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Provision of Pension Services
Provision of Pension Services to include advice, guidance, support and administration in relation to NCAD Superannuation Scheme, Spouses' and Children's Scheme and the New Single Public Service Scheme. Provision of Pension Services to include advice, guidance, support and administration in relation to NCAD Superannuation Scheme, Spouses' and Children's Scheme and …
CPV: 66522000 Group pension services, 66500000 Insurance and pension services, 66520000 Pension services, 66521000 Individual pension services
Single-Party Framework Agreement for the provision of comprehensive pension administration services on an outsourced basis to the Institute of Public Administration
The Institute of Public Administration invites tenders to this Request for Tenders from economic operators for the provision of comprehensive pension administration services on an outsourced basis to the Institute of Public Administration. The IPA operates two separate pension schemes: the IPA Superannuation Pension Scheme and the Public Sector Single …
CPV: 66520000 Pension services, 75320000 Government employee pension schemes, 66521000 Individual pension services, 79410000 Business and management consultancy services, 66522000 Group pension services, 66523100 Pension fund administration services, 79414000 Human resources management consultancy services
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