Beschafft wird ein Gerätesystem zur Diagnostik von speziellen Proteinen im Blut/Urin und Liquor Der bestehende endet im November 2024. Es wird erneut ein Mietvertrag angestrebt. Es enstehen Miet-, Service- und Reagenzienkosten. Bereits seit mehreren Jahren erfolgt eine automatisierte Analytik von speziellen Proteinparametern mit den Gerätesystemen der Fa. Siemens Healthineers. Am …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …
PROCEDURA APERTA PER L'AFFIDAMENTO DELLA FORNITURA IN SERVICE DI SISTEMI DI COLORAZIONE E MONTAGGIO VETRINI E RELATIVO MATERIALE DI CONSUMO PER L'AZIENDA AUSL DELLA VALLE D'AOSTA Sistema di colorazione e montaggio vetrini e relativo materiale di consumo da assegnare in dotazione alla S.C. Anatomia Patologica Sistemi di colorazione vetrini e …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest: Dostawa wyposażenia medycznego: Zad. 1 – Aparat do magnetoterapii dla Zakładu Rehabilitacji Leczniczej Zamawiający nie dopuszcza składania ofert częściowych. Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia zawiera Załącznik 2b i 4 do SWZ. 3.3. Wymagania Zamawiającego dotyczące przedmiotu zamówienia: 1) oferowany wyrób medyczny musi posiadać atesty, certyfikaty i być zarejestrowany …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender Competition will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding this …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender (Mini Competition) will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding …
1.Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja zadania pn.: „Doposażenie klinik i oddziałów hematoonkologicznych w sprzęt do diagnostyki i leczenia białaczek i chłoniaków” w ramach umowy nr 1/13/4/2024/305/211 dla CSK UM w Łodzi przy ul. Pomorskiej 251. 2.Szczegółowy opis i zakres przedmiotu zamówienia określa Załącznik nr 2 do Specyfikacji Warunków Zamówienia (SWZ). 3.Zamawiający …