Your search for Financial analysis and accounting software development services
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Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services

Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT. Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT.

CPV: 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48400000 Business transaction and personal business software package, 48440000 Financial analysis and accounting software package, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72212400 Business transaction and personal business software development services, 72212440 Financial analysis and accounting software development services, 72212441 Financial analysis software development services, 72212442 Financial systems software development services, 72212443 Accounting software development services
Place of execution:
Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services
Awarding body:
St John of God Community Services clg
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:17 a.m.
Financial Management System

The Housing Agency are seeking a cloud-based integrated financial system and managed service provider (MSP) to implement, operate and support the system on a SaaS basis. In summary, the Services comprise: Provision of a cloud-based integrated financial management system; Professional services to implement the system; Ongoing support and maintenance of …

CPV: 72253200 Systems support services, 72212440 Financial analysis and accounting software development services, 72212441 Financial analysis software development services, 72212442 Financial systems software development services, 72212443 Accounting software development services, 72212451 Enterprise resource planning software development services, 72212490 Procurement software development services, 72222300 Information technology services, 72227000 Software integration consultancy services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services, 72610000 Computer support services
Feb. 10, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Financial Management System
Awarding body:
Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 2:46 a.m.
Rahmenvertrag SAP-Dienstleistungen

Gegenstand des vorliegenden offenen Verfahrens ist die Beschaffung von externer Unterstützung zur Betreuung / Administration, Beratung, Weiterentwicklung der SAP Module FI/CO/MM, dem Lean Request und der Vertragsdatenbank. Es soll ein Unternehmen ermittelt werden, welches für ein Jahr mit der Option der dreimaligen Verlängerung von einem Jahr die beschriebenen Beratungs- und …

CPV: 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72212440 Financial analysis and accounting software development services, 72212490 Procurement software development services
Feb. 28, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Rahmenvertrag SAP-Dienstleistungen
Awarding body:
kubus IT - Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts eGbR
Award number:
Jan. 21, 2025, 9:34 a.m.
Financial Management System

The Housing Agency are seeking a cloud-based integrated financial system and managed service provider (MSP) to implement, operate and support the system on a SaaS basis. In summary, the Services comprise: Provision of a cloud-based integrated financial management system; Professional services to implement the system; Ongoing support and maintenance of …

CPV: 72253200 Systems support services, 72212440 Financial analysis and accounting software development services, 72212441 Financial analysis software development services, 72212442 Financial systems software development services, 72212443 Accounting software development services, 72212451 Enterprise resource planning software development services, 72212490 Procurement software development services, 72222300 Information technology services, 72227000 Software integration consultancy services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services, 72610000 Computer support services
Feb. 7, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Financial Management System
Awarding body:
Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency
Award number:
Dec. 28, 2024, 12:05 a.m.
Sistem informatic și de management al informațiilor pentru crearea cadrului necesar aplicării noului mecanism, cu efect asupra îmbunătățirii performanței economice și a practicilor de management al activelor, în conformitate cu bunele practici internaționale

Achiziția unui sistem informatic și de management al informațiilor pentru crearea cadrului necesar aplicării noului mecanism pentru aplicarea noului mecanism economic cu efect asupra îmbunătățirii performanței economice și a practicilor de management al activelor, în conformitate cu bunele practici internaționale este inclusa in cadrul proiectului "Reconfigurarea actualului mecanism economic al …

CPV: 72212440 Financial analysis and accounting software development services
Place of execution:
Sistem informatic și de management al informațiilor pentru crearea cadrului necesar aplicării noului mecanism, cu efect asupra îmbunătățirii performanței economice și a practicilor de management al activelor, în conformitate cu bunele practici internaționale
Awarding body:
Award number:
Dec. 27, 2024, 11:50 p.m.