Your search for Lathes
Number of alerts found: 11

Acquisition de tours semi-numériques et prestations connexes au profit du groupe des ateliers techniques 14.623 (GAT14.623) situé sur la base aérienne 204 de Mérignac (Gironde).

Acquisition de tours semi-numériques et prestations connexes au profit du groupe des ateliers techniques 14.623 (GAT14.623) situé sur la base aérienne 204 de Mérignac (Gironde). • Une tranche ferme se composant des postes détaillés ci-après : Poste 1 : La fourniture d'un tour semi-numérique, livraison, mise en service, documentation technique …

CPV: 42621000 Lathes
Place of execution:
Acquisition de tours semi-numériques et prestations connexes au profit du groupe des ateliers techniques 14.623 (GAT14.623) situé sur la base aérienne 204 de Mérignac (Gironde).
Awarding body:
DMAE/SDA/SSAM33-504 Acheteur
Award number:
March 13, 2025, 4:25 a.m.
Udbud på rammeaftaler fordelt på 2 delaftaler med drejebænke der skal stå ryg mod ryg samt manuelle maskinfræsere

Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Ordregiver at indhente tilbud på: Rammeaftaler på drejebænke og manuelle maskinfræsere til undervisning på Teknikas nye lokaler i Københavnsområdet. Udbuddet er fordelt på 2 delaftaler, som er fordelt nedenstående Delaftale 1: Drejebænke som kan stå ryg mod ryg til undervisning Delaftale 2: Manuelle maskinfræsere til undervisning …

CPV: 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42637300 Machine tools for milling metal
April 11, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Udbud på rammeaftaler fordelt på 2 delaftaler med drejebænke der skal stå ryg mod ryg samt manuelle maskinfræsere
Awarding body:
Teknika S/I
Award number:
March 13, 2025, 3:59 a.m.
Dostawa fabrycznie nowych obrabiarek konwencjonalnych do realizacji zajęć praktycznych

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest: "Dostawa fabrycznie nowych obrabiarek konwencjonalnych do realizacji zajęć praktycznych". Przedmiot zamówienia został podzielony na 5 części: Część 1: Dostawa 5 sztuk obrabiarek konwencjonalnych –tokarek (3 szt. z cyfrowym odczytem dla osi X,Z i 2 szt. bez cyfrowego odczytu dla osi X,Z) Część 2: Dostawa 2 sztuk obrabiarek …

CPV: 42600000 Machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42623000 Milling machines, 42637100 Machine tools for drilling metal, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals, 42637200 Machine tools for boring metal
March 20, 2025, 12:30 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dostawa fabrycznie nowych obrabiarek konwencjonalnych do realizacji zajęć praktycznych
Awarding body:
Miasta Ruda Śląska
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 4:21 a.m.
„Dostawa fabrycznie nowych maszyn i urządzeń do pracowni Fablab w Chrzanowie drugi przetarg”

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa fabrycznie nowych maszyn i urządzeń (rok produkcji 2024 lub 2025). Przedmiot zamówienia musi być fabrycznie nowy (nie dopuszcza się przedmiotu zamówienia rekondycjonowanego, powystawowego, używanego)., spełniających wymagania techniczne określone w opisie przedmiotu zamówienia stanowiącym załącznik nr 1 do SWZ: Część 1: Robot lutowniczy - 1 szt. Część …

CPV: 42900000 Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery, 43800000 Workshop equipment, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 39151200 Work benches, 38510000 Microscopes, 42621000 Lathes, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 42940000 Machinery for the heat treatment of materials, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 33735000 Goggles, 39141500 Fume cupboards, 48520000 Multimedia software package, 38652200 Enlargers, 39162100 Teaching equipment, 42997300 Industrial robots, 30213200 Tablet computer, 48190000 Educational software package, 42623000 Milling machines, 42622000 Threading or tapping machines, 30213100 Portable computers, 48620000 Operating systems, 42994220 Lamination accessories, 44512800 Screwdrivers, 44531200 Screw hooks or screw rings, 44512900 Drill bits, screwdriver bits and other accessories, 42715000 Sewing machines
April 11, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
„Dostawa fabrycznie nowych maszyn i urządzeń do pracowni Fablab w Chrzanowie drugi przetarg”
Awarding body:
Agencja Rozwoju Małopolski Zachodniej S.A.
Award number:
Część nr 1
March 12, 2025, 2:42 a.m.
Gépészeti eszközök - RRF-2.2.2-23-2023-00006

