RFI First Aid Training and Equipment Registration for dialogue meetings is ongoing. See the document for registration details Procurement of Framework Agreement(s) for First Aid Training and Equipment This announcement is an RFI, and subsequent procurements will follow.
The contracting authority would like to have the technology available in the current market thoroughly for future procurement and implementation of indoor personnel alarm systems. The contracting authority would therefore like to invite tenderers of indoor personnel alarm systems that include functionality for localisation, to a functionality test in one …
Predmet javnega naročila je dobava delovne in zaščitne opreme, ki jo za vsakodnevno poslovanje potrebuje naročnik. Predmet tega sklopa javnega naročila so delovna oblačila Predmet javnega naročila je dobava zaščitne obutve Predmet sklopa javnega naročila je dobava opreme za zaščito glave Predmet sklopa javnega naročila je dobava varovalne zaščitne opreme
Provision of Services for Wicklow County Council (WCC) as follows: - Supply and Installation of an IP CCTV System at Wicklow Port. - Supply and Installation of an IP CCTV System at Arklow Port. - Supply and Installation of a fibre network for CCTV and Access Control at Wicklow Port. …
Gjemnes municipality shall enter into a framework agreement for "Inspection and service of manual extinguishing equipment" for municipal buildings in Gjemnes municipality. This includes both inspections, replacements and repairs and maintenance of existing equipment. The contract shall cover the contracting authority ́s ongoing needs. Gjemnes municipality shall enter into a …
Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations. Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations.
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Zakup, dostawa pracowni BHP dla potrzeb powstającego Branżowego Centrum Umiejętności w dziedzinie Energetyki w Nisku w ramach projektu: „Utworzenie i funkcjonowanie Branżowego Centrum Umiejętności w Powiecie Niżańskim w dziedzinie Energetyka”, finansowanego w ramach Krajowego Planu Odbudowy i Zwiększania Odporności (KPO). Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia stanowi – …
The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of technical fire installations to the municipalities of Fredrikstad and Hvaler. The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of …
The Minister for Justice has political responsibility for the prison system in Ireland. The Irish Prison Service (IPS) operates as an Office of the Department of Justice and is headed by the Director General and supported by five Directors. IPS now has a requirement for specific types of detection dogs …
Gjemnes municipality shall establish a framework agreement for electrical services and emergency preparedness 24/7 of the municipal buildings in Gjemnes municipality. This includes both renovation as well as repairs and maintenance of existing buildings and minor new buildings as well as a service contract for fire alarm systems and emergency …