The contracting authority would like to make work processes more efficient and automate, with the intention of save time that employees spend on manual tasks and increase quality. Important tools and methods we look at for streamlining and automation include the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence …
The Contracting Entity is seeking to award Framework Agreements for each of the four (4) Lots set out below, under which the Contracting Entity may make call-offs for the provision of certain onshore energy consultancy services (as set out below). The Framework Agreements will be entered into by Orsted Onshore …
The Contracting Entity is seeking to award Framework Agreements for each of the four (4) Lots set out below, under which the Contracting Entity may make call-offs for the provision of certain onshore energy consultancy services (as set out below). The Framework Agreements will be entered into by Orsted Onshore …
Provision of Consultancy Services for a Town Centre Health Check for the towns of Baltinglass, Kilcoole and Rathdrum in County Wicklow. Provision of Consultancy Services for a Town Centre Health Check for the towns of Baltinglass, Kilcoole and Rathdrum in County Wicklow. Provision of Consultancy Services for a Town Centre …
The aim is to contribute with research based knowledge on the effects of the use of administrative sanctions and other administrative law reactions, and by cases reported to the police. The project shall prepare statistics on the control departments ́ use of administrative sanctions and other administrative law reactions, and …
Metodisko materiālu izstrādes un mācību “Labklājības nozares ES fondu investīciju sociālās,ekonomiskās ietekmes novērtēšana un iznākuma, rezultāta un ietekmes rādītāju definēšana” organiz. iepirk. Metodisko materiālu izstrādes un mācību “Labklājības nozares ES fondu investīciju sociālās,ekonomiskās ietekmes novērtēšana un iznākuma, rezultāta un ietekmes rādītāju definēšana” organiz. iepirk.
The University College Cork (UCC) seeks a provider for a university-wide "Culture Evolution" project. The provider will run focus groups and interviews, perform data analysis, conduct cultural empowerment workshops, provide ongoing consultancy, and develop a multi-year action plan. Additionally, the provider will measure cultural progress, support key stakeholders, and provide …
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a Panel of Consultants for Local Enterprise Office Laois to deliver Lean for Business and Digital For Business Programmes The purpose of this procedure is to establish a Panel of Consultants for Local Enterprise Office Laois to deliver Lean for Business and …
The purpose of the contract is to support implementation of the action “EU Partnership for Sustainable Energy Practices in Industry”. The action aims to support green transition in the industrial sector (Garment, Footwear and Travel Goods [GFT] Industry) by unlocking investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy (including sustainable biomass …
The Villum Foundation is calling for proposals to evaluate the impact of projects supporting Roma inclusion in Central Europe, predominately Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia. These projects granted by the Villum Foundation aim to improve the social and economic situation of marginalised Roma communities, with a particular focus on …