Videonovērošanas sistēmas un apsardzes signalizācijas pilnveidošana Cēsu Audzināšanas iestādē nepilngadīgajiem. Atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2018. gada 10. jūlija noteikumiem Nr.417 "Industriālās drošības sertifikātu noteikumi", pretendentu rīcībā jābūt spēkā esošam vismaz 3. kategorijas Industriālās drošības sertifikātam, bet piesaistītajam personālam – vismaz 3. kategorijas speciālā atļauja pieejai konfidenciāliem valsts noslēpuma objektiem. Videonovērošanas sistēmas …
Το έργο περιλαμβάνει την επέκταση του Κέντρου Δεδομένων μαζί με τους βοηθητικούς χώρους του (χώρος Η/Ζ, χώρος UPS, αποθηκευτικός χώρος, κτλ.) και επίσης τον εκσυγχρονισμό του ηλεκτρολογικού και μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού υποδομής των υφιστάμενων χώρων των δύο Κέντρων Δεδομένων Αθήνας και Θεσσαλονίκης (σύστημα κλιματισμού, εξαερισμού και αποκαπνισμού, σύστημα αδιάλειπτης τροφοδοσίας κλπ.), …
Empreitada para instalação de sistema de controlo de acessos de pessoas da Assembleia da República Empreitada para instalação de sistema de controlo de acessos de pessoas da Assembleia da República
Empreitada para instalação de sistema de controlo de acessos de veículos da Assembleia da República Empreitada para instalação de sistema de controlo de acessos de veículos da Assembleia da República
Nordland fylkeskommune (the contracting authority) invites interested suppliers to apply for admission in a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS) for planning and engineering design services for Nordland county. Nordland fylkeskommune (the contracting authority) invites interested suppliers to apply for admission in a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS) for planning and engineering design …
The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency is establishing the purchasing system on behalf of the Norwegian Armed Forces and its underlying departments. The FD ́s underlying departments are currently the following: The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, also enters into the contract …
This notice supplements previously published notice from Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica – 2 SP. Z o.o. – 2022/S 171-485785 (Supplies). This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order to increase transparency and knowledge about Ørsted Entities' purchases in EU tender procedures. This notice relates to the contracting entities projects …
Il presente avviso riguarda i lavori di realizzazione e manutenzione di sistemi integrati di security (Rif. Gruppo Merci LL04AG04 INSTALLAZIONE, MANUTENZIONE E REALIZZAZIONE IMPIANTI E SISTEMI INTEGRATI DI SICUREZZA ELETTRONICA E VIDEOSORVEGLIANZA)