toiletries and condoms, 33711900 Soap, 33741300 Hand sanitizer, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 39137000 Water softeners, 39221260 Mess tins, 39222100 Disposable catering supplies, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39224100 Brooms, 39224310 Toilet brushes, 39224320 Sponges, 39224330 Buckets, 39224340 Bins, 39224350 Dustpans, 39514400 Automatic towel dispensers, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39713431 Accessories for vacuum cleaners, 39800000 Cleaning and polishing products, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39831700 Automatic soap dispensers, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 42968300 Toilet-roll dispenser system, 44514100 Tool handles
Nov. 15, 2027, 11:55 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží pro potřeby Národního divadla 2019 - 2023
Awarding body:
Národní divadlo
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2023, midnight