Your search for Lighting equipment and electric lamps
Number of alerts found: 120

Ehituspoe kaupade ostmine

Hanke esemeks on erinevate ehituspoe kaupade ostmine 48 kuu jooksul ning kaubaga seonduvad või kaasnevad teenused (nt kaupade transport ja mahalaadimine ostja poolt määratud asukohta). Tehnilise kirjelduse punktis 1.3 ja 1.4 kirjeldatud elektrikaupade ostmine. Tehnilise kirjelduse punktis 1.3 ja 1.4 kirjeldatud üldehitus- ja viimistluskaupaupade, rauakaupade ja kinnitusvahendite, tööriistade, sanitaar- ja …

CPV: 44100000 Construction materials and associated items, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 39200000 Furnishing, 44812400 Decorating supplies, 44316400 Hardware, 44510000 Tools, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 39142000 Garden furniture, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 31681410 Electrical materials, 44411000 Sanitary ware
Place of execution:
Ehituspoe kaupade ostmine
Awarding body:
Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:43 a.m.
Apgaismojuma pilna servisa pakalpojuma nodrošināšana Madonas novada pašvaldības ēkās

Agaismojuma pilna servisa pakalpojuma (ESCO) nodrošināšana Madonas novada pašvaldības ēkām saskaņā ar Tehnisko specifikāciju - Tehnisko piedāvājumu un citām iepirkuma dokumentos noteiktajām prasībām. Agaismojuma pilna servisa pakalpojuma (ESCO) nodrošināšana Madonas novada pašvaldības ēkām saskaņā ar Tehnisko specifikāciju - Tehnisko piedāvājumu un citām iepirkuma dokumentos noteiktajām prasībām.

CPV: 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 51000000 Installation services (except software)
Place of execution:
Apgaismojuma pilna servisa pakalpojuma nodrošināšana Madonas novada pašvaldības ēkās
Awarding body:
Madonas novada pašvaldība
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:27 a.m.
Oszaka pavilon árubeszerzés

Oszaka pavilon árubeszerzés 1. részajánlat: „A 2025. évi Oszakai Világkiállításon részt vevő Magyar Pavilon eszköz beszerzés” – egyéb eszközök 2. részajánlat: „A 2025. évi Oszakai Világkiállításon részt vevő Magyar Pavilon eszköz beszerzés” – konyhai eszközök 3. részajánlat:„A 2025. évi Oszakai Világkiállításon részt vevő Magyar Pavilon Éttermi koncepciójához szükséges alapanyag beszerzés” …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 39151100 Racking, 39221260 Mess tins, 39511100 Blankets, 42600000 Machine tools, 44511000 Hand tools, 39220000 Kitchen equipment, household and domestic items and catering supplies, 39221180 Cooking utensils, 39314000 Industrial kitchen equipment, 39315000 Restaurant equipment, 39711200 Food processors, 39830000 Cleaning products, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 15500000 Dairy products, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15890000 Miscellaneous food products and dried goods, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15911000 Spirituous beverages
Jan. 2, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Oszaka pavilon árubeszerzés
Awarding body:
EXPO 2025 Magyarország Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:25 a.m.
Modernizace veřejného osvětlení města Louny – 2. etapa

Předmětem plnění zakázky je modernizace části sítě veřejného osvětlení (dále také VO) ve městě Louny, a to za účelem dosažení úspor spotřeby elektrické energie, která spočívá ve výměně převážně výbojkových svítidel za nová se zdrojem LED s regulací světelného toku a doplnění sloupů a s tím souvisejících prací, a to …

CPV: 34928500 Street-lighting equipment, 34993000 Road lights, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 45316100 Installation of outdoor illumination equipment, 45316110 Installation of road lighting equipment
Jan. 2, 2025, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Modernizace veřejného osvětlení města Louny – 2. etapa
Awarding body:
Město Louny
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:50 a.m.
Modernizace veřejného osvětlení ve městě Česká Lípa - III. etapa

Předmětem zakázky je modernizace části sítě veřejného osvětlení ve městě Česká Lípa za účelem dosažení úspor spotřeby el. energie, která spočívá ve výměně výbojkových svítidel za nová se zdrojem LED s regulací světelného toku a s tím souvisejících prací. V rámci plnění této veřejné zakázky bude provedena demontáž stávajících svítidel …

CPV: 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 45316100 Installation of outdoor illumination equipment
Jan. 6, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Modernizace veřejného osvětlení ve městě Česká Lípa - III. etapa
Awarding body:
Město Česká Lípa
Award number:
VZ/061/2024 spis MUCL/53722/2024
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:36 a.m.
NCH - Workstations Desk Lighting

NCH - Workstations Desk Lighting NCH - Workstations Desk Lighting

CPV: 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31527260 Lighting systems, 39000000 Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products, 39100000 Furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39160000 School furniture, 39161000 Kindergarten furniture, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture
Place of execution:
NCH - Workstations Desk Lighting
Awarding body:
National Paediatric Hospital Development Board
Award number:
NCH - Workstations Desk Lighting
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:17 a.m.
Establecimiento Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición para la contratación de suministros habituales para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal

El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal mediante el establecimiento de un Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento …

