Your search for Electronic supplies
Number of alerts found: 19


1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Serwis Urządzeń Systemu FALA w podziale na 2 części: 1) CZĘŚĆ I. serwis urządzeń Systemu FALA na kolei: Przedmiotem zamówienia jest kompleksowe utrzymanie w sprawności technicznej instalacji zasilającej urządzenia oraz urządzeń walidujących zamontowanych w ramach Systemu FALA, będącego narzędziem do planowania podróży oraz płacenia za przejazdy …

CPV: 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31711500 Parts of electronic assemblies
April 7, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Innobaltica Sp. z o. o.
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 6:14 a.m.
Suministro para la creación, desarrollo, implantación y mantenimiento de una aplicación informática para el control de los residuos recogidos en el concejo de Mieres dentro del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación Y Resiliencia (PRTR) de los fondos “NEXT GENERATION EU” LINEA 1, COMPONENTE 12, INVERSIÓN 3 (C 12.I3)

El objeto del contrato es la creación, desarrollo, implantación y mantenimiento de una aplicación informática para el control de los residuos recogidos en el concejo de Mieres, que permita la implantación de un sistema de identificación y pesaje para los biorresiduos recogidos en el municipio, así como desarrollar los requerimientos …

CPV: 72260000 Software-related services, 30237475 Electric sensors, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31711100 Electronic components, 72212517 IT software development services, 72212520 Multimedia software development services
Place of execution:
Suministro para la creación, desarrollo, implantación y mantenimiento de una aplicación informática para el control de los residuos recogidos en el concejo de Mieres dentro del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación Y Resiliencia (PRTR) de los fondos “NEXT GENERATION EU” LINEA 1, COMPONENTE 12, INVERSIÓN 3 (C 12.I3)
Awarding body:
Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Mieres
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:34 a.m.
Aquisição de equipamentos informáticos para o CTE da EPO - projeto 3871 - Centros Tecnológicos Especializados, financiado pelo PRR

Aquisição de equipamentos informáticos para o CTE da EPO - projeto 3871 - Centros Tecnológicos Especializados, financiado pelo PRR LOT-0001 LOT-0002 LOT-0003 LOT-0004 LOT-0005 LOT-0006 LOT-0007 GLO-0001

CPV: 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 30121100 Photocopiers, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 32322000 Multimedia equipment, 38651600 Digital cameras, 38652120 Video projectors, 48000000 Software package and information systems
March 31, 2025, 6 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Aquisição de equipamentos informáticos para o CTE da EPO - projeto 3871 - Centros Tecnológicos Especializados, financiado pelo PRR
Awarding body:
EPO - Centro Escolar e Empresarial do Sudoeste Alentejano SA
Award number:
Procedimento 02/2025
March 4, 2025, 3:54 a.m.
Echipament electronic și accesorii electrice pentru laboratorul de RF din cadrul ELI-NP

Scopul acestei proceduri de atribuire este achiziționarea de echipament electronic și accesorii electrice necesare dotării laboratorului de radiofrecvență din cadrul ELI-NP cu echipamente și accesorii de măsură de uz general și specific, în vederea asigurării suportului necesar susținerii activităților de instalare, mentenanță și reparații ale unor subsisteme ale sistemului VEGA, …

CPV: 34999100 Signal generators, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31330000 Coaxial cable
March 31, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Echipament electronic și accesorii electrice pentru laboratorul de RF din cadrul ELI-NP
Awarding body:
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara "Horia Hulubei"
Award number:
5/ELI/AP/P/24.02.2025, Pozitie PAP 23P
Feb. 28, 2025, 1:26 a.m.

Predmetom zákazky je dodanie elektroinštalačných materiálov, maliarskych materiálov, podhľadov, PVC podláh, stavebných materiálov, vodoinštalačných materiálov, zámočníckych a stolárskych materiálov a materiálov pre zdravotnícku techniku (ďalej len „materiály), ktorých množstvá a druhy sú uvedené v Prílohe č. 7 týchto SP pre príslušnú časť zákazky. Množstvá jednotlivých druhov materiálov sú uvedené ako …

CPV: 31681410 Electrical materials, 31211310 Cut-outs, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31224810 Extension cables, 31321200 Low- and medium-voltage cable, 44320000 Cable and related products, 31519100 Incandescent lamps, 31650000 Insulating fittings, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 31681000 Electrical accessories, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31520000 Lamps and light fittings, 24200000 Dyes and pigments, 39224210 Painters' brushes, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics, 44831100 Mastics, 44832200 Thinners, 44112200 Floor coverings, 44111000 Building materials, 44221000 Windows, doors and related items, 42130000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, 42131260 Ball valves, 42131400 Sanitary taps, cocks, 44164310 Tubes and fittings, 44411000 Sanitary ware, 44316000 Ironmongery, 33140000 Medical consumables
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Univerzitná nemocnica L. Pasteura Košice
Award number:
Feb. 26, 2025, 1:39 a.m.
SKYLTAR, MONITORER och STYRSYSTEM till hållplatser, bussterminaler, resecentrum och andra intressepunkter för allmänna kollektivtrafiken

Region Värmland (regionen) genomför denna upphandling som avser SKYLTAR, MONITORER och STYRSYSTEM till hållplatser, bussterminaler, resecentrum och andra intressepunkter för allmänna kollektivtrafiken med beskrivning i upphandlingsdokumenten. Denna upphandling avser: Område 1: Inköp av nya presentationsenheter som kan användas i olika resenärsmiljöer.Område 2: Inköp och införande av styrsystem för att samla …

