Kontrakten er planlagt til at omfatte følgende hovedydelser: A) Drift, Support og Vedligehold af CAP-TAS B) Videreudvikling af CAP-TAS C) Samarbejde med såvel Kunden som Kundens øvrige leverandører. Ad hovedydelse A. Drift, Support og Vedligehold: Drift, Support og Vedligehold skal følge Kundens krav og leve op til prædefinerede Servicemål. Ad …
Die EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG beabsichtigt den Abschluss eines Private Pricing Agreements der AWS (PPA). Hierbei geht es insbesondere um die effiziente Beschaffung von AWS-Cloud-Leistungen. Um den Bezug der AWS-Ressourcen in der AWS-Cloud zu Optimieren und die Vorteile eines PPAs zu nutzen, wird ein AWS Solution Provider gesucht. Die EnBW …
La présente consultation a pour objet l'acquisition de prestations de réponse à incident de sécurité afin d'assister le GCS SARA, les établissements de santé et les établissements et services sociaux et médico-sociaux membres du groupement, ci-après dénommés les organismes bénéficiaires, en cas de crise Cyber. Il s'agit d'aider les bénéficiaires …
The Norwegian Seafood Council has infrastructure at the cloud service provider. The infrastructure is operated and administered by the Seafood Council itself. The Seafood Council has neither the capacity nor sufficient competence in all disciplines to operate the entire infrastructure and therefore has a need for support in operation for …
Servicios informáticos para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los sistemas de información para la gestión de iniciativas del Sistema de Formación Profesional para el Empleo Servicios informáticos para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los sistemas de información para la gestión de iniciativas del Sistema de Formación Profesional para el Empleo
This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a Single Party Framework ("Framework") for the Provision of an External ICT Senior Engineer (Systems Administrator Office 365 system). This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a Single Party Framework ("Framework") for the Provision of an External ICT Senior …
Servicios de asistencia técnica integral en el desarrollo del proyecto CITCOM.AI Servicios de asistencia técnica integral en el desarrollo del proyecto CITCOM.AI
Contratación conjunta de un centro de operaciones de ciberseguridad (SOC) para los sistemas de información corporativos de las Universidades públicas valencianas: Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Alicante y Miguel Hernández de Elche.
The contracting authority ́s objective with the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement and a maintenance agreement. The maintenance agreement includes maintenance/support of new equipment that is called off under the framework agreement, as well as maintenance/support of all equipment in the customer’s existing access network. The framework …
The contracting authority ́s objective with the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement and a maintenance agreement. The maintenance agreement includes maintenance/support of new equipment that is called off under the framework agreement, as well as maintenance/support of all equipment in the customer’s existing access network. The framework …