Erneuerung der Großbilddarstellung in der Leitstelle Dresden Ersatzbeschaffung der Großbilddarstellung mit verschiedenen Quellen und Senken an zwei Leitstellenstandorten in der Landeshauptstadt Dresden als Gesamtsystem für den 24/7-Betrieb.
Quality of Experience system for TV 2 to measure viewing metrics for customers watching TV 2 Play. Quality of Experience system for TV 2 to measure viewing metrics for customers watching TV 2 Play.
Sykehusinnkjøp HF shall, on behalf of the regional health authorities, implement a national procurement of a picture and media bank for the health authorities in Norway. Sykehusinnkjøp HF shall, on behalf of the regional health authorities, implement a national procurement of a picture and media bank for the health authorities …