Your search for Information video-tape production
Number of alerts found: 7

Servicios de grabación, edición y posproducción de material multimedia y diseño, maquetación, edición e impresión de documentos para la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS).

Ver apdo 2. Alcance del Servicio, del pliego de prescripciones técnicas. Ver apdo 2. Alcance del Servicio, del pliego de prescripciones técnicas.

CPV: 79822500 Graphic design services, 92111260 Information video-tape production
April 4, 2025, 6 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Servicios de grabación, edición y posproducción de material multimedia y diseño, maquetación, edición e impresión de documentos para la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS).
Awarding body:
Secretaría General de la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 6:19 a.m.
Изработване на аудио-визуални информационни клипове за разпространение в телевизионни и радио канали и дигиталното пространство за разясняване на процеса по присъединяването на България към Еврозоната

Настоящата поръчка е свързана със създаване на аудио-визуално съдържание за комуникационната кампания преди, по време и след присъединяването на България към Еврозоната. Изработването на разяснителни информационни клипове е във връзка с ангажиментите на Министерството на финансите по изпълнение на Комуникационна стратегия за информация и публичност на присъединяването на България към …

CPV: 92111260 Information video-tape production
April 9, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Изработване на аудио-визуални информационни клипове за разпространение в телевизионни и радио канали и дигиталното пространство за разясняване на процеса по присъединяването на България към Еврозоната
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:55 a.m.

Gegenstand dieser Rahmenvereinbarung ist die Bereitstellung von ÖGS-Dolmetschleistungen sowie die Herstellung von ÖGS-Videos. Gegenstand dieser Rahmenvereinbarung ist im Los 1 die Bereitstellung von ÖGS-Dolmetschleistungen in den Regionen Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland. Gegenstand dieser Rahmenvereinbarung ist im Los 2 die Bereitstellung von ÖGS-Dolmetschleistungen in der Region Oberösterreich. Gegenstand dieser Rahmenvereinbarung ist …

CPV: 79540000 Interpretation services, 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 79500000 Office-support services, 92111260 Information video-tape production, 92111000 Motion picture and video production services
April 11, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Auftraggeber sind die Republik Österreich (Bund), die Bundesbeschaffung GmbH sowie alle weiteren Auftraggeber gemäß der den Ausschreibungsunterlagen beiliegenden Kundenliste.
Award number:
Feb. 27, 2025, 3:51 a.m.
Establishment of a multiple supplier framework agreement for the provision of Video and Animation Production and Editing Services for SEAI

The objective of this Framework RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified services providers to establish a framework for video production and animation services. SEAI wishes to appoint five service providers for the production of videos and animations that will help SEAI connect with and convert our target audiences. …

CPV: 92111250 Information film production, 92111200 Advertising, propaganda and information film and video-tape production, 92111210 Advertising film production, 92111220 Advertising video-tape production, 92111260 Information video-tape production, 92111100 Training-film and video-tape production, 72212900 Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems, 72500000 Computer-related services, 92111000 Motion picture and video production services, 92110000 Motion picture and video tape production and related services
Place of execution:
Establishment of a multiple supplier framework agreement for the provision of Video and Animation Production and Editing Services for SEAI
Awarding body:
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Award number:
Feb. 27, 2025, 3:45 a.m.
Multiparty Framework Agreement for the Provision of Videography Services to Dublin City Council in two (2) Lots

Dublin City Council seeks to establish a Multiparty Framework Agreement for the Provision of Videography Services in two (2) lots. The framework agreement will be established as a multi-operator framework agreement with the following number of economic operators in each Lot: Lot 1: Promotional / Social Media / VT Inserts …

CPV: 92111260 Information video-tape production, 92111100 Training-film and video-tape production, 92111220 Advertising video-tape production
Place of execution:
Multiparty Framework Agreement for the Provision of Videography Services to Dublin City Council in two (2) Lots
Awarding body:
Dublin City Council
Award number:
Feb. 18, 2025, 7:46 a.m.
Accompagnement et conseil dans la production de contenu audiovisuel de la CRAMIF

La présente consultation concerne un marché public ayant pour objet l'accompagnement et le conseil dans la production de contenu audiovisuels de la Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie d'Ile-de-France vis-à-vis de ses publics internes et externes. La présente consultation concerne un marché public ayant pour objet l'accompagnement et le conseil dans la …

CPV: 92111260 Information video-tape production, 92111000 Motion picture and video production services, 92111100 Training-film and video-tape production
March 17, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Accompagnement et conseil dans la production de contenu audiovisuel de la CRAMIF
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 14, 2025, 2:43 a.m.
Videoproducties en animatievideo's

Ter voorbereiding op een eventuele aanbesteding in het kader van videoproducties en animatievideo’s voert Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) deze marktconsultatie uit. U wordt gevraagd hier een bijdrage aan te leveren. De marktconsultatie heeft als doel om een beeld te krijgen van de markt en de interesse in deze branche, de mogelijkheden …

CPV: 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92111230 Propaganda film production, 92110000 Motion picture and video tape production and related services, 92111000 Motion picture and video production services, 92111100 Training-film and video-tape production, 92111200 Advertising, propaganda and information film and video-tape production, 92111210 Advertising film production, 92111220 Advertising video-tape production, 92111240 Propaganda video-tape production, 92111250 Information film production, 92111260 Information video-tape production, 92112000 Services in connection with motion-picture and video-tape production, 92120000 Motion-picture or video-tape distribution services, 92121000 Video-tape distribution services, 92122000 Motion picture distribution services, 92130000 Motion picture projection services, 92140000 Video-tape projection services
Place of execution:
Videoproducties en animatievideo's
Awarding body:
Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht
Award number:
Feb. 7, 2025, 2:18 a.m.