Your search for Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Number of alerts found: 9

Fourniture, installation, mise en service, gestion monétique et non-monétique, maintenance et supervision des Infrastructures de Recharge de Véhicules Électriques sur différents sites du Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Fourniture, installation, mise en service, gestion monétique et non-monétique, maintenance et supervision des Infrastructures de Recharge de Véhicules Électriques sur différents sites du Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques Fourniture, installation, mise en service, gestion monétique et non-monétique, maintenance et supervision des Infrastructures de Recharge de Véhicules Électriques sur différents sites du Département …

CPV: 50532400 Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment, 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment, 63712600 Vehicle refuelling services, 65320000 Operation of electrical installations, 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services, 72222300 Information technology services
Place of execution:
Fourniture, installation, mise en service, gestion monétique et non-monétique, maintenance et supervision des Infrastructures de Recharge de Véhicules Électriques sur différents sites du Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Awarding body:
Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Award number:
Feb. 1, 2025, 11:56 a.m.
Обслужване на картови плащания на публични задължения, установявани и събирани от Агенция "Митници", наредени чрез терминални устройства

Обслужване на картови плащания на публични задължения, установявани и събирани от Агенция "Митници", наредени чрез терминални устройства. Обслужване на картови плащания на публични задължения, установявани и събирани от Агенция "Митници", наредени чрез терминални устройства.

CPV: 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Обслужване на картови плащания на публични задължения, установявани и събирани от Агенция "Митници", наредени чрез терминални устройства
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 8:03 a.m.
Høring vedr. betalinger m. internationale betalingskort og open banking m.v.

Skatteministeriets koncern og ATP ønsker med denne høring at indhente markedsaktørernes bemærkninger til et udkast til en del af et kommende udbudsmateriale om bl.a. betalinger med internationale betalingskort samt wallets. Materialet beskriver én samlet betalingsløsning. Hermed menes, at Skatteministeriets og ATP's fagsystemer alene behøver at integrere til betalingsløsningen via en …

CPV: 66000000 Financial and insurance services, 66115000 International payment transfer services, 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Høring vedr. betalinger m. internationale betalingskort og open banking m.v.
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 23, 2025, 11:34 a.m.
Kontrakt om konto-til-konto mobilbetalinger

Danske Spil Koncernen, herunder Danske Spil A/S, Danske Licens Spil A/S, Danske Lotteri Spil A/S og Det Danske Klasselotteri A/S har behov for en pålidelig og effektiv løsning til konto-til-konto mobilbetalinger, hvor betaling er bundet op på et telefonnummer. Formålet med Danske Spils brug af løsningen er at forbedre kundernes …

CPV: 66000000 Financial and insurance services, 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Kontrakt om konto-til-konto mobilbetalinger
Awarding body:
Danske Spil A/S
Award number:
Jan. 21, 2025, 10:11 a.m.
Serviços de intermediação bancária para acesso à SIBS PAYMENTS GATEWAY

Serviços de intermediação bancária para acesso à SIBS PAYMENTS GATEWAY Serviço de intermediação bancária para acesso à SIBS PAYMENTS GATEWAY

CPV: 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Serviços de intermediação bancária para acesso à SIBS PAYMENTS GATEWAY
Awarding body:
Município de Lagoa
Award number:
Jan. 21, 2025, 10:07 a.m.

Serviciile de procesare a plaților electronice necesare pentru funcționarea sistemelor informatice ale ANCPI, prin intermediul cărora se pun la dispozitia cetatenilor serviciile oferite de ANCPI/OCPI/CNC. Numărul de zile până la care se pot solicita clarificări: 20 zile înainte de data limită de depunere a ofertelor.ANCPI va răspunde în mod clar …

CPV: 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 18, 2025, 4:09 a.m.
Suministro, implantación y puesta en marcha de SIT, Mantenimiento, Operación de sistemas y red de ventas.

Procedimiento abierto Procedimiento abierto

CPV: 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 30211300 Computer platforms, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48481000 Sales or marketing software package, 50312600 Maintenance and repair of information technology equipment, 51610000 Installation services of computers and information-processing equipment, 63710000 Support services for land transport, 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services, 72212110 Point of sale (POS) software development services, 72267100 Maintenance of information technology software
Place of execution:
Suministro, implantación y puesta en marcha de SIT, Mantenimiento, Operación de sistemas y red de ventas.
Awarding body:
Junta de Gobierno de la Consorcio Autoridad Única del Transporte de Gran Canaria (AUTGC)
Award number:
Jan. 15, 2025, 2:10 a.m.
Terminaux de paiement électroniques - Marché en 4 lots, 7 tranches : acquisition, location, application mobile, services associés services associés

Marché en 4 lots distincts : Acquisition et location de terminaux de paiement fixes et mobiles, maintenance, abonnements aux services de paiement Tranche 1 : Acquisition, installation et maintenance de terminaux fixes de paiements électroniques; Tranche2 : Acquisition et maintenance de terminaux mobiles de paiements électroniques ; Tranche 3 : …

CPV: 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Place of execution:
Terminaux de paiement électroniques - Marché en 4 lots, 7 tranches : acquisition, location, application mobile, services associés services associés
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 1:56 a.m.
Raamovereenkomst voor het beheren, onderhouden en exploiteren van binnenvaartservices

De Vlaamse Waterweg heeft op diverse locaties langs de bevaarbare waterlopen walstroom, waterinname en – afgifte en afvalafgiftepunten voorzien dat ter beschikking wordt gesteld aan de gebruikers van de waterweg. Voor het beheer van deze “binnenvaartservices” is De Vlaamse Waterweg op zoek naar een opdrachtnemer die in instaat voor het …

CPV: 34996200 Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways, 50240000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment, 50532000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 66172000 Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services, 72212960 Drivers and system software development services
Place of execution:
Raamovereenkomst voor het beheren, onderhouden en exploiteren van binnenvaartservices
Awarding body:
De Vlaamse Waterweg nv
Award number:
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:06 a.m.