Stavanger municipality, hereafter also called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a competition. The competition is for laundry services and the hire of textiles and it is divided into 2 main assignments. The tender documentation is the same for both sub-assignments, except for purpose and scope. Tenderers can offer one …
P.A. 1/2024: Servicio de lavado, higienización, planchado, repaso (cosido) y transporte de ropa hospitalaria de la Gerencia de Atención Integrada de Guadalajara. P.A. 1/2024: Servicio de lavado, higienización, planchado, repaso (cosido) y transporte de ropa hospitalaria de la Gerencia de Atención Integrada de Guadalajara.
Region Midtjylland udbyder vaskeritjeneste for Regionshospitalet Gødstrup og dertilhørende underenheder. Kontrakten dækker leje af artikler, vask af de lejede artikler samt regionejede artikler. Ydelsen omfatter, foruden selve vask af artiklerne, også afhentning og aflevering af urene og rene artikler. Region Midtjylland udbyder vaskeritjeneste for Regionshospitalet Gødstrup og dertilhørende underenheder. Kontrakten …
Trondheim bydrift invites relevant tenderers to a market dialogue for our pending procurement of a framework agreement for washing work wear. The contract is for laundry services connected to washing work clothes. The Contracting Authority will also consider hiring and washing towels in this regard. Bydrift has approx. 360 employees. …
Procedimiento abierto de servicios para la adjudicación del servicio, tras la anulación de los apartados de presupuesto de licitación y valor estimado del lote 1 de procedimiento 2023/007139 por estimación parcial de los dos recursos presentados contra los pliegos de dicho lote. Procedimiento abierto de servicios para la adjudicación del …
Servicio de lavandería en la Residencia Municipal Casa Amparo y Albergue Municipal de Zaragoza Servicio de lavandería en la Residencia Municipal Casa Amparo y Albergue Municipal de Zaragoza
Framework agreement for the hire, washing and delivery of personnel, patient and department textiles to Lærdal Hospital and Inner Sogn Psykiatrisenter. Framework agreement for the hire, washing and delivery of personnel, patient and department textiles to Lærdal Hospital and Inner Sogn Psykiatrisenter.
Stavanger municipality, hereafter also called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a competition. The competition is for laundry services and the hire of textiles and it is divided into 2 main assignments. The tender documentation is the same for both sub-assignments, except for purpose and scope. Tenderers can offer one …
Stavanger municipality, hereafter also called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a competition. The competition is for laundry services and the hire of textiles and it is divided into 2 main assignments. The tender documentation is the same for both sub-assignments, except for purpose and scope. Tenderers can offer one …
Nord-Odal municipality would like to use this procurement to enter into a contract for the hire of laundry services. Nord-Odal municipality would like to use this procurement to enter into a contract for the hire of laundry services.