Your search for Condiments and seasonings
Number of alerts found: 41


ACHAT DE DENRÉES ALIMENTAIRES ET DE BOISSONS POUR LA COMMUNE DE SAINT-JOSEPH - ANNÉE 2025 Les prestations comportent une tranche unique et sont réparties en vingt-cinq (25) lots. Minimum 5000 euros HT - Maximum 30000 euros HT; Minimum 1000 euros HT - Maximum 10000 euros HT Minimum 1000 euros HT …

CPV: 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15131135 Poultry sausages, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15894300 Prepared dishes, 15812200 Cakes, 15131130 Sausages, 15112120 Turkeys, 15131120 Sausage products, 15111100 Beef, 15131410 Ham, 15131230 Salami, 15131200 Dried, salted, smoked or seasoned meat, 15131220 Bacon, 15331000 Processed vegetables, 15910000 Distilled alcoholic beverages, 15930000 Wines, 03142500 Eggs, 15831600 Honey, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15331420 Preserved tomatoes, 15331428 Tomato sauce
Nov. 25, 2024, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Commune de Saint-Joseph
Award number:
Oct. 22, 2024, 8:41 a.m.
Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil

Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil konzervirani izdelki sadni sokovi, sirupi in ostale pijače meso in mesni izdelki perutnina in izdelki iz perutninskega mesa mleko - izbrana kakovost mlečni izdelki sladoledi kruh sadje, zelenjava in stročnice zamrznjeni izdelki iz testa zamrznjena zelenjava, ribe vina jajca ostalo prehrambeno blago začimbe in …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15331400 Preserved and/or canned vegetables, 15320000 Fruit and vegetable juices, 15321000 Fruit juices, 15110000 Meat, 15112000 Poultry, 15112100 Fresh poultry, 15510000 Milk and cream, 15500000 Dairy products, 15555100 Ice cream, 03211900 Grain products, 15811100 Bread, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15221000 Frozen fish, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15930000 Wines, 03142500 Eggs, 15980000 Non-alcoholic beverages, 15830000 Sugar and related products, 15840000 Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15882000 Dietetic products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15863000 Tea, 15865000 Herbal infusions, 15610000 Grain mill products, 15612000 Cereal or vegetable flour and related products, 15850000 Pasta products, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 15811300 Croissants, 15812100 Pastry goods, 15813000 Morning goods, 15811200 Rolls, 15111000 Bovine meat, 15310000 Potatoes and potato products, 15871200 Sauces, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, 15891000 Soups and broths, 15891400 Soups, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products
Nov. 25, 2024, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 22, 2024, 7:27 a.m.
Incheiere de acorduri-cadru pentru furnizarea de diverse produse alimentare

Autoritatea contractantă va încheia acordurile cadru pentru fiecare lot în parte, iar contractele subsecvente aferente acestora, vor fi încheiate vor fi încheiate lunar, în funcție de alocațiile bugetare aprobate.; -Numărul de zile până la care se pot solicita clarificări înainte de data limită de depunere a ofertelor/candidaturilor: ”18” Autoritatea contractanta …

CPV: 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15871270 Mixed condiments, 15541000 Table cheese, 15545000 Cheese spreads, 15113000 Pork, 15112000 Poultry, 15111000 Bovine meat, 15131490 Prepared pork dishes, 03212100 Potatoes, 03221113 Onions, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15812100 Pastry goods, 15131500 Poultry products, 15872300 Herbs, 03221110 Root vegetables, 15551300 Yoghurt, 15511210 UHT milk, 03222321 Apples, 03221112 Carrots, 03142500 Eggs, 15131310 Pâté, 15872100 Pepper, 15131230 Salami, 15872400 Salt, 03221400 Cabbage vegetables
Place of execution:
Incheiere de acorduri-cadru pentru furnizarea de diverse produse alimentare
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 19, 2024, 6:36 a.m.
Incheierea unui acord-cadru pentru furnizarea de alimente

Autoritatea contractantă va încheia acordurile cadru pentru fiecare lot în parte, iar contractele subsecvente aferente acestora, vor fi încheiate vor fi încheiate lunar, în funcție de alocațiile bugetare aprobate.; -Numărul de zile până la care se pot solicita clarificări înainte de data limită de depunere a ofertelor/candidaturilor: ”18” Autoritatea contractanta …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15871270 Mixed condiments, 15812100 Pastry goods, 15541000 Table cheese, 15545000 Cheese spreads, 15113000 Pork, 15131490 Prepared pork dishes, 15112000 Poultry, 15111000 Bovine meat, 03212100 Potatoes, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15131500 Poultry products, 15872300 Herbs, 03221110 Root vegetables, 15551300 Yoghurt, 15511210 UHT milk, 03222321 Apples, 03221112 Carrots, 03142500 Eggs, 15811100 Bread, 15131310 Pâté, 15872000 Herbs and spices, 15872100 Pepper, 15131230 Salami, 15872400 Salt, 03221400 Cabbage vegetables
Place of execution:
Incheierea unui acord-cadru pentru furnizarea de alimente
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 19, 2024, 6:11 a.m.
Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil

Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil konzervirani izdelki sadni sokovi, sirupi in ostale pijače meso in mesni izdelki perutnina in izdelki iz perutninskega mesa mleko - izbrana kakovost mlečni izdelki sladoledi kruh sadje, zelenjava in stročnice zamrznjeni izdelki iz testa zamrznjena zelenjava, ribe vina jajca ostalo prehrambeno blago začimbe in …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15331400 Preserved and/or canned vegetables, 15320000 Fruit and vegetable juices, 15321000 Fruit juices, 15110000 Meat, 15112000 Poultry, 15112100 Fresh poultry, 15510000 Milk and cream, 15500000 Dairy products, 15555100 Ice cream, 03211900 Grain products, 15811100 Bread, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15221000 Frozen fish, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15930000 Wines, 03142500 Eggs, 15980000 Non-alcoholic beverages, 15830000 Sugar and related products, 15840000 Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15882000 Dietetic products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15863000 Tea, 15865000 Herbal infusions, 15610000 Grain mill products, 15612000 Cereal or vegetable flour and related products, 15850000 Pasta products, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 15811300 Croissants, 15812100 Pastry goods, 15813000 Morning goods, 15811200 Rolls, 15111000 Bovine meat, 15310000 Potatoes and potato products, 15871200 Sauces, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, 15891000 Soups and broths, 15891400 Soups, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products
Nov. 25, 2024, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 19, 2024, 5:58 a.m.
„Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“

Предметът на поръчата е: „Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“, по обособени позиции: Обособена позиция № 1 „Мляко и млечни продукти“; Обособена позиция № 2 „Безалкохолни напитки и бира“; Обособена позиция № 3 "Плодове и зеленчуци – преработени“; Обособена позиция № 4 "Бюфет“; …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 03142500 Eggs, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts, 15110000 Meat, 15112100 Fresh poultry, 15130000 Meat products, 15131500 Poultry products, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15500000 Dairy products, 15511000 Milk, 15811000 Bread products, 15811100 Bread, 15811510 Sandwiches, 15820000 Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 15842000 Chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15851000 Farinaceous products, 15860000 Coffee, tea and related products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15982000 Soft drinks, 15961000 Beer, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products
Place of execution:
„Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 18, 2024, 9 a.m.
Alimente și transportul acestora la Cantina din campusul studențesc Tudor Vladimirescu din Iași

Acordul- cadru are în vedere achizitionarea alimentelor necesare unei bune desfasurari a activității Cantinei din campusul studentesc „Tudor Vladimirescu” din Iasi și transportul acestora, prin procedura de licitație deschisă cu JOUE cu desfășurare on-line. Acordul-cadrul va avea o perioadă de valabilitate de 12 luni, începând cu data semnării de către …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15851000 Farinaceous products, 03211300 Rice, 15411200 Cooking oil, 15831000 Sugar, 15850000 Pasta products, 15897200 Canned goods, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15112130 Chickens, 15113000 Pork, 15500000 Dairy products, 03142500 Eggs, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 15811000 Bread products, 15982000 Soft drinks, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15111100 Beef, 15112120 Turkeys, 15131400 Pork products
Place of execution:
Alimente și transportul acestora la Cantina din campusul studențesc Tudor Vladimirescu din Iași
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 17, 2024, 12:33 p.m.
„Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“

Предметът на поръчата е: „Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“, по обособени позиции: Обособена позиция № 1 „Мляко и млечни продукти“; Обособена позиция № 2 „Безалкохолни напитки и бира“; Обособена позиция № 3 "Плодове и зеленчуци – преработени“; Обособена позиция № 4 "Бюфет“; …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 03142500 Eggs, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts, 15110000 Meat, 15112100 Fresh poultry, 15130000 Meat products, 15131500 Poultry products, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15500000 Dairy products, 15511000 Milk, 15811000 Bread products, 15811100 Bread, 15811510 Sandwiches, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 15820000 Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes, 15842000 Chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15851000 Farinaceous products, 15860000 Coffee, tea and related products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15961000 Beer, 15982000 Soft drinks, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products
Place of execution:
„Извършване на доставки на хранителни продукти за нуждите на Филиал Пловдив при ТУ-София“
Awarding body:
Award number:
Oct. 16, 2024, 7:55 a.m.
Nakup in dobava hrane z vzpostavitvijo dinamičnega nabavnega sistema

Predmet javnega naročila je sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil z vzpostavitvijo dinamičnega nabanvega sistema. Naročnik izvaja postopek oddaje javnega naročila skladno z določili Uredbe o zelenem javnem naročanju, in sicer ekološka živila predstavljajo vsaj 15% celotne nabave živil, pri čemer so ekološki artikli vključeni kot podkategorija v posamezni kategoriji …

