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Dostawy druków, książek, teczek, etykiet, kodów kreskowych, wizytówek i opasek dla pacjentów na potrzeby Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja zadania pn.: „Dostawy druków, książek, teczek, etykiet, kodów kreskowych, wizytówek i opasek dla pacjentów na potrzeby Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi” – 8 pakietów, zgodnie z asortymentem i ilościami określonymi w Formularzu asortymentowo - cenowym stanowiącym Załącznik Nr 2 do SWZ. Zamawiający dopuszcza możliwość …
CPV: 22000000 Printed matter and related products, 30199730 Business cards, 30199760 Labels, 30199761 Bar-coded labels, 30192800 Self-adhesive labels
Dodávky standardních kancelářských potřeb a xerografického papíru dle aktuálních potřeb zadavatele.
CPV: 22800000 Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery, 22810000 Paper or paperboard registers, 22820000 Forms, 22822200 Non-continuous business forms, 22850000 Binders and related accessories, 22851000 Binders, 30124000 Parts and accessories of office machines, 30192113 Ink cartridges, 30191400 Shredders, 30192000 Office supplies, 30192100 Erasers, 30192111 Ink pads, 30192121 Ballpoint pens, 30192122 Fountain pens, 30192124 Felt-tipped pens, 30192125 Markers, 30192130 Pencils, 30192131 Propelling or sliding pencils, 30192132 Pencil lead refills, 30192133 Pencil sharpeners, 30192150 Date stamps, 30192153 Phrase stamps, 30192170 Notice boards, 30192330 Calculator ribbons and drums, 30192700 Stationery, 30192800 Self-adhesive labels, 30192900 Correction media, 30192910 Correction film or tape, 30192920 Correction fluid, 30193000 Organisers and accessories, 30193200 Desktop trays or organisers, 30193700 File storage box, 30193800 Message holders, 30194000 Drafting supplies, 30194200 Drafting dots, tapes and films, 30194220 Drafting films, 30195700 Board cleaning kits or accessories, 30195910 Whiteboards, 30195920 Magnetic boards, 30195921 Erasers for magnetic boards, 30196000 Planning systems, 30197000 Small office equipment, 30197100 Staples, tacks, drawing pins, 30197110 Staples, 30197210 Ring binders, 30197310 Letter openers, 30197320 Staplers, 30197321 Staple removers, 30197330 Hole punches, 30197400 Stamp sponge, 30197600 Processed paper and paperboard, 30197620 Writing paper, 30197621 Flipchart pad, 30197643 Photocopier paper, 30197644 Xerographic paper, 30199000 Paper stationery and other items, 30199230 Envelopes, 30199410 Self-adhesive paper, 30199500 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, 30199711 Printed window envelopes, 30199720 Notepaper, 30199730 Business cards, 30199731 Business card holders, 30199760 Labels, 30199780 Blotting pads, 30199792 Calendars, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31410000 Primary cells, 31411000 Alkaline batteries, 31440000 Batteries, 37822300 Chalks, 37822400 Pastels, 42994220 Lamination accessories, 44425100 Elastic rings
Dodávky standardních kancelářských potřeb a xerografického papíru dle aktuálních potřeb zadavatele. Dodávky standardních kancelářských potřeb a xerografického papíru dle aktuálních potřeb zadavatele.
CPV: 30192000 Office supplies, 30124000 Parts and accessories of office machines, 30192100 Erasers, 30192111 Ink pads, 30192113 Ink cartridges, 30192121 Ballpoint pens, 30192122 Fountain pens, 30192124 Felt-tipped pens, 30192125 Markers, 30192130 Pencils, 30192131 Propelling or sliding pencils, 30192132 Pencil lead refills, 30192133 Pencil sharpeners, 30192150 Date stamps, 30192153 Phrase stamps, 30192170 Notice boards, 30192330 Calculator ribbons and drums, 30192700 Stationery, 30192800 Self-adhesive labels, 30192900 Correction media, 30192910 Correction film or tape, 30192920 Correction fluid, 30193000 Organisers and accessories, 30193200 Desktop trays or organisers, 30193700 File storage box, 30193800 Message holders, 30194000 Drafting supplies, 30194200 Drafting dots, tapes and films, 30194220 Drafting films, 30195700 Board cleaning kits or accessories, 30195910 Whiteboards, 30195920 Magnetic boards, 30195921 Erasers for magnetic boards, 30196000 Planning systems, 30197000 Small office equipment, 30197100 Staples, tacks, drawing pins, 30197110 Staples, 30197210 Ring binders, 30197310 Letter openers, 30197320 Staplers, 30197321 Staple removers, 30197330 Hole punches, 30197400 Stamp sponge, 30197600 Processed paper and paperboard, 30197620 Writing paper, 30197621 Flipchart pad, 44425100 Elastic rings, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31440000 Batteries, 31411000 Alkaline batteries, 30197644 Xerographic paper, 30199000 Paper stationery and other items, 30199230 Envelopes, 30199410 Self-adhesive paper, 30199500 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, 30199711 Printed window envelopes, 30199720 Notepaper, 30199731 Business card holders, 30199760 Labels, 30199780 Blotting pads, 30199792 Calendars, 37822300 Chalks, 37822400 Pastels, 31410000 Primary cells, 30197643 Photocopier paper, 30199730 Business cards, 22800000 Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery, 22820000 Forms, 30191400 Shredders, 42994220 Lamination accessories, 22822200 Non-continuous business forms, 22810000 Paper or paperboard registers, 22850000 Binders and related accessories, 22851000 Binders
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