Your search for Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
Number of alerts found: 183

SF+PT și asigurarea asistenței tehnice pe durata executării lucrărilor până la finalizarea acestora pentru obiectivul ”Înfiintare Centru integrat de colectare separată prin aport voluntar destinat aglomerarii urbane Mun.Timisoara”

In baza contractului se vor presta servicii de elaborare SF+PT și asigurarea asistenței tehnice pe durata executării lucrărilor până la finalizarea acestora pentru obiectivul de investiţie „ ”Înfiintare Centru integrat de colectare separată prin aport voluntar destinat aglomerarii urbane Municipiul Timisoara” finanțat prin PNRR, Apel nr.PNRR/2022/C3/S/I.1.C, Subinvestiția I.1.c, Componenta C3 …

CPV: 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
Place of execution:
SF+PT și asigurarea asistenței tehnice pe durata executării lucrărilor până la finalizarea acestora pentru obiectivul ”Înfiintare Centru integrat de colectare separată prin aport voluntar destinat aglomerarii urbane Mun.Timisoara”
Awarding body:
Municipiul Timisoara
Award number:
Dec. 22, 2023, midnight
Dynamic Purchasing System - Technical engineering services

Dynamic Purchasing System regarding Technical engineering services.

CPV: 71334000 Mechanical and electrical engineering services, 71311200 Transport systems consultancy services, 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71311230 Railway engineering services, 79530000 Translation services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 79131000 Documentation services
Nov. 4, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dynamic Purchasing System - Technical engineering services
Awarding body:
Vygruppen AS
Award number:
Oct. 20, 2023, midnight
23/001 - The Provision of Hydrogen Consultancy Services

This Qualification System is designed to allow for the assembly of a multi-supplier panel with competent entities whose capabilities include but are not limited to providing services associated with Hydrogen Consultancy Services for GNI Ireland/GNI (UK) projects located in the Republic of Ireland. In 2021, GNI were tasked by the …

CPV: 76100000 Professional services for the gas industry, 65000000 Public utilities, 65200000 Gas distribution and related services, 65210000 Gas distribution, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71300000 Engineering services, 71314000 Energy and related services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71621000 Technical analysis or consultancy services, 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 73210000 Research consultancy services, 76000000 Services related to the oil and gas industry
Place of execution:
23/001 - The Provision of Hydrogen Consultancy Services
Awarding body:
Gas Networks Ireland
Award number:
July 17, 2023, midnight