Your search for Database services
Number of alerts found: 65

Skaitmeninės mokymosi aplinkos (matematikos mokomojo turinio) platformos prieigos paslaugų pirkimas

Perkamos skaitmeninės mokymosi aplinkos (matematikos mokomojo turinio) platformos (toliau – platforma), skirtos „Tūkstantmečio mokyklų II“ programoje (toliau – TŪM) ir tinklaveikos būdu dalyvaujančių mokyklų mokiniams bei mokytojams ugdymo procese ir TŪM veiklose naudotis elektroninėje erdvėje pateiktu Paslaugų teikėjo sukurtu matematikos mokomuoju turiniu, prieigos paslaugos, atitinkančios sutartyje (pirkimo sąlygų 3 priedas), …

CPV: 72320000 Database services
Place of execution:
Skaitmeninės mokymosi aplinkos (matematikos mokomojo turinio) platformos prieigos paslaugų pirkimas
Awarding body:
Kauno miesto savivaldybės administracija
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 1:04 p.m.
Fourniture et gestion d'abonnements à la presse, service de presse numérique et base de données professionnelles pour les bibliothèques et les adhérents à la centrale d'achat

Fourniture et gestion d'abonnements à la presse, service de presse numérique et base de données professionnelles pour les bibliothèques et les adhérents à la centrale d'achat Abonnement à la presse magazine toutes périodicité (hors quotidienne), tous supports Base de données professionnelle pour les bibliothèques Service de presse numérique accessible à …

CPV: 79980000 Subscription services, 72320000 Database services, 22200000 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines, 22211000 Journals
Place of execution:
Fourniture et gestion d'abonnements à la presse, service de presse numérique et base de données professionnelles pour les bibliothèques et les adhérents à la centrale d'achat
Awarding body:
Centrale d'achat du Grand Reims
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:46 a.m.
Kommende udbud af Kontrakt vedr. Drift, Support, Vedligehold og Udvikling af CAP-TAS

Kontrakten er planlagt til at omfatte følgende hovedydelser: A) Drift, Support og Vedligehold af CAP-TAS B) Videreudvikling af CAP-TAS C) Samarbejde med såvel Kunden som Kundens øvrige leverandører. Ad hovedydelse A. Drift, Support og Vedligehold: Drift, Support og Vedligehold skal følge Kundens krav og leve op til prædefinerede Servicemål. Ad …

CPV: 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48100000 Industry specific software package, 48800000 Information systems and servers, 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72212000 Programming services of application software, 72212100 Industry specific software development services, 72212210 Networking software development services, 72212220 Internet and intranet software development services, 72310000 Data-processing services, 72320000 Database services, 72400000 Internet services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services, 72820000 Computer testing services, 72900000 Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services
Place of execution:
Kommende udbud af Kontrakt vedr. Drift, Support, Vedligehold og Udvikling af CAP-TAS
Awarding body:
Styrelsen for Grøn Arealomlægning og Vandmiljø
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:01 a.m.
Investīcijas projekta “Uzņēmumu reģistra datu apstrādes un pakalpojumu modernizācija”

Investīcijas projekta “Uzņēmumu reģistra datu apstrādes un pakalpojumu modernizācija”. Investīcijas projekta “Uzņēmumu reģistra datu apstrādes un pakalpojumu modernizācija”.

CPV: 72240000 Systems analysis and programming services, 72320000 Database services
Dec. 12, 2024, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Investīcijas projekta “Uzņēmumu reģistra datu apstrādes un pakalpojumu modernizācija”
Awarding body:
Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistrs
Award number:
UR 2024/2
Nov. 26, 2024, 1:53 a.m.
BZK MC FMH Bezettingsgraadmetingen

Onze huidige overeenkomst voor het uitvoeren van bezettingsgraadmetingen loopt eind september 2025 af. Wij zijn daarom op zoek naar een marktpartij om een nieuwe overeenkomst mee af te sluiten. Voordat wij mogelijk een aanbestedingsprocedure opstarten verkennen we graag de markt en willen wij hier graag mee in gesprek. Dit noemen …

CPV: 98341000 Accommodation services, 48612000 Database-management system, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 72320000 Database services, 98340000 Accommodation and office services, 98341100 Accommodation management services
Place of execution:
BZK MC FMH Bezettingsgraadmetingen
Awarding body:
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 4:03 a.m.
Služby podpory, údržby a rozvoje programového vybavení Ekonomické moduly Obis – EPZ, FIS a PTS

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je poskytování služeb podpory, údržby a rozvoje programového vybavení „Ekonomické moduly Obis – EPZ, FIS a PTS“, což jsou moduly Evidence pohledávek (celomagistrátní), Finanční správa (odbor DPC) a Přeměna topných systémů (odbor OCP), a poskytování služeb souvisejících. Předmětem veřejné zakázky je poskytování služeb podpory, údržby a rozvoje …

