2024PR006 RFT for the provision of Insurance Brokerage and Placement Services to the NTMA and the Trustees of the NTMA Pension Scheme
The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) is seeking tenders for the provision of Insurance Brokerage and Placement Services to the NTMA and the Trustees of the NTMA Pension Scheme. Please see the Request for Tenders (RFT) attached to this notice for further information. The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) is …
CPV: 66518100 Insurance brokerage services, 66500000 Insurance and pension services, 66510000 Insurance services, 66518000 Insurance brokerage and agency services, 66511000 Life insurance services
Contratación del Servicio de SEGURO DE AUTOMÓVILES de la Administración de la Generalitat, su Sector Público Instrumental y Entidades Adheridas
servicio de seguro de automóviles cobertura de los automóviles de la Generalitat servicio de mediación de seguros servicio mediación seguros servicio mediación seguros servicio mediación servicio mediación servicio de agencia de viajes servicio agencia viajes contratación de pólizas de seguro para cobertura riesgos servicios seguros
CPV: 66514110 Motor vehicle insurance services, 66518100 Insurance brokerage services, 63510000 Travel agency and similar services, 66510000 Insurance services, 66518000 Insurance brokerage and agency services