The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) require a contractor/contract team to carry out baseline and review surveys of Annex-quality grasslands and good quality semi-natural grasslands on a subset of NPWS Farm Plan sites. It is envisaged that c.20-25 farms will be included. Close liaison with the NPWS Grassland Ecologists …
The rapid assessment of marinas has become an established method of surveying for the presence of invasive marine species. A key advantage of this survey type is it can be run independently of the tidal state and does not require a vessel or significant outlay on equipment. These habitats also …
The Rehab Group intends to establish a single-party framework agreement with qualified and experienced service providers who are registered SEAI Energy Auditors to provide SEAI Energy Audits for batches of properties from the nationwide Rehab Group property portfolio. The scope of properties include domestic and commercial properties and community dwellings. …
Le projet d’aménagement du parc d’activités VISIONIS 7 consiste à créer un parc à vocation économique dédié aux activités de bureau, industrielles, ou artisanales et autres activités à définir sur un espace de 12 hectares environ, situé au lieu-dit Grand Rivolet à Montceaux (01090) dans le département de l’Ain (01). …
The provision of Environmental Consultancy Services for the Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme. A suitable Environmental Clerk of Works and/or Project Ecologist (both roles can be fulfilled by the same person) to provide technical expertise, and to audit, inspect and review the management of environmental matters on the construction of the …
In summary, the Services comprise: designing and trialling multispectral imaging techniques as a method of monitoring and reporting on the conservation status of the Annex I Reef [1170] habitats. In summary, the Services comprise: designing and trialling multispectral imaging techniques as a method of monitoring and reporting on the conservation …
Rare Vascular Plant Surveys Rare Vascular Plant Surveys
Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a coastal lagoon, with minimal maintenance requirements and with a suitable telemetry system to permit data to be transmitted at least twice per day, and software to allow for data transfer. Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a …
The main purpose of this request for tender is to procure scientific support to monitor NPWS flux chamber and eddy covariance greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring sites, and to instrument and set-up new sites at selected locations. The main purpose of this request for tender is to procure scientific support to …
The Southern Regional Assembly (SRA) invites tenders for the appointment of suitably qualified and experienced consultants to undertake the following assessments required as part of the preparation of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the period 2026-2032: (1) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). (2) Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) and …