Your search for Incubators
Number of alerts found: 19

Time-Lapse inkubaatori ostmine

Hankija soovib osta IVF protseduuride jaoks lauapealset time-lapse süsteemiga vähemalt 12 tassi kohaga multikambrilist inkubaatorit st ühe kambri rikke korral peab ülejäänud seade edasi töötama. Kambrite arvu saavutamiseks võib pakkuda mitu inkubaatorit, näiteks 2 inkubaatorit, mõlemal on 6 kambrit Hankija soovib osta IVF protseduuride jaoks lauapealset time-lapse süsteemiga vähemalt 12 …

CPV: 33152000 Incubators
March 26, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Time-Lapse inkubaatori ostmine
Awarding body:
Aktsiaselts Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 3:43 a.m.
Echipamente de laborator – 13 loturi în cadrul Proiectului PNRR Contract de finanţare nr. 760064/23.05.2023, CF 36/14.11.2022, cu titlul " Translational research targeting fibrosis regression, endothelial dysfunction reversal and hepatocytes regeneration in advanced liver diseases – 3RE-VALID"

Echipamente de laborator – 13 loturi în cadrul Proiectului PNRR Contract de finanţare nr. 760064/23.05.2023, CF 36/14.11.2022, cu titlul " Translational research targeting fibrosis regression, endothelial dysfunction reversal and hepatocytes regeneration in advanced liver diseases – 3RE-VALID" Nr LOT Denumirea echipamentului Lotul 1: Ecograf pentru uz experimental cu funcții complexe …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33112200 Ultrasonic unit, 42996600 Oxygenation equipment, 31516000 Infrared lamps, 38436000 Shakers and accessories, 39711120 Freezers, 42122510 Peristaltic pumps, 33172100 Anaesthesia devices, 38423000 Pressure-measuring equipment, 33152000 Incubators, 33141200 Catheters
Place of execution:
Echipamente de laborator – 13 loturi în cadrul Proiectului PNRR Contract de finanţare nr. 760064/23.05.2023, CF 36/14.11.2022, cu titlul " Translational research targeting fibrosis regression, endothelial dysfunction reversal and hepatocytes regeneration in advanced liver diseases – 3RE-VALID"
Awarding body:
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca
Award number:
4288047/2024/ proiect 760064/23.05.2023/2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
March 12, 2025, 3:15 a.m.
Zakup i dostawa mikroskopów i inkubatora na potrzeby wyposażenia laboratorium Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego - powtórzenie

Zakup i dostawa mikroskopów i inkubatora na potrzeby wyposażenia laboratorium Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego - powtórzenie Dostawa mikroskopu badawczego oraz 10 biologicznych Dostawa 11 mikroskopów stereoskopowych Dostawa mikroskopu fluorescencyjnego odwróconego z kamerą i oprogramowaniem Dostawa inkubatora CO2 do hodowli komórek

CPV: 38516000 Monocular and/or binocular light compound microscopes, 38515000 Fluorescent and polarising microscopes, 33152000 Incubators
Place of execution:
Zakup i dostawa mikroskopów i inkubatora na potrzeby wyposażenia laboratorium Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego - powtórzenie
Awarding body:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Award number:
March 11, 2025, 1:27 a.m.
+44 2073072760

Please click on the ink below to access the link which will lead you to the ITT pack. The ITT document suite provides all the necessary information you require to assess this opportunity. The tender is to procure a multi supplier framework for the provision of the following types of …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 33152000 Incubators, 33165000 Cryosurgical and cryotherapy devices, 33191110 Autoclaves, 38300000 Measuring instruments, 38420000 Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases, 38436000 Shakers and accessories, 39711110 Refrigerator-freezers, 39711120 Freezers, 39711430 Hotplates, 42300000 Industrial or laboratory furnaces, incinerators and ovens, 42912330 Water-purifying apparatus, 42931000 Centrifuges, 42943000 Thermostatic baths and accessories, 42997300 Industrial robots, 50433000 Calibration services, 51430000 Installation services of laboratory equipment, 90711500 Environmental monitoring other than for construction, 38900000 Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments, 39141500 Fume cupboards, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 39711362 Microwave ovens, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers
March 19, 2025, 1 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
+44 2073072760
Awarding body:
London Universities Purchasing Consortium
Award number:
Lab Equipment (General)
March 8, 2025, 4:09 a.m.
Isole neonatali, incubatrici neonatali, fototerapia

Procedura aperta per la stipula di una Convenzione quadriennale per la fornitura di isole neonatali, incubatrici neonatali, fototerapia e relativo materiale di consumo da destinare alle AA.SS. e AA.OO. della Regione Toscana (CUI 2022-022-0014) ISOLA NEONATALE DA REPARTO ISOLA NEONATALE DA SALA PARTO INCUBATRICE NEONATALE PER TERAPIA INTENSIVA SISTEMA IBRIDO …

CPV: 33152000 Incubators
April 7, 2025, 4 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Isole neonatali, incubatrici neonatali, fototerapia
Awarding body:
ESTAR - Ente di Supporto Tecnico Amministrativo Regionale
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:17 a.m.

