Your search for Exercise books
Number of alerts found: 5

Framework agreement for office supplies, free school materials and copy paper.

The procurement is for the delivery of office supplies, school materials and copy paper to the municipalities. The procurement is for the delivery of office supplies, school materials and copy paper to the municipalities.

CPV: 30191000 Office equipment except furniture, 22830000 Exercise books, 30192121 Ballpoint pens, 30192130 Pencils, 30194320 Drafting papers, 30197640 Self-copy or other copy paper
April 24, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Framework agreement for office supplies, free school materials and copy paper.
Awarding body:
Eigersund Kommune
Award number:
Kontorrekvisita 2025
March 11, 2025, 1 a.m.
Contract award - Consumables and supplies for offices, archiving and school RK, SFK & NFK

Ringebu, Sør-Fron and Nord-Fron municipalities have a joint procurement cooperation. The cooperation means that several tender contests, like this one, are being held in a community. The municipalities are not one legal entity and will enter into separate contracts. This means that Ringebu, Sør-Fron and Nord-Fron municipalities will enter into …

CPV: 30190000 Various office equipment and supplies, 22830000 Exercise books, 22832000 Exercise papers, 22900000 Miscellaneous printed matter, 30191100 Filing equipment, 30192000 Office supplies, 30192700 Stationery, 30197000 Small office equipment, 30197643 Photocopier paper
Place of execution:
Contract award - Consumables and supplies for offices, archiving and school RK, SFK & NFK
Awarding body:
Ringebu Kommune
Award number:
March 1, 2025, 1:21 a.m.
50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler - GENUDBUD

SKI udbyder Rammeaftale 50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler. Rammeaftalen angår levering af skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler. Der er følgende hovedproduktgrupper: Dekorationsartikler, dekorationsemner, formning- & billedkunstartikler, karton og papir, kreativ fremstilling, kreative redskaber, malerartikler, perler og perleplader, skoleartikler, smykkefremstilling, sæson og højtider, tegneartikler samt tekstiler og garn. Skoleartikler har tidligere været …

CPV: 37000000 Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories, 18331000 T-shirts, 18420000 Clothing accessories, 18450000 Fasteners (clothing), 18513000 Articles of jewellery, 18936000 Textile bags, 19000000 Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials, 19200000 Textile fabrics and related items, 19210000 Woven fabrics, 19211000 Synthetic woven fabrics, 19212000 Woven fabrics of cotton, 19260000 Cloth, 19280000 Animal wool, hides and skins, 19400000 Textile yarn and thread, 19410000 Natural textile fibres, 19420000 Artificial textile fibres, 19430000 Textile yarn and thread of natural fibres, 19440000 Synthetic yarn or thread, 22830000 Exercise books, 24910000 Glues, 30192100 Erasers, 30192110 Ink products, 30192130 Pencils, 30192160 Correctors, 30192700 Stationery, 30194000 Drafting supplies, 30194800 T-squares and triangles, 30195400 Dry erase boards or accessories, 30195500 Chalk boards or accessories, 30195700 Board cleaning kits or accessories, 37800000 Handicraft and art supplies, 37810000 Handicraft supplies, 37820000 Art supplies, 37821000 Artists' brushes, 37822000 Drawing pens, 37823000 Greaseproof paper and other paper items, 39221121 Cups, 39227000 Sewing and knitting needles, and thimbles, 39241200 Scissors, 39292000 School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments, 39292110 Erasers for blackboards, 39292300 Drawing instruments, 39292400 Writing instruments, 39292500 Rulers, 39560000 Miscellaneous textile articles, 39561000 Tulle, lace, narrow-woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery, 39562000 Felt, 39563000 Textile wadding, yarns, fabrics and articles for technical uses
April 14, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler - GENUDBUD
Awarding body:
Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S
Award number:
Feb. 28, 2025, 3:20 a.m.
50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler

SKI udbyder Rammeaftale 50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler. Rammeaftalen angår levering af skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler. Der er følgende hovedproduktgrupper: Dekorationsartikler, dekorationsemner, formning- & billedkunstartikler, karton og papir, kreativ fremstilling, kreative redskaber, malerartikler, perler og perleplader, skoleartikler, smykkefremstilling, sæson og højtider, tegneartikler samt tekstiler og garn. Skoleartikler har tidligere været …

CPV: 37000000 Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories, 18331000 T-shirts, 18420000 Clothing accessories, 18450000 Fasteners (clothing), 18513000 Articles of jewellery, 18936000 Textile bags, 19000000 Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials, 19200000 Textile fabrics and related items, 19210000 Woven fabrics, 19211000 Synthetic woven fabrics, 19212000 Woven fabrics of cotton, 19260000 Cloth, 19280000 Animal wool, hides and skins, 19400000 Textile yarn and thread, 19410000 Natural textile fibres, 19420000 Artificial textile fibres, 19430000 Textile yarn and thread of natural fibres, 19440000 Synthetic yarn or thread, 22830000 Exercise books, 24910000 Glues, 30192100 Erasers, 30192110 Ink products, 30192130 Pencils, 30192160 Correctors, 30192700 Stationery, 30194000 Drafting supplies, 30194800 T-squares and triangles, 30195400 Dry erase boards or accessories, 30195500 Chalk boards or accessories, 30195700 Board cleaning kits or accessories, 37800000 Handicraft and art supplies, 37810000 Handicraft supplies, 37820000 Art supplies, 37821000 Artists' brushes, 37822000 Drawing pens, 37823000 Greaseproof paper and other paper items, 39221121 Cups, 39227000 Sewing and knitting needles, and thimbles, 39241200 Scissors, 39292000 School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments, 39292110 Erasers for blackboards, 39292300 Drawing instruments, 39292400 Writing instruments, 39292500 Rulers, 39560000 Miscellaneous textile articles, 39561000 Tulle, lace, narrow-woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery, 39562000 Felt, 39563000 Textile wadding, yarns, fabrics and articles for technical uses
Place of execution:
50.21 Skole-, hobby- og beskæftigelsesartikler
Awarding body:
Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S
Award number:
Feb. 28, 2025, 1:28 a.m.
Προμήθεια των απαιτούμενων εντύπων, για τις ανάγκες των Πανελλαδικών Εξετάσεων σχολικών ετών 2022-2023, 2023-2024 και προαιρετικά 2024-2025

Ανοικτός Ηλεκτρονικός Διαγωνισμός άνω των ορίων με προσυμβατικό έλεγχο σε ευρώ (€), με κριτήριο ανάθεσης την πλέον συμφέρουσα από οικονομική άποψη προσφορά αποκλειστικά βάσει τιμής ανά τμήμα, για την επιλογή Αναδόχου/-ων για την προμήθεια των απαιτούμενων εντύπων, για τις ανάγκες των Πανελλαδικών Εξετάσεων σχολικών ετών 2022-2023, 2023-2024 και προαιρετικά 2024-2025. …

CPV: 22000000 Printed matter and related products, 22830000 Exercise books, 79810000 Printing services
Place of execution:
Προμήθεια των απαιτούμενων εντύπων, για τις ανάγκες των Πανελλαδικών Εξετάσεων σχολικών ετών 2022-2023, 2023-2024 και προαιρετικά 2024-2025
Awarding body:
Υπουργείο Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού
Award number:
Αρ. πρωτ.: 122227/Β4/05-10-2022 (διακήρυξης), 122239/Β4/05-10-2022 (προκήρυξης)
Jan. 30, 2025, 6 a.m.