Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT. Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT.
The Housing Agency are seeking a cloud-based integrated financial system and managed service provider (MSP) to implement, operate and support the system on a SaaS basis. In summary, the Services comprise: Provision of a cloud-based integrated financial management system; Professional services to implement the system; Ongoing support and maintenance of …
Gegenstand des vorliegenden offenen Verfahrens ist die Beschaffung von externer Unterstützung zur Betreuung / Administration, Beratung, Weiterentwicklung der SAP Module FI/CO/MM, dem Lean Request und der Vertragsdatenbank. Es soll ein Unternehmen ermittelt werden, welches für ein Jahr mit der Option der dreimaligen Verlängerung von einem Jahr die beschriebenen Beratungs- und …
The Housing Agency are seeking a cloud-based integrated financial system and managed service provider (MSP) to implement, operate and support the system on a SaaS basis. In summary, the Services comprise: Provision of a cloud-based integrated financial management system; Professional services to implement the system; Ongoing support and maintenance of …
Achiziția unui sistem informatic și de management al informațiilor pentru crearea cadrului necesar aplicării noului mecanism pentru aplicarea noului mecanism economic cu efect asupra îmbunătățirii performanței economice și a practicilor de management al activelor, în conformitate cu bunele practici internaționale este inclusa in cadrul proiectului "Reconfigurarea actualului mecanism economic al …