Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Ordregiver at indhente tilbud på vedligeholdelse, support og videreudvikling samt evt. drift af JAR (Regionernes Jordforureningslovens Areal Register) efterfølgende angivet som Systemet. Ydelsen består overordnet set af følgende tre dele samt to optioner, der skal afgives tilbud på: (a) Vedligeholdelse: Vedligeholdelsesdelen omfatter drift og opdatering af …
Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32(2)(b) of Directive 2014/24/EU which states that the negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used where the works, supplies or services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights. …
Licencia na prístup a používanie databázy „Orbis (worldwide) All companies“ združujúcej informácie o podnikateľských subjektoch, iných subjektoch a s nimi prepojených osobách spolu s „Orbis M&A“, „Orbis Crossborder Investment, „Intelectual property“ a „SANCTION DATA and PEPs Standard“, eventuálne licencia na prístup a používanie ekvivalentnej databázy (vrátane jednotlivých modulov), ak existuje …
Migration Dell EMC SourceOne E-Mail-Management Die SIS nutzt derzeit für sich und Ihre Kunden das Softwareprodukt "Dell EMC SourceOne", um rechts- und geschäftsrelevante E-Mails längerfristig aufzubewahren und zu archivieren. Die SIS beabsichtigt, das Softwareprodukt "Dell EMC SourceOne" durch ein neues zu ersetzen. Die Ausschreibung umfasst Liefer-, Projekt-, Implementierungs- und Migrationsleistungen.
Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32(2)(b) of Directive 2014/24/EU which states that the negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used where the works, supplies or services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights. …
The Education Procurement Service (EPS) on behalf of Maynooth University (the Contracting Authority) invites tenders (Tenders) to this request for tenders (RFT) from economic operators (Tenderers) for the provision of a workflow tool and Electronic Resource Management (ERM) specially designed for a library consortium to help them with their daily …
IReL (Irish Research eLibrary) is a nationally funded e-resource licensing Consortium providing access to leading Science Technology and Medicine (STM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) resources on behalf of participating Irish publicly funded higher education institutions (IReL Members). The tender will be divided into twenty three (23) Lots. IReL …
Predmetom zákazky je dodávka technológií na zabezpečenie postupnej migrácie centrálneho databázového subsystému SAP Sybase ASE na novú cieľovú fyzickú platformu z dôvodu fyzickej a morálnej zastaranosti súčasných hardvérových zariadení vrátane poskytovania podpory. Na zabezpečenie identifikovaných potrieb je predmetom tejto zákazky dodávka zariadení, licencií a služieb spĺňajúcich požiadavky verejného obstarávateľa. Podrobný …
Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32(2)(b) of Directive 2014/24/EU which states that the negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used where the works, supplies or services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights. …
Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32(2)(b) of Directive 2014/24/EU which states that the negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used where the works, supplies or services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights. …