Your search for Clothes-washing and drying machines
Number of alerts found: 10

KK - Framework agreement - White goods, brown goods and small electronics.

Kristiansund municipality invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for the purchase of white goods, brown goods and small electronics. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement to cover the contracting authority ́s need for the purchase of white goods, brown …

CPV: 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39710000 Electrical domestic appliances, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711110 Refrigerator-freezers, 39711120 Freezers, 39711130 Refrigerators, 39711200 Food processors, 39711300 Electrothermic appliances, 39711360 Ovens, 39711361 Electric ovens, 39711362 Microwave ovens, 39711420 Hobs, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 39713430 Vacuum cleaners, 39713500 Electric irons, 39713510 Steam irons, 39714100 Ventilators
March 10, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
KK - Framework agreement - White goods, brown goods and small electronics.
Awarding body:
Kristiansund kommune
Award number:
Jan. 31, 2025, 4:13 a.m.
Fourniture de mobiliers et de matériels pour les collèges du Département de la Drôme

L'accord-cadre porte sur la fourniture de mobiliers, de matériels et d'accessoires pour les collèges du Département de la Drôme. L'accord-cadre s'adresse prioritairement mais pas exclusivement aux collèges du Département car d'autres services du Département pourront, selon les besoins, également passer commande Lot n°1 : MOBILIER SCOLAIRE Lot n°2 : MOBILIER …

CPV: 32321300 Audio-visual materials, 37400000 Sports goods and equipment, 39143200 Dining-room furniture, 39155000 Library furniture, 39160000 School furniture, 39221000 Kitchen equipment, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 39713410 Floor-cleaning machines, 39830000 Cleaning products, 42652000 Hand-held electromechanical tools
Feb. 25, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Fourniture de mobiliers et de matériels pour les collèges du Département de la Drôme
Awarding body:
Département de la Drôme
Award number:
Jan. 28, 2025, 4:49 a.m.
Vitvaror och hushållsartiklar

Värnamo kommun avser att upphandla kommunens löpande behov av Vitvaror och hushålls el-artiklar så som dammsugare och microvågsugnar. Kommunen förbehåller sig rätten att göra separat förfrågan vid större projekt. Transport och installation av produkter inom Värnamo kommun utförs av leverantören se mer info i prisbilagan. Avemballering: - Maskinen kopplas till …

CPV: 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39710000 Electrical domestic appliances, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711110 Refrigerator-freezers, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines
Place of execution:
Vitvaror och hushållsartiklar
Awarding body:
Värnamo kommun
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:37 a.m.
Offentligt udbud af Rammeaftale for indkøb af Hårde Hvidevarer og andre husholdningsartikler

Ejendomsstyrelsen er ansvarlig for at vedligeholde en stor og omfangsrig bygningsmasse, hvortil der jævnligt er behov for at indkøbe hårde hvidevarer og diverse husholdningsmaskiner. Ejendomsstyrelsens bygningsmasse består dels af beboelsesejendomme, som primært er beliggende i København, og dels af Forsvarets etablissementer i hele landet. Behovet for hårde hvidevarer samt diverse …

CPV: 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39711000 Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711120 Freezers, 39711122 Household freezers, 39711123 Upright-type freezers, 39711130 Refrigerators, 39711300 Electrothermic appliances, 39711310 Electric coffee makers, 39711320 Electric tea makers, 39711360 Ovens, 39711361 Electric ovens, 39711362 Microwave ovens, 39711400 Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings, 39711420 Hobs, 39713000 Electrical domestic appliances for cleaning; smoothing irons, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 39713210 Washer/dryers, 39714000 Ventilating or recycling hoods, 42716000 Laundry washing, dry-cleaning and drying machines, 50532000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment, 51500000 Installation services of machinery and equipment, 51510000 Installation services of general-purpose machinery and equipment
Place of execution:
Offentligt udbud af Rammeaftale for indkøb af Hårde Hvidevarer og andre husholdningsartikler
Awarding body:
Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse
Award number:
Jan. 24, 2025, 7:28 a.m.

