The National Transport Authority (NTA) on behalf of Blanche Developments Limited (BDL) is procuring an Integrated Delivery Support Service Partner (IDSSP) who will be a multi-disciplinary engineering consultant, to support and supervise the design and construction of the 'Blanchardstown Interchange Works’ (BIW) (including a Bus Plaza) to be constructed under …
The Contracting Entity is seeking to award Framework Agreements for each of the four (4) Lots set out below, under which the Contracting Entity may make call-offs for the provision of certain onshore energy consultancy services (as set out below). The Framework Agreements will be entered into by Orsted Onshore …
The Contracting Entity is seeking to award Framework Agreements for each of the four (4) Lots set out below, under which the Contracting Entity may make call-offs for the provision of certain onshore energy consultancy services (as set out below). The Framework Agreements will be entered into by Orsted Onshore …
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a Panel of Consultants for the Digital for Business Scheme delivered by the Local Enterprise Office in Cork City. Responses submitted before 12pm on 20/12/2024 will be considered for establishing the initial panel, to come in to effect in January 2025. Subsequent …
Refer to Briefing Document Refer to Briefing Document
The subject of this tender is to perform a comparative study of the major different treatment technologies available on the market that can be employed for the treatment of waste waters containing high levels of fats, oils and greases originating from cleaning of grease traps from catering, hospitality establishments and …
Αντικείμενο της συμφωνίας-πλαίσιο είναι η παροχή Τεχνικής Βοήθειας στο πλαίσιο δράσεων που εντάσσονται στο Θεματικό Μέσο των ΤΑΜΕΥ 2021-2027 (βλ. παρ. 1 του άρθρου 11 του Κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2021/1147, παρ. 1 του άρθρου 8 του Κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2021/1148 και παρ. 1 του άρθρου 8 του Κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2021/1149) και που …
ATU are seeking to Establish a Design Team for the development of a new building ATU Future Living Lab under the Technological Sector Strategic Project Fund TSSPF. Please refer to attached documentation for further information. ATU are seeking to Establish a Design Team for the development of a new building …
This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to this PCP procurement. The procurement is open on equal terms to all types of operators that are established in EU Member States and Horizon Europe associated countries and that fulfil the requirements set out in section 3 of the Call …
Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η παροχή της απαραίτητης τεχνικής υποστήριξης προς τον Φορέα Υλοποίησης και Λειτουργίας, με στόχο την ενίσχυση της διοικητικής του επάρκειας και ικανότητας για την παρακολούθηση της υλοποίησης του συνολικού Έργου. Συγκεκριμένα, η υποστήριξη περιλαμβάνει τη συστηματική βοήθεια προς τις Επιτροπές Παρακολούθησης και Παραλαβής Έργου (ΕΠΠΕ), ενισχύοντας …