CPV: 34928400 Urban furniture, 03120000 Horticultural and nursery products, 03121000 Horticultural products, 03121100 Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips, 03121210 Floral arrangements, 03419000 Timber, 03451000 Plants, 03451300 Shrubs, 03452000 Trees, 09111400 Wood fuels, 09132000 Petrol, 09134100 Diesel oil, 14200000 Sand and clay, 14210000 Gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates, 14212410 Topsoil, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 18100000 Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories, 18110000 Occupational clothing, 18140000 Workwear accessories, 18141000 Work gloves, 18222000 Corporate clothing, 18410000 Special clothing, 18412000 Sportswear, 18444111 Crash helmets, 18800000 Footwear, 18820000 Sports footwear, 18830000 Protective footwear, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 22000000 Printed matter and related products, 22100000 Printed books, brochures and leaflets, 22120000 Publications, 22130000 Directories, 22150000 Brochures, 22200000 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines, 22314000 Designs, 22458000 Bespoke printed matter, 22462000 Advertising material, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30216120 Optical-character-recognition equipment, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30233140 Direct-access storage devices (DASD), 30236100 Memory-expansion equipment, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31310000 Mains, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31330000 Coaxial cable, 31340000 Insulated cable accessories, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 31610000 Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles, 31620000 Sound or visual signalling apparatus, 31630000 Magnets, 31640000 Machines and apparatus with individual functions, 31681200 Electric pumps, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 32331300 Sound-reproduction apparatus, 34900000 Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts, 34922000 Road-marking equipment, 34928470 Signage, 34990000 Control, safety, signalling and light equipment, 34992000 Signs and illuminated signs, 34992200 Road signs, 34992300 Street signs, 35811200 Police uniforms, 37416000 Leisure equipment, 37450000 Field and court sports equipment, 37535100 Swings, 37535200 Playground equipment, 37535292 Rope climbing equipment, 39000000 Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products, 39224300 Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning, 39713410 Floor-cleaning machines, 42122000 Pumps, 42122130 Water pumps, 42512000 Air-conditioning installations, 42600000 Machine tools, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42972000 Parts of cleaning machines, 42995000 Miscellaneous cleaning machines, 44000000 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus), 44111000 Building materials, 44111100 Bricks, 44111200 Cement, 44111300 Ceramics, 44111400 Paints and wallcoverings, 44111510 Insulators, 44111600 Blocks, 44111700 Tiles, 44111900 Ceramic flags, 44113100 Paving materials, 44113120 Paving slabs, 44113600 Bitumen and asphalt, 44114000 Concrete, 44114200 Concrete products, 44114220 Concrete pipes and fittings, 44115000 Building fittings, 44115200 Plumbing and heating materials, 44115800 Building internal fittings, 44163110 Drainage pipes, 44163111 Drain pipes, 44191000 Miscellaneous construction materials in wood, 44300000 Cable, wire and related products, 44316000 Ironmongery, 44316400 Hardware, 44316500 Smiths' wares, 44411800 Urinals, 44423400 Signs and related items, 44423450 Nameplates, 44423460 Address plates, 44423700 Manhole elements, 44423740 Manhole covers, 44423750 Drain covers, 44423760 Access covers, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44510000 Tools, 44530000 Fasteners, 44531000 Threaded fasteners, 44531100 Wood screws, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics, 44811000 Road paint, 44812200 Oil and water paints, 44830000 Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents, 44832000 Solvents, 44832100 Paint stripper, 44900000 Stone for construction, limestone, gypsum and slate, 44930000 Slate, 45223800 Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45421144 Installation work of awnings, 45421160 Ironmongery work, 45430000 Floor and wall covering work, 51313000 Installation services of sound equipment, 79810000 Printing services, 79822500 Graphic design services
Place of execution:
Establecimiento Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición para la contratación de suministros habituales para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal
Awarding body:
Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Azuqueca de Henares
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 2:41 a.m.
«Προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση ειδικού φωτισμού νέας μόνιμης έκθεσης Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Άργους»

Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση του ειδικού φωτισμού στους εκθεσιακούς χώρους της νέας μόνιμης έκθεσης του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Άργους και σύμφωνα με την εγκεκριμένη μουσειογραφική μελέτη. Προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση ειδικού φωτισμού νέας μόνιμης έκθεσης Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Άργους»

CPV: 39154000 Exhibition equipment, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps
Jan. 8, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
«Προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση ειδικού φωτισμού νέας μόνιμης έκθεσης Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Άργους»
Awarding body:
Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Aργολίδας
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 6:07 a.m.
Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de Repuestos mecánicos para la flota vehicular de AUCORSA

Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de Repuestos mecánicos para la flota vehicular de AUCORSA Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de Repuestos mecánicos para la flota vehicular de AUCORSA

CPV: 34000000 Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation, 24900000 Fine and various chemical products, 24951000 Greases and lubricants, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31110000 Electric motors, 31130000 Alternators, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 34211100 Bus bodies, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 34310000 Engines and engine parts, 34312300 Vehicle radiators, 34312500 Gaskets, 34312700 Rubber transmission belts, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34321000 Axles and gearboxes, 34321100 Axles, 34321200 Gearboxes, 34322000 Brakes and brake parts, 34325000 Silencers and exhaust pipes, 34327000 Steering wheels, columns and boxes, 44510000 Tools, 44530000 Fasteners, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics
Place of execution:
Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de Repuestos mecánicos para la flota vehicular de AUCORSA
Awarding body:
Gerencia de la Empresa Municipal Autobuses de Córdoba S.A. (AUCORSA)
Award number:
SDA 02/2024
Dec. 3, 2024, 5:58 a.m.
Доставка на осветителни тела, лампи и резервни части за осветление за нуждите на НЕК ЕАД

Обектът на обществената поръчка е „доставка на стоки, осъществявана чрез покупка“ по смисъла на чл. 3, ал. 1, т. 2 от ЗОП и има за предмет сключване на рамкови споразумения с потенциални изпълнители за доставка и покупка на осветителни тела, лампи и резервни части за осветление, съгласно условията и изискванията …

CPV: 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps
Place of execution:
Доставка на осветителни тела, лампи и резервни части за осветление за нуждите на НЕК ЕАД
Awarding body:
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 5:23 a.m.