Your search for Data security software package
Number of alerts found: 35

ITC016F Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Network and Firewall Products, Solutions, Ancillary Equipment and Associated Services

The Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a central purchasing body for use by the Framework Clients (defined below). The Office of Government Procurement (the “OGP”) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure, …

CPV: 32410000 Local area network, 48732000 Data security software package, 48730000 Security software package, 32413100 Network routers, 32420000 Network equipment, 32415000 Ethernet network, 32416000 ISDN network, 32427000 Network system, 32428000 Network upgrade, 72710000 Local area network services, 32424000 Network infrastructure, 48200000 Networking, Internet and intranet software package
Dec. 16, 2024, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
ITC016F Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Network and Firewall Products, Solutions, Ancillary Equipment and Associated Services
Awarding body:
The Office of Government Procurement
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 1:56 a.m.
Dodávka HW zařízení a SW aplikací – Městský úřad Dobruška

Předmětem zakázky je dodání nového HW a SW k modernizaci technologického centra (zejména): - servery vč. příslušenství (management server, host server), - zálohovací pásková knihovna, - diskové pole, - monitoring infrastruktury, - virtualizační software, - sada licencí software, - zálohovací software, - bezpečnostní software, - NDR - Network Detection and …

CPV: 48820000 Servers, 30233000 Media storage and reader devices, 30233160 Tape streamers, 48732000 Data security software package
Jan. 6, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dodávka HW zařízení a SW aplikací – Městský úřad Dobruška
Awarding body:
Město Dobruška
Award number:
Dodávka HW zařízení a SW aplikací – Městský úřad Dobruška
Nov. 22, 2024, 1:27 a.m.
23/029 - Provision of Cyber Security Operations Centre Services

Gas Networks Ireland is seeking the provision of the following managed security services: • Ongoing build out of our GNI Estate Coverage (IT), (OT), (ICS) SIEM logging, Use Cases in line with NIST, ISO 27001, NIS Directive 2016/1148 & MITRE Cyber Security Frameworks. • Continuous Vulnerability Management scanning, reporting of …

CPV: 72212730 Security software development services, 75000000 Administration, defence and social security services, 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 79710000 Security services, 80610000 Training and simulation in security equipment, 48731000 File security software package, 48732000 Data security software package, 72212731 File security software development services, 73421000 Development of security equipment, 79700000 Investigation and security services, 48730000 Security software package, 73400000 Research and Development services on security and defence materials, 73431000 Test and evaluation of security equipment
Place of execution:
23/029 - Provision of Cyber Security Operations Centre Services
Awarding body:
Gas Networks Ireland
Award number:
Nov. 20, 2024, 12:12 a.m.
Netzwerktechnik- und Security-Komponenten - Vergabe mit Herstellervorgabe

Rahmenverträge über die Lieferung von Netzwerktechnik-, Übertragungstechnik- und Security-Komponenten, bestehend aus Hard- und Software, sowie deren Pflege in Form von Hersteller-Services und weitere mit dem Vertragsgegenstand verbundene Serviceleistungen und netzwerknahen Dienstleistungen für den Konzern Deutsche Bahn AG. Der Großteil der Abrufe wird durch die DB Systel GmbH erfolgen. Der Auftraggeber …

CPV: 32422000 Network components, 32413100 Network routers, 32415000 Ethernet network, 32424000 Network infrastructure, 32428000 Network upgrade, 48219500 Switch or router software package, 48732000 Data security software package
Place of execution:
Netzwerktechnik- und Security-Komponenten - Vergabe mit Herstellervorgabe
Awarding body:
Deutsche Bahn AG Konzernleitung (Bukr 10)
Award number:
Nov. 19, 2024, 4:23 a.m.
IT eszközök beszerzése 2024.

Informatikai eszközök és kiegészítők beszerzése 4 részben. 1. rész: IT Eszközök 2. rész: Szervereszközök 3. rész: Hálózati kapcsolók (Switch) 4. rész: Kommunikációs eszközök Kieg a BT-33 és BT-763 ponthoz: Ajánlat tehető egy részre, több részre, vagy valamennyi részre (valamennyi részre történő ajánlattétel nem feltétel) AK a Kbt. 21. § (1) …

CPV: 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 48800000 Information systems and servers, 31224400 Connection cables, 32425000 Network operating system, 35125300 Security cameras, 48620000 Operating systems, 48820000 Servers, 48732000 Data security software package, 48760000 Virus protection software package, 32420000 Network equipment, 30234500 Memory storage media, 34711200 Non-piloted aircraft, 38651500 Cinematographic cameras
Jan. 7, 2025, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
IT eszközök beszerzése 2024.
Awarding body:
Erzsébet a Kárpát-medencei Gyermekekért Alapítvány
Award number:
Nov. 16, 2024, 10:24 a.m.
20240074 Framework agreement for software within office productivity and associated areas.

