Production de brevets et pin's du SMA à destination des volontaires stagiaires du SMA et livraison en métropole et en outre-mer Production de brevets et pin's du SMA à destination des volontaires stagiaires du SMA et livraison en métropole et en outre-mer
Suministro de prendas de uniformidad de trabajo y accesorios para el personal de la Agrupación de Tráfico de la Guardia Civil (8 Lotes) Ceñidor de cordura Bolsa portaequipos técnicos Faja motorista Divisas Antideslizantes Peto de alta visibilidad
Pořízení náložek hodnostních dle podmínek uvedených v Zadávací dokumentaci Čj.MO 817241/2024-551200. Pořízení náložek hodnostních dle podmínek uvedených v Zadávací dokumentaci Čj.MO 817241/2024-551200.
This notice shows the Police Shared Services' planned police specific procurements for the next 18 months. The intention of this notice is to notify potential tenderers so that they can prepare for the coming tender competitions. There may be changes in these plans and the Police Shared Services is not …
Due to the approaching end date of the existing contract, COMMIT, on behalf of the KPU company, intends to put a framework agreement for the supply of rank distinctive signs and emblems on the market by means of a European tender. COMMIT's intention is to use the information obtained from …