The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
Präqualifikationsverfahren für Niederspannungsverteilungssysteme. - Kabelverteilerschränke - Hausanschlusssäulen - Kabelhausanschlusskästen - Wandeinbaurahmen - Zähler- und Wandlerschränke - Zähleranschlusssäulen - NH-Sicherungsleisten Größe 00 - NH-Sicherungslastschaltleisten Größe 2 und 3 - Niederspannungs(-haupt)verteilungen (NSV) Erstellung bzw. Erweiterung einer Liste qualifizierter Unternehmen zur weiteren Auswahl von Bietern im Rahmen von Verhandlungsverfahren zum Abschluss von Rahmenverträgen …
Numatoma įsigyti keleivinių riedmenų atsargines ir komplektuojančia dalis reikalingas užtikrinti savalaikį planinių remontų, bei ne planinių remontų atlikimą.
PQ-Verfahren für feststoffisolierte 10-kV-Sammelschienen in 110/10-kV-Umspannwerken Auf der Basis der §§ 37, 48 SektVO hat die Stromnetz Berlin GmbH die Einrichtung eines Qualifizierungssystem für die Fertigung, Lieferung, Montage, anschl. Prüfung vor Ort und Inbetriebsetzung von feststoffisolierten Sammelschienen in 110/10-kV-Umspannwerke bekannt gegeben und Bewerber zur Abgabe eines Teilnahmeantrages aufgerufen. Auftraggeber und …