The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement that ensures the contracting authority the right to procure licences and services to see to the needs within office productivity and associated areas. The framework agreement is for the right to procure licences and on-line subscriptions and directed …

CPV: 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48200000 Networking, Internet and intranet software package, 48710000 Backup or recovery software package, 48730000 Security software package, 48731000 File security software package, 48732000 Data security software package, 48780000 System, storage and content management software package, 48782000 Storage management software package, 72253200 Systems support services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72261000 Software support services, 72300000 Data services, 72310000 Data-processing services, 72317000 Data storage services, 72610000 Computer support services, 80533000 Computer-user familiarisation and training services, 80533200 Computer courses
Place of execution:
20240074 Framework agreement for software within office productivity and associated areas.
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 16, 2024, 9:23 a.m.
Blackberry Miete und Managed Service

Blackberry Miete und Managed Service für die bestehende Blackberry Infrastruktur (2 Blackberry UEM Server und 1 Blackberry Enterprise Mobility Server) siehe die detaillierte Darstellung in der Leistungsbeschreibung;

CPV: 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 48732000 Data security software package
Dec. 12, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Blackberry Miete und Managed Service
Awarding body:
Landeswohlfahrtsverband Hessen - Zentrale Vergabestelle
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια ψηφιακών εφαρμογών και ευφυών δράσεων, με στόχο την μετατροπή του Δήμου Πρέβεζας σε «έξυπνη πόλη», με την ανάπτυξη και χρήση νέων τεχνολογικών μέσων που θα βελτιώσουν τη διαχείριση και λειτουργικότητα του αστικού περιβάλλοντος. Στις δράσεις αυτές συγκαταλέγονται η έξυπνη αστική κινητικότητα, η εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας, …

CPV: 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48730000 Security software package, 35125100 Sensors, 79999100 Scanning services, 48445000 Customer Relation Management software package, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72262000 Software development services, 30200000 Computer equipment and supplies, 48732000 Data security software package, 32420000 Network equipment, 34998000 Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations, 38344000 Pollution-monitoring devices, 38636000 Specialist optical instruments, 90714100 Environmental information systems
Dec. 16, 2024, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:47 a.m.
Rozwój usług elektronicznych oraz wzmocnienie stopnia cyfryzacji w Gminie Rybczewice

1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest rozwój usług elektronicznych oraz wzmocnienie stopnia cyfryzacji w Gminie Rybczewice. 2. Przedmiot zamówienia w zakresie Części 1 i Części 2 zamówienia jest finansowany ze środków Programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Lubelskiego 2021-2027, II Osi Priorytetowej Transformacja gospodarcza i cyfrowa regionu, Działania 2.1 Cyfrowe Lubelskie. 3. Zamówienie obejmuje: …

CPV: 72263000 Software implementation services, 48422000 Software package suites, 48600000 Database and operating software package, 48900000 Miscellaneous software package and computer systems, 72413000 World wide web (www) site design services, 79417000 Safety consultancy services, 80510000 Specialist training services, 72253200 Systems support services, 48820000 Servers, 48823000 File servers, 35100000 Emergency and security equipment, 32420000 Network equipment, 48219100 Gateway software package, 48761000 Anti-virus software package, 48710000 Backup or recovery software package, 48731000 File security software package, 48732000 Data security software package, 30213000 Personal computers, 30213100 Portable computers, 30231300 Display screens, 48000000 Software package and information systems
Dec. 20, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Rozwój usług elektronicznych oraz wzmocnienie stopnia cyfryzacji w Gminie Rybczewice
Awarding body:
Gmina Rybczewice
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:30 a.m.
System for identity and access management (IAM)

The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a contract for the procurement of services for identity and access administration (IAM). The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a contract for the procurement of services for identity and access administration (IAM).

CPV: 72300000 Data services, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48218000 License management software package, 48732000 Data security software package, 48780000 System, storage and content management software package, 72212730 Security software development services, 72212732 Data security software development services, 72220000 Systems and technical consultancy services
Place of execution:
System for identity and access management (IAM)
Awarding body:
Fredrikstad kommune
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:14 a.m.