Your search for Internet or intranet server application development services
Number of alerts found: 10

PLATAFORMA DIGITAL: Contratación del servicio para el desarrollo, implementación y puesta en marcha de una Plataforma Digital Turística para la isla de Tenerife.

Se trata de la creación de una infraestructura tecnológica de vanguardia para conectar Tenerife digitalmente y ayudarla a transformarse en un destino inteligente. La plataforma deberá ser capaz de ofrecer al visitante, de un modo sencillo y a través de un único canal digital, productos y servicios físicos y digitales …

CPV: 72416000 Application service providers, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72420000 Internet development services, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Place of execution:
PLATAFORMA DIGITAL: Contratación del servicio para el desarrollo, implementación y puesta en marcha de una Plataforma Digital Turística para la isla de Tenerife.
Awarding body:
Consejo de Gobierno Insular del Cabildo Insular de Tenerife
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 5:20 a.m.
Maintenance évolutive et corrective des sites web et intranet de Paris Habitat et hébergement des sites

La présente consultation a pour objet la Maintenance évolutive et corrective des sites web et intranet de Paris Habitat et hébergement des sites. Le présent marché est passé sous forme d'accord-cadre mono-attributaire à prix mixte comprenant des prestations traitées à prix global et forfaitaire et des prestations à bons de …

CPV: 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Dec. 9, 2024, 4 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Maintenance évolutive et corrective des sites web et intranet de Paris Habitat et hébergement des sites
Awarding body:
Paris Habitat - OPH
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 3:22 p.m.
Nová infrastruktura a prezentace webových aplikací ČHMÚ včetně systémové integrace datových zdrojů a jejich správy

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je vytvoření nových webových stránek a současně systémového integrátoru, který napomůže sjednotit a logicky uspořádat ve struktuře obsah nového portálu a navázat aplikace třetích stran. Aplikace vytvořené třetími stranami budou do nového webu integrované úpravou vzhledu a sjednocením hlavičky (úpravy aplikací třetích stran nejsou součástí zadávacího řízení). …

CPV: 72420000 Internet development services, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services, 72413000 World wide web (www) site design services
Place of execution:
Nová infrastruktura a prezentace webových aplikací ČHMÚ včetně systémové integrace datových zdrojů a jejich správy
Awarding body:
Český hydrometeorologický ústav
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 8:43 a.m.
Despliegue y evolución de una Plataforma de Administración electrónica en el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid basada en MOAD.

Servicios de informática Oficina de Proyecto para la prestación de servicios de coordinación, aseguramiento de la calidad, seguridad y planificación del Lote 1.

CPV: 72212517 IT software development services, 72212900 Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems, 72226000 System software acceptance testing consultancy services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Place of execution:
Despliegue y evolución de una Plataforma de Administración electrónica en el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid basada en MOAD.
Awarding body:
Concejalía Delegada General del Área de Hacienda, Personal y Modernización Administrativa del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 7:45 a.m.
Bygglovs- och miljösystem

Upphandlingen är uppdelad i två (2) delområden: Delområde 1 - Bygglovssystem inkl. bostadsanpassningsbidragsärenden Delområde 2 - System för miljö- och hälsoskyddstillsyn och livsmedelskontroll Bygglovssystem inkl. bostadsanpassningsbidragsärenden System för miljö, livsmedel och hälsa

CPV: 72268000 Software supply services, 48100000 Industry specific software package, 48219300 Administration software package, 72220000 Systems and technical consultancy services, 72250000 System and support services, 72420000 Internet development services, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Dec. 12, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Bygglovs- och miljösystem
Awarding body:
Helsingborgs stad
Award number:
SLF 519/24
Nov. 12, 2024, 8:26 a.m.
Support & förvaltning Episerver

.Support och förvaltning av Kommunens externa webplats enligt beskrivning i upphandlingsdokumenten. .Support och förvaltning av Kommunens externa webplats enligt beskrivning i upphandlingsdokumenten.

CPV: 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Place of execution:
Support & förvaltning Episerver
Awarding body:
Norrtälje kommun
Award number:
Oct. 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.
Uspostava CIM repozitorija i izrada adaptera za razmjenu topoloških i geografskih podataka između ključnih sustava za potrebe funkcije vođenja DEES u HEP ODS

Uspostava CIM repozitorija i izrada adaptera za razmjenu topoloških i geografskih podataka između ključnih sustava za potrebe funkcije vođenja DEES u HEP ODS u skladu s DON Uspostava CIM repozitorija i izrada adaptera za razmjenu topoloških i geografskih podataka između ključnih sustava za potrebe funkcije vođenja DEES u HEP ODS …

CPV: 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services
Place of execution:
Uspostava CIM repozitorija i izrada adaptera za razmjenu topoloških i geografskih podataka između ključnih sustava za potrebe funkcije vođenja DEES u HEP ODS
Awarding body:
HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o.
Award number:
Oct. 25, 2024, 3:59 a.m.
Système d'Acquisition Dynamique (SAD) de Prestations Intellectuelles Informatiques (P2I)

Le présent système d'acquisition dynamique (SAD) a pour objet la mise en place d'un SAD portant sur la présélection d'opérateurs économiques ayant vocation à être mis en concurrence pour l'obtention de marchés spécifiques relatifs à la réalisation de prestations intellectuelles informatiques. • Prestation de développement full stack • Prestation de …

CPV: 32412100 Telecommunications network, 32412110 Internet network, 50312000 Maintenance and repair of computer equipment, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72150000 Computer audit consultancy and hardware consultancy services, 72246000 Systems consultancy services, 72316000 Data analysis services, 72420000 Internet development services, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services, 72500000 Computer-related services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services, 72810000 Computer audit services
Place of execution:
Système d'Acquisition Dynamique (SAD) de Prestations Intellectuelles Informatiques (P2I)
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 1, 2024, 5:02 a.m.
20-019 System development (backend & frontend)

A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …

CPV: 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72211000 Programming services of systems and user software, 72212000 Programming services of application software, 72243000 Programming services, 72220000 Systems and technical consultancy services, 72222200 Information systems or technology planning services, 72224100 System implementation planning services, 72227000 Software integration consultancy services, 72240000 Systems analysis and programming services, 72246000 Systems consultancy services, 72416000 Application service providers, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services, 72514200 Facilities management services for computer systems development
Place of execution:
20-019 System development (backend & frontend)
Awarding body:
AS Vinmonopolet
Award number:
April 23, 2024, 8:52 a.m.
20-018 Analytics, machine learning and data management

A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …

CPV: 72100000 Hardware consultancy services, 72130000 Computer-site planning consultancy services, 72212000 Programming services of application software, 72212460 Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development services, 72220000 Systems and technical consultancy services, 72221000 Business analysis consultancy services, 72222000 Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services, 72222300 Information technology services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 72224100 System implementation planning services, 72240000 Systems analysis and programming services, 72242000 Design-modelling services, 72246000 Systems consultancy services, 72300000 Data services, 72316000 Data analysis services, 72317000 Data storage services, 72322000 Data management services, 72416000 Application service providers, 72421000 Internet or intranet client application development services, 72422000 Internet or intranet server application development services, 72500000 Computer-related services, 72514000 Computer facilities management services, 72514200 Facilities management services for computer systems development, 79410000 Business and management consultancy services
Place of execution:
20-018 Analytics, machine learning and data management
Awarding body:
AS Vinmonopolet
Award number:
April 19, 2024, 5:26 a.m.