<br/>L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par l'émission de bons de commande.<br/>Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée.<br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires.<br/>Les montants estimatifs sont indicatifs et comprennent la totalité des périodes de reconduction.<br/>Les prestations à la charge du titulaire comprendront : - La fourniture des équipements neufs décrits au …

CPV: 30233152 Digital versatile disc (DVD) reader and/or burner, 32200000 Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television, 32223000 Video transmission apparatus, 32320000 Television and audio-visual equipment, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711120 Freezers, 39711330 Electric toasters, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 39716000 Parts of electrical domestic appliances, 39717100 Fans, 39721000 Domestic cooking or heating equipment, 39721100 Domestic cooking appliances, 42513000 Refrigerating and freezing equipment
Feb. 20, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Centre Hospitalier Tarbes - Lourdes
Award number:
Jan. 22, 2025, 6:38 a.m.
Vitvaror och tillhörande tjänster

Upphandlingen omfattar vitvaror med tillhörande installation och service. produkter inom Småel och hushållsapparter Småel och hushållsapparater

CPV: 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39710000 Electrical domestic appliances, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711400 Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 42716120 Washing machines
Place of execution:
Vitvaror och tillhörande tjänster
Awarding body:
Award number:
SF 2023/648
Jan. 21, 2025, 9:34 a.m.
Echipamente destinate spălării și curățeniei spațiilor, în cadrul proiectului “Dotări medicale destinate reducerii riscului de infecții nosocomiale la Spitalul Județean de Urgență Giurgiu” finanțat prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență LOT 1 Echipamente de spălătorie LOT 2 Echipamente pentru curățenia spațiilor

Furnizare „Echipamente destinate spălării și curățeniei spațiilor” în cadrul proiectului “Dotări medicale destinate reducerii riscului de infecții nosocomiale la Spitalul Județean de Urgență Giurgiu” finanțat prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență, Componenta C12. Sanatate, Investitia I2. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii spitalicești publiceI2. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii spitalicești publice, Investiția specifică: I2.4. Echipamente și …

CPV: 34911100 Trolleys, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 42716110 Washing equipment, 42932000 Calendering machines
March 4, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Echipamente destinate spălării și curățeniei spațiilor, în cadrul proiectului “Dotări medicale destinate reducerii riscului de infecții nosocomiale la Spitalul Județean de Urgență Giurgiu” finanțat prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență LOT 1 Echipamente de spălătorie LOT 2 Echipamente pentru curățenia spațiilor
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 16, 2025, 3:55 a.m.
Procurement of small electrical products, white and brown goods

The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement for the Contracting Authority that shall cover Bærum municipality and Kalk Eiendom's (which is a wholly owned company by Bærum kommune) ́s need for the purchase and delivery of small electrical products, white goods and brown goods to …

CPV: 32300000 Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, 39710000 Electrical domestic appliances, 39711000 Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs, 39711110 Refrigerator-freezers, 39711120 Freezers, 39711130 Refrigerators, 39711200 Food processors, 39711300 Electrothermic appliances, 39711400 Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings, 39712000 Electrical domestic appliances for use with the human body, 39713000 Electrical domestic appliances for cleaning; smoothing irons, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 39713430 Vacuum cleaners, 39713500 Electric irons, 39716000 Parts of electrical domestic appliances, 39717100 Fans
March 3, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Procurement of small electrical products, white and brown goods
Awarding body:
Bærum kommune
Award number:
Jan. 16, 2025, 2:33 a.m.
Dotări pentru obiectivul de investiții Complex Corectional - (bloc alimentar, spălătorie, sală sport, diverse tipuri de mobilier)

Atribuirea acordului-cadru având ca obiect furnizare produse DOTĂRI pentru obiectivul de investiții Complex Corectional Prin intermediul documentației de atribuire, Beneficiarul dorește încheierea acordului-cadru pentru furnizarea de bunuri Dotări bloc alimentar: Cantitate maxima: Platforma de cantarire 300 kg - 1 buc; Lada de congelare cu capac 296 litri - 1 buc; …

CPV: 37440000 Fitness equipments, 39100000 Furniture, 39516000 Furnishing articles, 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines
Place of execution:
Dotări pentru obiectivul de investiții Complex Corectional - (bloc alimentar, spălătorie, sală sport, diverse tipuri de mobilier)
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 2:51 a.m.
Upphandling vitvaror och tjänster 2024

Upphandlingen omfattar vitvaror med tillhörande installation och service. Upphandlingen omfattar vitvaror med tillhörande installation och service.

CPV: 39700000 Domestic appliances, 39710000 Electrical domestic appliances, 39711100 Refrigerators and freezers, 39711400 Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings, 39713100 Dishwashing machines, 39713200 Clothes-washing and drying machines, 42716120 Washing machines
Feb. 6, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Upphandling vitvaror och tjänster 2024
Awarding body:
Award number:
SF 2024/619
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:16 a.m.