Pienkuormaajahankinta kuuluu osana "Metsätyön digitaalinen oppimisympäristö"-hankkeen investointihankkeeseen. Hankintaan kuuluu kolme (3) kappaletta samanlaista pienkuormajayksikköä (kuormaaja, kuormatila, istuin, ohjausjärjestelmä). Pienkuormaajat tulee olla voimalähteeltään sähköhydraulikäyttöisiä (voimavirta) sekä niitä tulee voida käyttää sekä sisä- että ulkotiloissa. Pienkuormaajat mallintavat todellisen metsäkoneen käyttöympäristöä, jossa harjoitellaan kuormaajan käsittelyä erilaisilla harjoitteilla. Pienkuormajayksikköä tullaan käyttämään alkeiskoulutuksessa metsäkonealan opiskelijoille, …
Laboratory Gases and Associated Equipment & Services A range of Compressed Industrial Gases to be supplied, in rented cylinders of various sizes and bar pressures covering the range ‘small cylinders’, ‘standard cylinders’ and manifold cylinder packs. i. Industrial Oxygen (≥99.5%) ii. Air iii. Argon (≥99.998%) iv. Carbon Dioxide (≥99.8%) v. …
The Provision of Training Services in Engineering and Renewable Energy to Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board LOETB invites tenders to this RFT from private training providers for the provision of training services in Engineering and Renewable Energy training courses. LOETB intend to appoint a single supplier to deliver …
Provision of Certification and Related Training Services to the Arborist Apprenticeship at GRETB Provision of Certification and Related Training Services to the Arborist Apprenticeship at GRETB
Re-Tender: Provision of Certification Related Training Services to the Arborist Apprenticeship Re-Tender: Provision of Certification Related Training Services to the Arborist Apprenticeship
Delivery of Training Programmes in Future Cast Facilities in Manorhamilton Co Leitrim, Collooney Co Sligo and the Mechanical and Electrical Training Facility in Ballaghaderreen Co Roscommon Delivery of Training Programmes in Future Cast Facilities in Manorhamilton Co Leitrim, Collooney Co Sligo and the Mechanical and Electrical Training Facility in Ballaghaderreen …
TU Dublin wishes to procure the service of a third party to provide an online training platform with the following capabilities 1. Provides online training courses. 2. Allows analysis of training statistics. 3. Allows edit and customisable course content. 4. Reflects the TU Dublin brand. 5. Complies with national legislation …
UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available in this area of Discipline Specific, Technical, Health and Safety Training throughout the Repuplic of Ireland. UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist …
2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration 2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration
Tech Northwest Skillnet on behalf of Atlantic Technological University wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under eight (8) lots for Training Services. The focus is on Training for ICT and Technology Companies (LOT 1) but will also cover General Business Training under Lots 2-8. Most of the training …