Zwei Inkubatoren mit Vollkupfer Innenraum einmal mit CO2-Atmosphäre und hypoxischer 02-Regelung sowie einmal mit Atmosphäre und Umluftgebläse Beschafft werden sollen zwei Inkubatoren mit jeweils 100 % Vollkupfer Innenraum. Der größere CO2-Inkubator soll ein Innenraumvolumen von 150 bis 180 Liter und der kleinere Inkubator unter Atmosphäre soll ein Innenraum von 100 …

CPV: 33152000 Incubators
April 8, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Universität Siegen
Award number:
10-NL25E1OV Los 1
March 5, 2025, 12:27 a.m.
Dostawa aparatury medycznej wraz z montażem i szkoleniem PN-22/25

Dostawa aparatury medycznej wraz z montażem i szkoleniem PN-22/25 Stół operacyjny Lampa operacyjna Diatermia chirurgiczna Aparat do znieczulania wraz z kardiomonitorem Cieplarka Histeroskop

CPV: 33192230 Operating tables, 33167000 Surgical lights, 33162000 Operating theatre devices and instruments, 33171300 Epidural kits or packs, 33152000 Incubators, 33161000 Electrosurgical unit
April 2, 2025, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dostawa aparatury medycznej wraz z montażem i szkoleniem PN-22/25
Awarding body:
Award number:
Część nr 1
March 4, 2025, 3:02 a.m.
Általános laboratóriumi eszközök beszerzése 2.

Általános laboratóriumi eszközök (2) beszerzése 13 részben. Mindegyik részre vonatkozóan: A nyertes ajánlattevő köteles a szerződés tárgyát képező új, azaz nem használt termékek rendeltetési helyre történő leszállítására, beüzemelésére, és működőképes, tesztelt állapotban történő átadására, a termékek per-, teher, és igénymentes tulajdonjogának átruházására ajánlatkérő részére. Emellett köteles - a 6., 12. …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 39141500 Fume cupboards, 38436700 Ultrasound disintegrators, 42931100 Laboratory centrifuges and accessories, 38432000 Analysis apparatus, 38412000 Thermometers, 33152000 Incubators, 42122500 Laboratory pumps and accessories, 38436300 Incubating shakers, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories
March 31, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Általános laboratóriumi eszközök beszerzése 2.
Awarding body:
HCEMM Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Award number:
March 1, 2025, 3:12 a.m.
Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas (fiksuotų įkainių kainodara) IV (9242)

Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas (fiksuotų įkainių kainodara) IV (9242) Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas Ardo Naujagymių inkubatorius Amelie Star Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas CareFusion Sistema slėgiui kvėpavimo takuose palaikyti CareFusion Infant Flow SiPAP Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas Viasys HealthCare (Carefusion) Dirbtinis plaučių ventiliavimo aparatas AVEA

CPV: 33152000 Incubators
Place of execution:
Medicinos technikos dalys ir remontas (fiksuotų įkainių kainodara) IV (9242)
Awarding body:
VšĮ Vilniaus universiteto ligoninė Santaros klinikos (PV)
Award number:
March 1, 2025, 3:02 a.m.
Monitorovanie a hodnotenie stavu povrchových a podzemných vôd – laboratórne prístroje, laboratórne stoly s príslušenstvom

Predmetom zákazky je záväzok dodávateľa na tú časť predmetu zákazky s názvom “ Monitorovanie a hodnotenie stavu povrchových a podzemných vôd – „laboratórne prístroje, laboratórne stoly s príslušenstvom“”, v ktorej bude jeho ponuka vyhodnotená ako úspešná. Podrobné vymedzenie jednotlivých častí zákazky sa nachádza v časti B.1 “Opis predmetu zákazky a …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 31711422 Microwave equipment, 33152000 Incubators, 38510000 Microscopes, 38434000 Analysers, 38432210 Gas chromatographs, 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 42514300 Filtering apparatus, 38651600 Digital cameras, 39141500 Fume cupboards, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 39711130 Refrigerators, 60000000 Transport services (excl. Waste transport), 38432200 Chromatographs
April 2, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Monitorovanie a hodnotenie stavu povrchových a podzemných vôd – laboratórne prístroje, laboratórne stoly s príslušenstvom
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 1, 2025, 1:25 a.m.