Your search for Distribution equipment
Number of alerts found: 16

19 Zoll Normschränke mit Zubehör und Dienstleistungsanteil

Die Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen SBB AG betreibt eigene, schweizweite Datennetze deren Komponenten in 19-Zoll-Schränke eingebaut werden. Für den Ausbau des Datennetzes benötigt die SBB in den nächsten Jahren eine grössere Anzahl dieser Schränke. Les Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses CFF SA exploitent leurs propres réseaux de données dans toute la Suisse …

CPV: 31213000 Distribution equipment, 31213300 Cable distribution cabinet, 32424000 Network infrastructure, 32571000 Communications infrastructure
Dec. 16, 2024, 4 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
19 Zoll Normschränke mit Zubehör und Dienstleistungsanteil
Awarding body:
SBB AG Einkauf Infrastruktur
Award number:
Nov. 7, 2024, 9:38 a.m.
Пълен инженеринг за подмяна на комплектни разпределителни уредби 6,3 kV в Централен диспечерски пункт: проектиране; доставка; демонтаж, монтаж, въвеждане в експлоатация и изработка на екзекутиви на фабрично сглобени, типово изпитани комплектни разпределителни уредби

Пълен инженеринг за подмяна на комплектни разпределителни уредби 6,3 kV в Централен диспечерски пункт (ЦДП) – секции 1РВ, 2РВ, 3РВ и 4РВ: проектиране; доставка; демонтаж, монтаж, въвеждане в експлоатация и изработка на екзекутиви на фабрично сглобени, типово изпитани комплектни разпределителни уредби, съгласно Технически изисквания. Пълен инженеринг за подмяна на комплектни …

CPV: 31213000 Distribution equipment, 71321000 Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings, 79632000 Personnel-training services, 31321200 Low- and medium-voltage cable, 31220000 Electrical circuit components
Place of execution:
Пълен инженеринг за подмяна на комплектни разпределителни уредби 6,3 kV в Централен диспечерски пункт: проектиране; доставка; демонтаж, монтаж, въвеждане в експлоатация и изработка на екзекутиви на фабрично сглобени, типово изпитани комплектни разпределителни уредби
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 6, 2024, 5:12 a.m.
Доставка и монтаж на бетонов комплектен трафопост БKTП-2 с трансформаторна мощност 2x800kVA, 20/0,4kV

Доставка и монтаж на бетонов комплектен трафопост БKTП-2 с трансформаторна мощност 2x800kVA, 20/0,4kV, включваща: 1. Обвивка на БКТП до 2x800кVА, с прогнозно необвързващо количество за срока на действие на договора– 60 броя; 2. Херметични преходи за кабели в сграда, с прогнозно необвързващо количество за срока на действие на договора– 185 …

CPV: 31213000 Distribution equipment
Place of execution:
Доставка и монтаж на бетонов комплектен трафопост БKTП-2 с трансформаторна мощност 2x800kVA, 20/0,4kV
Awarding body:
Електроразпределение Юг ЕАД
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 1:08 p.m.
27418 Riedmenų elektros dalys

Konkretūs reikalavimai įsigyjamam Pirkimo objektui bus pateikiami Konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo Dinaminės pirkimo sistemos (toliau – DPS) pagrindu, dokumentuose. Konkretūs reikalavimai įsigyjamam Pirkimo objektui bus pateikiami Konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo Dinaminės pirkimo sistemos (toliau – DPS) pagrindu, dokumentuose.