CPV: 31523000 Illuminated signs and nameplates, 31523100 Advertising neon lights, 31523200 Permanent message signs, 31523300 Illuminated nameplates, 34928472 Sign posts, 34992100 Illuminated traffic signs, 34992200 Road signs, 34992300 Street signs, 34992000 Signs and illuminated signs, 45316210 Installation of traffic monitoring equipment, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 34924000 Variable message signs, 48810000 Information systems, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 48500000 Communication and multimedia software package
March 29, 2025, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
SKYLTAR, MONITORER och STYRSYSTEM till hållplatser, bussterminaler, resecentrum och andra intressepunkter för allmänna kollektivtrafiken
Awarding body:
Region Värmland
Award number:
Feb. 26, 2025, 1:33 a.m.
Verbrauchsmaterial Elektrokleinteile - Dresden

Gegenstand dieses Verfahrens ist die Lieferung von Elektrokleinteilen, welche für den laufenden Betrieb des Standortes Dresden benötigt werden. Siehe "Kurze Beschreibung"

CPV: 31681410 Electrical materials, 31710000 Electronic equipment, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31711100 Electronic components
March 25, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Verbrauchsmaterial Elektrokleinteile - Dresden
Awarding body:
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V.
Award number:
Feb. 25, 2025, 7:58 a.m.
cFT Call for Tenders for the Supply ,Delivery and Installation of Engineering and Applied Technology/Technology tools and equipment at Holy Family Community School, Kilteel Road,Rathcoole Co Dublin

The Board of Management of Holy Family Community School,Kilteel Road,Rathcoole Co Dublin (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Holy Family Community School when …

CPV: 42637100 Machine tools for drilling metal, 42600000 Machine tools, 42610000 Machine tools operated by laser and machining centres, 42620000 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools, 31711100 Electronic components, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 42630000 Metal-working machine tools, 42652000 Hand-held electromechanical tools, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 42637200 Machine tools for boring metal, 42642000 Machine tools for working wood, bone, cork, hard rubber or hard plastics, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42642500 Machine tools for working hard plastics, 42637300 Machine tools for milling metal, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals
March 20, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
cFT Call for Tenders for the Supply ,Delivery and Installation of Engineering and Applied Technology/Technology tools and equipment at Holy Family Community School, Kilteel Road,Rathcoole Co Dublin
Awarding body:
Holy Family Community School (Rathcoole)
Award number:
Feb. 25, 2025, 6:21 a.m.
Achiziționarea echipamentelor IT din cadrul proiectului „Dotarea cu mobilier, materiale didactice și echipamente a 13 unități de învățământ și 1 unitate conexă din Municipiul Lugoj, județul Timiș”

Municipiul Lugoj derulează în contextul Contractului de finanțare numărul 1264DOT ⁄ 2023 finantat in cadrul PNRR componenta 15 – Educatie proiectul „Dotarea cu mobilier, materiale didactice și echipamente a 13 unități de învățământ și 1 unitate conexă din Municipiul Lugoj, județul Timis”, care vizeaza asigurarea desfasurarii procesului educational in bune …

CPV: 30213300 Desktop computer, 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 32413100 Network routers, 48300000 Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package, 30195200 Electronic copyboards or accessories, 32232000 Video-conferencing equipment, 32324100 Colour televisions, 32341000 Microphones, 32342410 Sound equipment, 38651000 Cameras, 38652120 Video projectors, 38653400 Projection screens, 30232110 Laser printers, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 39162200 Training aids and devices, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 31710000 Electronic equipment, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 31711100 Electronic components, 38511000 Electron microscopes, 38636000 Specialist optical instruments
April 1, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Achiziționarea echipamentelor IT din cadrul proiectului „Dotarea cu mobilier, materiale didactice și echipamente a 13 unități de învățământ și 1 unitate conexă din Municipiul Lugoj, județul Timiș”
Awarding body:
Primaria Municipiului Lugoj
Award number:
Feb. 25, 2025, 5:46 a.m.
Dostawa wyposażenia informatycznego i oprogramowania do pracowni szkół powiatowych oraz dla Starostwa Powiatowego w Dzierżoniowie

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa wyposażenia informatycznego i oprogramowania do pracowni szkół powiatowych oraz dla Starostwa Powiatowego w Dzierżoniowie. Zamówienie zostało podzielone na 6 części pn.: 1) dostawa laptopów i oprogramowania dla szkół - szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia stanowi załącznik nr 1 do SWZ; 2) dostawa komputerów stacjonarnych i laptopów dla …

CPV: 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213000 Personal computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48322000 Graphics software package, 18939000 Handbags, 30214000 Workstations, 30231300 Display screens, 48820000 Servers, 31711000 Electronic supplies, 30237450 Graphics tablets, 30232150 Inkjet printers, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 32420000 Network equipment, 32342412 Speakers, 30191400 Shredders, 30234000 Storage media, 38651600 Digital cameras, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 32342100 Headphones, 30141100 Pocket calculators, 30141200 Desktop calculators, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 38652100 Projectors, 38653400 Projection screens, 30213300 Desktop computer, 48900000 Miscellaneous software package and computer systems, 32322000 Multimedia equipment
March 24, 2025, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dostawa wyposażenia informatycznego i oprogramowania do pracowni szkół powiatowych oraz dla Starostwa Powiatowego w Dzierżoniowie
Awarding body:
Powiat Dzierżoniowski
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 5:04 a.m.