CPV: 72212000 Programming services of application software, 72261000 Software support services, 72262000 Software development services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72265000 Software configuration services, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72268000 Software supply services, 72320000 Database services, 72600000 Computer support and consultancy services
Dec. 11, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Služby podpory, údržby a rozvoje programového vybavení Ekonomické moduly Obis – EPZ, FIS a PTS
Awarding body:
Award number:
Ekonomické moduly OBIS
Nov. 23, 2024, 2:50 a.m.
Juridiska databastjänster

Upphandling gällande Juridisk databastjänst. Målsättningen är teckna avtal med flera Leverantörer. Upphandling gällande Juridisk databastjänst. Målsättningen är teckna avtal med flera Leverantörer.

CPV: 72320000 Database services
Dec. 18, 2024, 10:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Juridiska databastjänster
Awarding body:
Göteborgs Stads inköps- och upphandlingsförvaltning
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 3:08 a.m.
Verkkokirjahylly-palvelun käyttöoikeus

Hankinnan kohteena on Alma Media Finland Oy:n tuottaman Verkkokirjahylly-palvelun käyttöoikeus, joka oikeuttaa käyttämään palvelun digitaalisia sisältöjä. Hankinta toteutetaan valtioneuvoston kanslian toimesta kaikkien ministeriöiden sekä oikeuskanslerinviraston ja presidentin kanslian työntekijöiden käyttöön. Palvelu hankitaan toistaiseksi voimassaolevalla sopimuksella 1.1.2025 alkaen. Suomessa on kaksi toimijaa (Alma Media Finland Oy ja Edilex Lakitieto Oy), jotka …

CPV: 22200000 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines, 72320000 Database services
Place of execution:
Verkkokirjahylly-palvelun käyttöoikeus
Awarding body:
Valtioneuvoston kanslia
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 3:03 a.m.
ATU Lot 7 Health Mini Competition

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) (the “Contracting Authority”) invites responses to this Supplementary Request for Tenders (SRFT) from firms admitted to its Dynamic Purchasing System under Lot 7 Health- DPS for Provision of Library Data Bases and Online Resources. This mini competition relates to the provision of a one off purchase …

CPV: 22200000 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines, 22211100 Official journals, 72320000 Database services, 22113000 Library books, 92511000 Library services, 73110000 Research services
Place of execution:
ATU Lot 7 Health Mini Competition
Awarding body:
Atlantic Technological University
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 2:59 a.m.
CircularPSP: Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to develop a Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities.

This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to this PCP procurement. The procurement is open on equal terms to all types of operators that are established in EU Member States and Horizon Europe associated countries and that fulfil the requirements set out in section 3 of the Call …

CPV: 73100000 Research and experimental development services, 30211300 Computer platforms, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72212931 Training software development services, 72230000 Custom software development services, 72243000 Programming services, 72245000 Contract systems analysis and programming services, 72250000 System and support services, 72253000 Helpdesk and support services, 72262000 Software development services, 72266000 Software consultancy services, 72300000 Data services, 72310000 Data-processing services, 72311100 Data conversion services, 72312100 Data preparation services, 72313000 Data capture services, 72314000 Data collection and collation services, 72315200 Data network management services, 72316000 Data analysis services, 72317000 Data storage services, 72319000 Data supply services, 72320000 Database services, 72321000 Added-value database services, 72322000 Data management services, 72330000 Content or data standardization and classification services, 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 73110000 Research services, 75110000 General public services, 75112100 Administrative development project services, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 79311300 Survey analysis services, 79311400 Economic research services, 79311410 Economic impact assessment, 79314000 Feasibility study, 79315000 Social research services, 79400000 Business and management consultancy and related services, 79410000 Business and management consultancy services, 79411000 General management consultancy services, 79411100 Business development consultancy services, 79415200 Design consultancy services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79416200 Public relations consultancy services, 79418000 Procurement consultancy services, 79419000 Evaluation consultancy services, 79530000 Translation services, 90700000 Environmental services, 90710000 Environmental management, 90711000 Environmental impact assessment other than for construction, 90712000 Environmental planning, 90712100 Urban environmental development planning, 90712200 Forest conservation strategy planning, 90712300 Marine conservation strategy planning, 90712400 Natural resources management or conservation strategy planning services, 90712500 Environmental institution building or planning, 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services, 90714000 Environmental auditing, 90714100 Environmental information systems, 90714200 Corporate environmental auditing services, 90714300 Sectoral environmental auditing services
Place of execution:
CircularPSP: Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to develop a Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities.
Awarding body:
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 2:57 a.m.