Øygarden municipality has procured a system for electronic medical journals for the municipal emergency doctor surgery and 3 municipally operated doctors offices: Grønamyra, Rong and Skogsvåg doctor ́s office. The contract was awarded in accordance with the negotiated procedure after a prior notice, cf. §13-1(2). Øygarden municipality has procured a …
1 EPJ-PLOLofoten IKT is responsible for the procurement of a joint EPJ for the collaborating municipalities. The implementation and production will be carried out in co-operation with Helse og Mestring the specialist sectors in the collaborating municipalities, RKK Lofoten and the project "Kommunalt oppgavefellesskap Lofoten". 1 EPJ-PLOLofoten IKT is responsible …
The contracting authority shall procure the future EPJ (service platform/system landscape) in accordance with changed needs and technological development. The procurement shall cover the municipality ́s need for documentation, interaction and management information within nursing and care services. A future orientated system shall contribute to gains such as increased quality, …
Verksamhetssystem för Skövde kommuns socialtjänst Verksamhetssystem för Skövde kommuns socialtjänst
The procurement shall cover the Contracting Authority ́s need for Electronic Medication Support (EMS) with the accompanying services. With the aim of being able to see to different needs connected to different service recipients, employees and relatives, the total need is divided over 6 sub-contracts based on defined needs descriptions. …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Health Agency, Section for Welfare Technology (hereafter called the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a negotiated procedure in two stages for a contract for safety technology for Oslo municipality. Oslo municipality has a broad spectrum of service recipients of various welfare technological services. The tenderer's services …
1 EPJ-PLOLofoten IKT is responsible for the procurement of a joint EPJ for the collaborating municipalities. The implementation and production will be carried out in co-operation with Helse og Mestring the specialist sectors in the collaborating municipalities, RKK Lofoten and the project "Kommunalt oppgavefellesskap Lofoten". 1 EPJ-PLOLofoten IKT is responsible …
Hankinnan kohteena on valtion mielisairaaloiden (Niuvanniemen sairaala ja Vanhan Vaasan sairaala) potilastietojärjestelmäkokonaisuuden hankinta palveluna. Hankittavan palvelun tulee tarjota Tilaajan käyttöön valmisohjelmistopohjainen potilastietojärjestelmä, joka soveltuu erityisesti pitkäaikaisen psykiatrisen hoidon tukemiseen. Hankinnalla tavoitellaan valmisohjelmistopalvelua, joka on Valviran hyväksymä ja joka on laajasti vakiintuneessa tuotantokäytössä ja siten nopeasti käyttöönotettavissa. Tarjottavaan palveluun tulee kuulua …