Computer Assisted Translation Tool - CAT Computer Assisted Translation Tool - CAT
Achiziți de echipament digital pentru dotarea labortoarelor de științe, a Cabinetelor Școlare și a Cabinetelor de asistență psihopedagogică ( CJRAE) din unitatățile de învățământ preuniversitar - 4 LOTURI: LOT 1 Achiziție Echipament Digital pentru Dotarea Laboratoarelor de Științe din U.Î. preuniversitar LOT 2 Achiziție Echipament Digital pentru dotarea Cabinetelor Școlare …
The aim of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s need for texting video. Furthermore, the procurement shall ensure compliance with the regulations on universal design of ICT systems that impose universal design of content on the intranet and extra network, which was published after 1 February 2023. …
Irish Translation and Localisation services and Translation software providers regarding the provision of translation services, and proofing from English to Irish primarily- and potentially from Irish to English. The main subject areas for translation services (but not limited to) will cover the following Uisce Éireann areas. • Legal and Annual …