Your search for Dredging and pumping works
Number of alerts found: 17

Padziļināšanas darbu veikšana objekta „Piestātnes KS-34 pārbūve” ietvaros

Padziļināšanas darbu veikšana objekta „Piestātnes KS-34 pārbūve” ietvaros Padziļināšanas darbu veikšana objekta „Piestātnes KS-34 pārbūve” ietvaros

CPV: 45252124 Dredging and pumping works
Place of execution:
Padziļināšanas darbu veikšana objekta „Piestātnes KS-34 pārbūve” ietvaros
Awarding body:
Rīgas Brīvostas pārvalde
Award number:
RBP 2024/40A
Nov. 9, 2024, 9:38 a.m.
Nassbaggerarbeiten im Seehafen Emden 2025 - Konditionierung von Fluid-Mud-Lagen durch Rezirkulation

Gegenstand des vorliegenden Verhandlungsverfahrens sind Nassbaggerarbeiten zur Konditionierung von Fluid-Mud-Lagen durch Rezirkulation im Seehafen Emden. DER AUFTRAGGEBER BEHÄLT SICH VOR, AUF DIE DURCHFÜHRUNG VON VERHANDLUNGEN ZU VERZICHTEN UND DEN ZUSCHLAG AUF GRUNDLAGE DER ERSTANGEBOTE ZU ERTEILEN. Die Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG (im Folgenden: „NPorts oder Auftraggeber“) ist die …

CPV: 45240000 Construction work for water projects, 45252124 Dredging and pumping works, 45241000 Harbour construction works
Place of execution:
Nassbaggerarbeiten im Seehafen Emden 2025 - Konditionierung von Fluid-Mud-Lagen durch Rezirkulation
Awarding body:
Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 9:07 a.m.
Dragado de mantenimiento de puertos de Cantabria. CAmpañas 2025-2028

Procedimiento abierto para la realización de los dragados de mantenimiento necesarios para que los accesos marítimos y las dársenas de los puertos de Colindres, Laredo, Santoña, Suances, Comillas y San Vicente de la Barquera, mantengan un nivel óptimo de operatividad y seguridad, alcanzándose los calados establecidos en el proyecto técnico, …

CPV: 45252124 Dredging and pumping works
Dec. 9, 2024, 1 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dragado de mantenimiento de puertos de Cantabria. CAmpañas 2025-2028
Awarding body:
Consejería de Fomento, Vivienda, Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 8:46 a.m.
Vervangen kademuur Westerkade west te Rotterdam

Het vervangen van een kademuur aan de Westerkade West en het aanleggen van een getijdenpark in de Van Ommerenhaven in de gemeente Rotterdam Het vervangen van een kademuur aan de Westerkade West en het aanleggen van een getijdenpark in de Van Ommerenhaven in de gemeente Rotterdam

CPV: 45240000 Construction work for water projects, 45241100 Quay construction work, 45252124 Dredging and pumping works, 77310000 Planting and maintenance services of green areas
Jan. 31, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Vervangen kademuur Westerkade west te Rotterdam
Awarding body:
Gemeente Rotterdam
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 7:55 a.m.
Csapadékvíz-elvezető nyílt medrek kotrása

Az Önkormányzat tulajdonában lévő csapadékvíz-elvezető nyílt medrek kotrási, növénymentesítési, fenntartási tevékenységének elvégzése, mely a következő feladatokat foglalja magában: mederszakaszok gépi mederkotrása, rézsűprofil helyreállítása, kotróút rendezése, a kikotort hordalék és iszap, valamint növényi maradványok lerakóhelyre szállítása és elhelyezése, kimosódással veszélyeztetett mederszakaszok biztosítása, rézsűk kaszálása, burkolattal el nem látott vegyszeres vízinövénygyérítés 30000 …

CPV: 45252124 Dredging and pumping works, 77310000 Planting and maintenance services of green areas
Dec. 10, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Csapadékvíz-elvezető nyílt medrek kotrása
Awarding body:
Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Award number:
Nov. 7, 2024, 8:10 a.m.
DPS for Plant Hire for Local Authorities and the OPW

The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (the LGOPC) acting as a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) under the auspices of Kerry County Council is co-ordinating the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire on behalf of 31 Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works.

CPV: 43312100 Planers, 90513600 Sludge removal services, 43315000 Compacting machinery, 44211100 Modular and portable buildings, 76300000 Drilling services, 60170000 Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver, 60650000 Hire of water transport equipment with crew, 34223300 Trailers, 45520000 Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator, 16311000 Lawnmowers, 90500000 Refuse and waste related services, 45252124 Dredging and pumping works, 34144440 Gritter vehicles, 90513900 Sludge disposal services, 63712700 Traffic control services, 43300000 Construction machinery and equipment, 45510000 Hire of cranes with operator, 42662000 Welding equipment, 34134000 Flatbed and Tipper trucks, 60182000 Hire of industrial vehicles with driver, 44613700 Refuse skips, 60180000 Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver, 90612000 Street-sweeping services, 45342000 Erection of fencing, 34110000 Passenger cars, 43221000 Road graders, 43312300 Paving machinery, 34144400 Road-maintenance vehicles, 43211000 Bulldozers, 16700000 Tractors, 31120000 Generators, 45112700 Landscaping work, 42997000 Pipeline machinery, 90513700 Sludge transport services, 77111000 Hire of agricultural machinery with operator, 43312400 Road rollers, 43000000 Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment, 77211300 Tree-clearing services, 43312500 Mechanical rollers, 76600000 Pipeline-inspection services, 42414310 Mobile lifting frames, 34131000 Pick-ups, 34113100 Jeeps, 77112000 Hire of mowers or agricultural equipment with operator, 43310000 Civil engineering machinery, 42416300 Hoists, 34223370 Tipper trailers, 60183000 Hire of vans with driver, 42120000 Pumps and compressors, 14213000 Macadam, tarmac and tar sands, 43261100 Mechanical shovel loaders, 34144760 Mobile library vehicles, 34144510 Vehicles for refuse, 34144512 Refuse-compaction vehicles, 60181000 Hire of trucks with driver, 34144431 Suction-sweeper vehicles, 60171000 Hire of passenger cars with driver, 42414000 Cranes, mobile lifting frames and works trucks fitted with a crane, 45500000 Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator, 34142300 Dumper trucks, 43200000 Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts, 77211500 Tree-maintenance services, 43312000 Road-surfacing machinery, 42415110 Forklift trucks, 34514700 Mobile platforms, 45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work, 77211400 Tree-cutting services, 43130000 Drilling equipment
March 29, 2027, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
DPS for Plant Hire for Local Authorities and the OPW
Awarding body:
Kerry County Council
Award number:
Plant Hire DPS
Jan. 8, 2024, midnight
Système de Qualification Européen pour les travaux des dragages d'entretien du Rhône (entre Pougny 01 et Port Saint Louis du Rhône 13)

Le système de Qualification concerne les dragages d'entretien donc les dragages de matériaux d'apport. Les matériaux d'apports sont définis d'après les relevés bathymétriques réalisés par CNR. La majorité des dragages est réaliser par voie fluviale. Lot 1 : Travaux de dragage : - Réalisation de travaux de dragage par moyens …

CPV: 45252124 Dredging and pumping works
Place of execution:
Système de Qualification Européen pour les travaux des dragages d'entretien du Rhône (entre Pougny 01 et Port Saint Louis du Rhône 13)
Awarding body:
Award number:
June 22, 2023, midnight