CPV: 03111000 Seeds, 03142500 Eggs, 03200000 Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03210000 Cereals and potatoes, 03212200 Dried leguminous vegetables and pulses, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222100 Tropical fruit and nuts, 03222200 Citrus fruit, 03222300 Non-tropical fruit, 03222400 Olives, 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15100000 Animal products, meat and meat products, 15110000 Meat, 15130000 Meat products, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15210000 Fish fillets, fish livers and roe, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15230000 Dried or salted fish; fish in brine; smoked fish, 15240000 Canned or tinned fish and other prepared or preserved fish, 15250000 Seafood, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15310000 Potatoes and potato products, 15311000 Frozen potatoes, 15320000 Fruit and vegetable juices, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15331100 Fresh or frozen vegetables, 15614000 Processed rice, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15332000 Processed fruit and nuts, 15332100 Processed fruit, 15332230 Marmalades, 15332260 Nut pastes, 15332270 Fruit purées, 15332290 Jams, 15332300 Processed nuts, 15332400 Preserved fruits, 15400000 Animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15410000 Crude animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15411000 Animal or vegetable oils, 15412000 Fats, 15420000 Refined oils and fats, 15430000 Edible fats, 15500000 Dairy products, 15510000 Milk and cream, 15530000 Butter, 15540000 Cheese products, 15542100 Cottage cheese, 15550000 Assorted dairy products, 15551000 Yoghurt and other fermented milk products, 15600000 Grain mill products, starches and starch products, 15610000 Grain mill products, 15612000 Cereal or vegetable flour and related products, 15612130 Plain flour, 15612150 Pastry flour, 15612300 Vegetable flour and meal, 15612400 Mixes for the preparation of baker's wares, 15613000 Cereal grain products, 15613380 Rolled oats, 15620000 Starches and starch products, 15622000 Glucose and glucose products; fructose and fructose products, 15626000 Custard powder, 15833000 Sugar products, 15830000 Sugar and related products, 15831000 Sugar, 15831600 Honey, 15840000 Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15841000 Cocoa, 15842000 Chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15842100 Chocolate, 15842300 Confectionery, 15842400 Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar, 15850000 Pasta products, 15871100 Vinegar and vinegar substitutes, 15860000 Coffee, tea and related products, 15863000 Tea, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15871000 Vinegar; sauces; mixed condiments; mustard flour and meal; prepared mustard, 15871200 Sauces, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, 15872000 Herbs and spices, 15890000 Miscellaneous food products and dried goods, 15892400 Thickeners, 15893000 Dry goods, 15893200 Dessert mixes, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15898000 Yeast, 15911100 Spirits, 15911200 Liqueurs, 15930000 Wines, 15940000 Cider and other fruit wines, 15950000 Non-distilled fermented beverages, 15960000 Malt beer, 15980000 Non-alcoholic beverages, 15981000 Mineral water, 15982000 Soft drinks, 24224000 Colouring matter
Aug. 30, 2028, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Nakup in dobava hrane z vzpostavitvijo dinamičnega nabavnega sistema
Awarding body:
Award number:
JN 01/2020
April 19, 2024, 5:31 a.m.

Předmětem zadávacího řízení je zavedení DNS pro zadávání veřejných zakázek na dodávky potravin a nápojů pro Fakultní nemocnici Bulovka, a to v souladu se zadávací dokumentací.

CPV: 03142500 Eggs, 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15110000 Meat, 15111100 Beef, 15112000 Poultry, 15112100 Fresh poultry, 15113000 Pork, 15131120 Sausage products, 15119100 Rabbit meat, 15119300 Game, 15119600 Fish meat, 15130000 Meat products, 15131134 Black pudding and other blood sausages, 15131200 Dried, salted, smoked or seasoned meat, 15131230 Salami, 15131310 Pâté, 15131410 Ham, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15311000 Frozen potatoes, 15312000 Potato products, 15320000 Fruit and vegetable juices, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15331150 Processed pulses, 15331400 Preserved and/or canned vegetables, 15332000 Processed fruit and nuts, 15332200 Jams and marmalades; fruit jellies; fruit or nut purée and pastes, 15332400 Preserved fruits, 15332410 Dried fruit, 15400000 Animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15500000 Dairy products, 15510000 Milk and cream, 15530000 Butter, 15540000 Cheese products, 15550000 Assorted dairy products, 15555000 Ice cream and similar products, 15600000 Grain mill products, starches and starch products, 15613000 Cereal grain products, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15810000 Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes, 15811100 Bread, 15811500 Prepared bread products, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 15812200 Cakes, 15820000 Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes, 15830000 Sugar and related products, 15831600 Honey, 15840000 Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15850000 Pasta products, 15860000 Coffee, tea and related products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15871200 Sauces, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, 15871273 Mayonnaise, 15871274 Sandwich spreads, 15872000 Herbs and spices, 15880000 Special nutritional products, 15884000 Baby food, 15890000 Miscellaneous food products and dried goods, 15893100 Food mixes, 15894000 Processed food products, 15894700 Delicatessen, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15898000 Yeast, 15930000 Wines, 15960000 Malt beer, 15980000 Non-alcoholic beverages
Aug. 2, 2099, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2023, midnight