Your search for Emergency power systems
Number of alerts found: 6

Prequalification Contract 4601 Disruption free emergency power supply DRUPS - New Rikshospitalet

The aim of the procurement is to engage a contractor for contract 4601 Uninterruptable emergency power supply DRUPS for the project New Rikshospital at Gaustad, which will be responsible for the services that shall be provided. The procurement includes engineering design, delivery, assembly, testing and commissioning of 6 new DRUPS …

CPV: 45215100 Construction work for buildings relating to health, 31121100 Generating sets with compression-ignition engines, 31154000 Uninterruptible power supplies, 31682510 Emergency power systems, 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Place of execution:
Prequalification Contract 4601 Disruption free emergency power supply DRUPS - New Rikshospitalet
Awarding body:
Helse Sør-Øst RHF
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 4:19 a.m.
Neubau mit Erweiterung Realschule Heilsbronn, EDV-Ausstattung

60x Tablets mit Hülle und Folie 4x Koffer und Wagen zur Tablettaufbewahrung 2x Displays als DSB inkl. Montage 1x Zentrale USV Anlage mit 15kVA inkl. Montage Ca. 10 Vorkonfektionierte Netzwerkkabel 1x Einweisung der Nutzer 60x Tablets mit Hülle und Folie 4x Koffer und Wagen zur Tablettaufbewahrung 2x Displays als DSB …

CPV: 30213200 Tablet computer, 32323100 Colour video monitors, 31682510 Emergency power systems
April 1, 2025, 9:30 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Neubau mit Erweiterung Realschule Heilsbronn, EDV-Ausstattung
Awarding body:
Landratsamt Ansbach
Award number:
Feb. 25, 2025, 6:08 a.m.
„Zwirtualizowane środowisko informatyczne” w ramach przedsięwzięcia „Infrastruktura obrazowania biologicznego i biomedycznego - Bio-Imaging Poland” KPOD.01.18-IW.03-0017/23 – Etap 2

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest adaptacja pomieszczeń technicznych (020, 020a) do funkcji serwerowni w formule „zaprojektuj i wybuduj” w zakresie infrastruktury informatycznej w ramach realizacji prac w projekcie „Zwirtualizowane środowisko informatyczne” w ramach przedsięwzięcia „Infrastruktura obrazowania biologicznego i biomedycznego - Bio-Imaging Poland” – Etap 2. Celem projektu jest adaptacja pomieszczenia technicznego, oznaczonego …

CPV: 32410000 Local area network, 45314300 Installation of cable infrastructure, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45330000 Plumbing and sanitary works, 45331200 Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 72611000 Technical computer support services, 72710000 Local area network services, 71320000 Engineering design services, 45300000 Building installation work, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31682510 Emergency power systems, 32421000 Network cabling, 32422000 Network components
March 31, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
„Zwirtualizowane środowisko informatyczne” w ramach przedsięwzięcia „Infrastruktura obrazowania biologicznego i biomedycznego - Bio-Imaging Poland” KPOD.01.18-IW.03-0017/23 – Etap 2
Awarding body:
Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M.Nenckiego PAN
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 4:56 a.m.
Техническо обслужване на системи и оборудване, произведени, доставени и инсталирани от фирми AREVA NP GmbH и SIEMENS AG на ОРУ, БПС и 5, 6 ЕБ на „АЕЦ Козлодуй“ ЕАД

При изпълнение на поръчката ще се изпълняват следните дейности: Профилактично техническо обслужване, ремонтни дейности, доставка на резервни части и консумативи за оборудването, поддържане на база данни на оборудването, диагностика и технически консултации, модернизация на системи и компоненти, чрез ъпгрейд/ъпдейт на компоненти, модули, операционна среда и приложен софтуер и обучение. При …

CPV: 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 31710000 Electronic equipment, 42662200 Non-electric welding equipment, 31682510 Emergency power systems, 31214130 Safety switches, 31214100 Switches, 31711500 Parts of electronic assemblies, 31711510 Parts of electrical capacitors, 34913000 Miscellaneous spare parts
Place of execution:
Техническо обслужване на системи и оборудване, произведени, доставени и инсталирани от фирми AREVA NP GmbH и SIEMENS AG на ОРУ, БПС и 5, 6 ЕБ на „АЕЦ Козлодуй“ ЕАД
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 4:32 a.m.
Raamovereenkomst voor levering, installatie en onderhoud van noodstroominstallaties/UPS

Raamovereenkomst voor levering, installatie en onderhoud van noodstroominstallaties/UPS Raamovereenkomst voor levering, installatie en onderhoud van noodstroominstallaties/UPS

CPV: 31682510 Emergency power systems
Place of execution:
Raamovereenkomst voor levering, installatie en onderhoud van noodstroominstallaties/UPS
Awarding body:
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Award number:
Feb. 11, 2025, 2:20 a.m.
Lager für übende Truppen Ostenholz, Neubau Feuerwache (Kopie)

Neubau einer Feuerwache Dachabdichtungsarbeiten, Klempnerarbeiten 1.300 qm Dämmung + Dachabdichtung, 160 m Attikaabdeckung, 140 m Seilsicherung, 48 m Fall-/Regenrohre Wand- und Bodenfliesen inkl. Abdichtung, Rüttelfliesen, Klinkerriemchen 660 qm Wandfliesen, 645 qm Bodenfliesen, 460 qm Rüttelfliesen, 175 qm Klinkerriemchen Stahlblechtüren bis T30-RS, 1+2-flg., Treppen- und Brüstungsgeländer innen, Holzhandläufe, Treppenkonstruktion aus Stahlwangen …

CPV: 31127000 Emergency generator, 31154000 Uninterruptible power supplies, 31518200 Emergency lighting equipment, 31625200 Fire-alarm systems, 31682510 Emergency power systems, 31730000 Electrotechnical equipment, 42000000 Industrial machinery, 44221220 Fire doors, 44221300 Gates, 44233000 Staircases, 45000000 Construction work, 45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work, 45112700 Landscaping work, 45232410 Sewerage work, 45216121 Fire station construction work, 45223810 Prefabricated constructions, 45231300 Construction work for water and sewage pipelines, 45232142 Heat-transfer station construction work, 45232460 Sanitary works, 45233120 Road construction works, 45261410 Roof insulation work, 45251200 Heating plant construction work, 45261300 Flashing and guttering work, 45262670 Metalworking, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work, 45315100 Electrical engineering installation works, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45331210 Ventilation installation work, 45331230 Installation work of cooling equipment, 45332000 Plumbing and drain-laying work, 45332400 Sanitary fixture installation work, 45350000 Mechanical installations, 45351000 Mechanical engineering installation works, 45430000 Floor and wall covering work, 45431000 Tiling work, 71315000 Building services
Place of execution:
Lager für übende Truppen Ostenholz, Neubau Feuerwache (Kopie)
Awarding body:
Bundesrepublik Deutschland vertreten durch das Staatliche Baumanagement Niedersachsen
Award number:
Vorinformation - 1. Verlängerung
Jan. 31, 2025, 3:41 a.m.