CPV: 19500000 Rubber and plastic materials, 19520000 Plastic products, 31330000 Coaxial cable, 31122000 Generator units, 31212100 Overhead circuit breakers, 31212200 Circuit testers, 31212300 Magnetic circuit breakers, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 31211000 Boards and fuse boxes, 31211100 Boards for electrical apparatus, 31211110 Control panels, 31211200 Fuse boxes, 31211300 Fuses, 31211310 Cut-outs, 31211320 Fuse blocks, 31211330 Fuse wires, 31211340 Fuse clips, 31212000 Circuit breakers, 31212400 Miniature circuit breakers, 31213000 Distribution equipment, 31213100 Distribution boxes, 31213200 Distribution transformers, 31213300 Cable distribution cabinet, 31213400 Distribution system, 31214000 Switchgear, 31214100 Switches, 31214110 Isolating switches, 31214120 Earthing switch, 31214130 Safety switches, 31214140 Dimmer switches, 31214150 Drum switches, 31214160 Pressure switches, 31214170 Toggle switches, 31214180 Slide switches, 31214190 Limit switches, 31214200 Switch disconnector, 31214300 Outdoor switching installations, 31214400 Fuse switch disconnector, 31214500 Electric switchboards, 31214510 Distribution switchboards, 31214520 Medium-voltage switchboards, 31215000 Voltage limiters, 31216000 Lightning arrestors, 31216100 Lightning-protection equipment, 31216200 Lightning conductors, 31217000 Surge suppressors, 31218000 Busbars, 31219000 Protection boxes, 31221000 Electrical relays, 31321220 Medium-voltage cable, 31532400 Lamps sockets, 31230000 Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31321200 Low- and medium-voltage cable, 31321210 Low-voltage cable, 31321300 High-voltage cable, 31340000 Insulated cable accessories, 31341000 Insulated cable reels, 31342000 Insulated cable junctions, 31343000 Insulated cable joints, 31344000 Insulated cable glands, 31521310 Warning lights, 31531000 Light bulbs, 31531100 Electric tubes, 31532000 Parts of lamps and light fittings, 31532100 Tube lamps, 31532920 Bulbs and fluorescent lamps, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 31681000 Electrical accessories, 31681100 Electrical contacts, 31681400 Electrical components, 31681410 Electrical materials, 31711140 Electrodes, 31711200 Electronic scoreboards, 31711500 Parts of electronic assemblies, 34631000 Parts of locomotives or rolling stock, 39717000 Fans and air-conditioning appliances, 39717200 Air-conditioning appliances, 39812500 Sealants, 42132100 Valve actuators, 42132110 Electric valve actuators, 42132120 Hydraulic valve actuators, 42132130 Pneumatic valve actuators, 42992000 Special-purpose electrical goods, 44111511 Electrical insulators, 44111530 Electrical insulating fittings, 44164310 Tubes and fittings, 44320000 Cable and related products, 44321000 Cable, 44322000 Cable accessories, 44322100 Cable conduits, 44322200 Cable connectors, 44322300 Cable ducts, 44322400 Cable fasteners
Place of execution:
27418 Riedmenų elektros dalys
Awarding body:
AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai"
Award number:
May 16, 2024, 1:13 p.m.
Präqualifikationsverfahren für Niederspannungsverteilungssysteme

Präqualifikationsverfahren für Niederspannungsverteilungssysteme. - Kabelverteilerschränke - Hausanschlusssäulen - Kabelhausanschlusskästen - Wandeinbaurahmen - Zähler- und Wandlerschränke - Zähleranschlusssäulen - NH-Sicherungsleisten Größe 00 - NH-Sicherungslastschaltleisten Größe 2 und 3 - Niederspannungs(-haupt)verteilungen (NSV) Erstellung bzw. Erweiterung einer Liste qualifizierter Unternehmen zur weiteren Auswahl von Bietern im Rahmen von Verhandlungsverfahren zum Abschluss von Rahmenverträgen …

CPV: 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 31213000 Distribution equipment, 31213100 Distribution boxes, 31213300 Cable distribution cabinet, 31213400 Distribution system, 31214000 Switchgear
Place of execution:
Präqualifikationsverfahren für Niederspannungsverteilungssysteme
Awarding body:
EAM GmbH & Co. KG
Award number:
July 3, 2023, midnight
CT7000/2023 - Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner icw Installation of Charging Pillars across Malta and Gozo for the EWA

Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner in Connection with the Installation of Charging Pillars Across Malta and Gozo for the Energy and Water Agency Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally …

CPV: 45112100 Trench-digging work, 45100000 Site preparation work, 45262300 Concrete work, 45233222 Paving and asphalting works, 44113620 Asphalt, 44212225 Poles, 34928450 Bollards, 45233291 Installation of bollards, 34922100 Road markings, 34992200 Road signs, 45233290 Installation of road signs, 45311100 Electrical wiring work, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 31213000 Distribution equipment, 31220000 Electrical circuit components
June 15, 2027, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
CT7000/2023 - Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner icw Installation of Charging Pillars across Malta and Gozo for the EWA
Awarding body:
Department of Contracts
Award number:
June 16, 2023, midnight