A közbeszerzés tárgya: Gépészeti eszközök beszerzése az RRF-2.2.2-23-2023-00006 azonosítószámú projekt keretében az alábbi 8 részben: 1. rész: Hagyományos esztergagépek beszerzése 2. rész: Hagyományos síkköszörűgép beszerzése 3. rész: Munkaállomással rendelkező CNC esztergagépek beszerzése 4. rész: Univerzális háromtengelyes CNC marógépek beszerzése 5. rész: Kollaboratív robotok beszerzése 6. rész: Öttengelyes megmunkálóközpont beszerzése 7. …

CPV: 42600000 Machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42621100 CNC lathe, 42623000 Milling machines, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42612000 Machining centre, 42662000 Welding equipment, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools
April 4, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Gépészeti eszközök - RRF-2.2.2-23-2023-00006
Awarding body:
Székesfehérvári Szakképzési Centrum
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 6:57 a.m.
8491 - Supply of Underfloor Wheel Lathes

This is a call to competition by IE for the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of new underfloor wheel lathes located in depots nationwide. The initial call off will be for an Underfloor Lathe in Drogheda. This is a call to competition by IE for the supply, installation, commissioning and …

CPV: 42621100 CNC lathe, 42621000 Lathes, 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools
Place of execution:
8491 - Supply of Underfloor Wheel Lathes
Awarding body:
Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Award number:
March 4, 2025, 4 a.m.
Call for Tenders dated 19th February 2025 for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N

Proposals from Tenderers are being sought to supply, deliver, installation and maintenance of sustainable (where possible) T4 Tools and Equipment for St Finian’s College. It is intended to award a contract to a single service provider for each Lot of this competition. Tenderers must be able to supply each item …

CPV: 30232110 Laser printers, 42637000 Machine tools for drilling, boring or milling metal, 42637100 Machine tools for drilling metal, 42637200 Machine tools for boring metal, 42637300 Machine tools for milling metal, 42640000 Machine tools for working hard materials except metals, 42641000 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete or glass, 42641100 Machine tools for working stone, 42641200 Machine tools for working ceramics, 42641300 Machine tools for working concrete, 42641400 Machine tools for working glass, 38636110 Industrial lasers, 42642000 Machine tools for working wood, bone, cork, hard rubber or hard plastics, 42642100 Machine tools for working wood, 42642200 Machine tools for working bone, 42642300 Machine tools for working cork, 42642400 Machine tools for working hard rubber, 42642500 Machine tools for working hard plastics, 42650000 Pneumatic or motorised hand tools, 42651000 Pneumatic hand tools, 42652000 Hand-held electromechanical tools, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 42600000 Machine tools, 42670000 Parts and accessories of machine tools, 42674000 Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools, 42675000 Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools, 42676000 Parts of hand tools, 42677000 Parts of pneumatic tools, 43830000 Power tools, 44423230 Step stools, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44510000 Tools, 44511000 Hand tools, 42610000 Machine tools operated by laser and machining centres, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools, 51530000 Installation services of machine tools, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 42962000 Printing and graphics equipment, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42621100 CNC lathe, 42630000 Metal-working machine tools, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals
March 26, 2025, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Call for Tenders dated 19th February 2025 for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N
Awarding body:
St Finian's College Mullingar
Award number:
Feb. 25, 2025, 7:05 a.m.
Call for Tenders for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N

Proposals from Tenderers are being sought to supply, deliver, installation and maintenance of sustainable (where possible) T4 Tools and Equipment for St Finian’s College. It is intended to award a contract to a single service provider for each Lot of this competition. Tenderers must be able to supply each item …

CPV: 30232110 Laser printers, 42637000 Machine tools for drilling, boring or milling metal, 42637100 Machine tools for drilling metal, 42637200 Machine tools for boring metal, 42637300 Machine tools for milling metal, 42640000 Machine tools for working hard materials except metals, 42641000 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete or glass, 42641100 Machine tools for working stone, 42641200 Machine tools for working ceramics, 42641300 Machine tools for working concrete, 42641400 Machine tools for working glass, 38636110 Industrial lasers, 42642000 Machine tools for working wood, bone, cork, hard rubber or hard plastics, 42642100 Machine tools for working wood, 42642200 Machine tools for working bone, 42642300 Machine tools for working cork, 42642400 Machine tools for working hard rubber, 42642500 Machine tools for working hard plastics, 42650000 Pneumatic or motorised hand tools, 42651000 Pneumatic hand tools, 42652000 Hand-held electromechanical tools, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 42600000 Machine tools, 42670000 Parts and accessories of machine tools, 42674000 Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools, 42675000 Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools, 42676000 Parts of hand tools, 42677000 Parts of pneumatic tools, 43830000 Power tools, 44423230 Step stools, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44510000 Tools, 44511000 Hand tools, 42610000 Machine tools operated by laser and machining centres, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools, 51530000 Installation services of machine tools, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 42962000 Printing and graphics equipment, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42621100 CNC lathe, 42630000 Metal-working machine tools, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals
March 31, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Call for Tenders for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N
Awarding body:
St Finian's College Mullingar
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 4:46 a.m.
Furnizare echipamente de laborator PC14 Prelucrare 2

Achiziționarea acestor produse este necesară în cadrul următoarelor laboratoare: Laborator de tehnologii de fabricație, Atelier Lăcătușerie și montaj, Laborator mașini cu comandă numerică, Laborator mașini cu comandă numerică (dual), prin implementarea proiectului „PERFORMANȚĂ ÎN FORMAREA PROFESIONALĂ PRIN PARTENERIATUL CU MEDIUL ECONOMIC PENTRU DEZVOLTAREA RUTEI COMPLETE DE ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNT DUAL LA USV …

CPV: 42621000 Lathes, 42674000 Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools, 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment, 71630000 Technical inspection and testing services, 79632000 Personnel-training services
March 27, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Furnizare echipamente de laborator PC14 Prelucrare 2
Awarding body:
Universitatea Stefan cel Mare Suceava
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 4:02 a.m.
Call for Tenders dated 19th February 2025 for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N

Proposals from Tenderers are being sought to supply, deliver, installation and maintenance of sustainable (where possible) T4 Tools and Equipment for St Finian’s College. It is intended to award a contract to a single service provider for each Lot of this competition. Tenderers must be able to supply each item …

CPV: 30232110 Laser printers, 42637000 Machine tools for drilling, boring or milling metal, 42637100 Machine tools for drilling metal, 42637200 Machine tools for boring metal, 42637300 Machine tools for milling metal, 42640000 Machine tools for working hard materials except metals, 42641000 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete or glass, 42641100 Machine tools for working stone, 42641200 Machine tools for working ceramics, 42641300 Machine tools for working concrete, 42641400 Machine tools for working glass, 38636110 Industrial lasers, 42642000 Machine tools for working wood, bone, cork, hard rubber or hard plastics, 42642100 Machine tools for working wood, 42642200 Machine tools for working bone, 42642300 Machine tools for working cork, 42642400 Machine tools for working hard rubber, 42642500 Machine tools for working hard plastics, 42650000 Pneumatic or motorised hand tools, 42651000 Pneumatic hand tools, 42652000 Hand-held electromechanical tools, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 42600000 Machine tools, 42670000 Parts and accessories of machine tools, 42674000 Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools, 42675000 Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools, 42676000 Parts of hand tools, 42677000 Parts of pneumatic tools, 43830000 Power tools, 44423230 Step stools, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44510000 Tools, 44511000 Hand tools, 42610000 Machine tools operated by laser and machining centres, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools, 51530000 Installation services of machine tools, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 42962000 Printing and graphics equipment, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools, 42621000 Lathes, 42621100 CNC lathe, 42630000 Metal-working machine tools, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals
March 26, 2025, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Call for Tenders dated 19th February 2025 for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of tools and equipment for T4 subjects for St Finian’s College, Mullingar 63280N
Awarding body:
St Finian's College Mullingar
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 4:01 a.m.